Entry Requirements (EU) 2017
Country / UK 1st Class / UK 2.1 standard / UK 2.2 standardAustria / Bachelor or Fachhochschuldiplom or Diplom (FH):
1.5 / Bachelor or Fachhochschuldiplom or Diplom (FH):
2.0 / Bachelor or Fachhochschuldiplom or Diplom (FH):
Belgium / Bachelor or Licentiaat or Licencie:
80% or
Grande Distinction or
16/20 / Bachelor or Licentiaat or Licencie:
70% or
Distinction or
14/20 / Bachelor or Licentiaat or Licencie:
60% or
Satisfaction or
Bulgaria / Bachelor (since 2002) or Diploma of Completed Higher Education (before 1995) or Professional Bachelor degree (since 2002):
5(out of 6) / Bachelor (since 2002) or Diploma of Completed Higher Education (before 1995) or Professional Bachelor degree (since 2002):
4.5 (out of 6) / Bachelor (since 2002) or Diploma of Completed Higher Education (before 1995) or Professional Bachelor degree (since 2002):
4 (out of 6)
Croatia /
Baccalaureus/Baccalaurea (Bachelor) or DiplomaVisokoObrazovanje or Diplomirani(Advanced Diploma of Higher Education):
4 (out of 5) /Baccalaureus/Baccalaurea (Bachelor) or Diploma VisokoObrazovanje orDiplomirani(Advanced Diploma of Higher Education):
3.5 (out of 5) /Baccalaureus/Baccalaurea (Bachelor) or Diploma VisokoObrazovanje orDiplomirani(Advanced Diploma of Higher Education):
3 (out of 5)Cyprus (Republic)
For Northern Cyprus, see Turkey / Bachelor/Ptychion when studied at:
- Open University of Cyprus
- University of Cyprus
- Cyprus University of Technology
- Open University of Cyprus
- University of Cyprus
- Cyprus University of Technology
- Open University of Cyprus
- University of Cyprus
- Cyprus University of Technology
Czech Republic / Bachelor or Bakalar (since 2002):
1.5 or
Excellent or
Grade B / Bachelor or Bakalar (since 2002):
2 or
Very Good or
Grade C / Bachelor or Bakalar (since 2002):
2.5 or
Good or
Grade D
Denmark / Bachelor/CandidatusPhilosophiae/Korrespondenteksamen/Professionsbachelor:
11 (out of 13) or
10 (out of 12)
13 (out of 13) or
12 (out of 12) / Bachelor/CandidatusPhilosophiae/Korrespondenteksamen/Professionsbachelor:
9 (out of 13) or
8 (out of 12)
11 (out of 13) or
10(out of 12) / Bachelor/CandidatusPhilosophiae/Korrespondenteksamen/Professionsbachelor:
8 (out of 13) or
7 (out of 12)
9 (out of 13) or
8 (out of 12)
Estonia /
Bakalaurusekraad (Bachelor)/RakenduskõrgharidusõppeDiplom(Professional Higher Education Diploma)/ Spetsialistidiplomkõrgemakutsehariduseomandamisekohta(Specialist's Diploma of Higher Professional Education):
4 orGrade B or
Very Good or 81% /
Bakalaurusekraad (Bachelor)/RakenduskõrgharidusõppeDiplom(Professional Higher Education Diploma)/ Spetsialistidiplomkõrgemakutsehariduseomandamisekohta(Specialist's Diploma of Higher Professional Education):
3 orGrade C or
Good or 71% /
Bakalaurusekraad (Bachelor)/RakenduskõrgharidusõppeDiplom(Professional Higher Education Diploma)/ Spetsialistidiplomkõrgemakutsehariduseomandamisekohta(Specialist's Diploma of Higher Professional Education):
2 orGrade D or
Finland /
Ammattikorkeakoulututkinto, AMK / Yrkeshögskoleexamen, YHS(Polytechnic degree) or Kandidaatti / Kandidat(Lower academic degree) - since 2005:
2.5 (out of 3) or
Very Good
4 (out of 5) or
Very Good
/Ammattikorkeakoulututkinto, AMK / Yrkeshögskoleexamen, YHS(Polytechnic degree) or Kandidaatti / Kandidat(Lower academic degree) - since 2005:
- 2 (out of 3) or
- 3 (out of 5) or
Oikeusnotaari(Lower Academic Law degree) – since 1996:
2.5 (out of 3) or
Very Good
4 (out of 5) or
Very Good
/Ammattikorkeakoulututkinto, AMK / Yrkeshögskoleexamen, YHS(Polytechnic degree) or Kandidaatti / Kandidat(Lower academic degree) - since 2005:
- 1.5 (out of 3) or
- 2 (out of 5) or
Oikeusnotaari(Lower Academic Law degree) – since 1996:
- 2 (out of 3) or
- 3 (out of 5) or
France /
Diplomed’Ingenieur or Licence (since 2008) or Licence Professionnelle / Grade de Licence Professionnelle (since 2008) or Maitrise (pre-2009):
15 (out of 20)
Diplôme National de TechnologieSpécialisé
/ Licence (pre-2009):16 (out of 20) /
Diplomed’Ingenieur or Licence (since 2008) or Licence Professionnelle / Grade de Licence Professionnelle (since 2008) or Maitrise (pre-2009):
13 (out of 20)Diplôme National de TechnologieSpécialisé
/ Licence (pre-2009):14 (out of 20) /
Diplomed’Ingenieur or Licence (since 2008) or Licence Professionnelle / Grade de Licence Professionnelle (since 2008) or Maitrise (pre-2009):
11 (out of 20)Diplôme National de TechnologieSpécialisé
/ Licence (pre-2009):12 (out of 20)
Germany /
Bachelor/Diplom (FH)/ErsteStaatsprüfung (Primarstufe / Sekundarstufe I)/ Zeugnisüber den ZweitenAbschnitt der ÄrztlichenPrüfung:
CGPA 1,5 (1,0 – 1,5)Grading system for law courses:
13 (out of 20) /
Bachelor/Diplom (FH)/ErsteStaatsprüfung (Primarstufe / Sekundarstufe I)/ Zeugnisüber den ZweitenAbschnitt der ÄrztlichenPrüfung:
CGPA 2,0 (1,6 – 2,0)Grading system for law courses:
10 (out of 20) /
Bachelor/Diplom (FH)/ErsteStaatsprüfung (Primarstufe / Sekundarstufe I)/ Zeugnisüber den ZweitenAbschnitt der ÄrztlichenPrüfung:
CGPA 3,0(2,1 – 3,0)Grading system for law courses:
7 (out of 18, where 4 is a pass)
Greece / Diploma/Ptychion (University/AEA/TEI/ASPETE – if on NARIC list of recognised institutions)/Diploma in Midwifery (since 2006)/Diploma (Police Officer’s School):
CGPA 9 (out of 10)
Diploma/Ptychion (awarded by AEN):
CGPA 8.5 (out of 10) / Diploma/Ptychion (University/AEA/TEI/ASPETE – if on NARIC list of recognised institutions)/Diploma in Midwifery (since 2006)/Diploma (Police Officer’s School):
CGPA 8 (out of 10)
Diploma/Ptychion (awarded by AEN):
CGPA 7.5 (out of 10) / Diploma/Ptychion (University/AEA/TEI/ASPETE – if on NARIC list of recognised institutions)/Diploma in Midwifery (since 2006)/Diploma (Police Officer’s School):
CGPA 7 (out of 10)
Diploma/Ptychion (awarded by AEN):
CGPA 6.5 (out of 10)
Hungary / Bachelor (Egyetemi Oklevel/Alapfokozat):
4.51 (out of 5)
5 (out of 5) / Bachelor (Egyetemi Oklevel/Alapfokozat):
3.51 (out of 5)
Foiskola Oklevel:
4.5 (out of 5) / Bachelor (Egyetemi Oklevel/Alapfokozat):
2.51 (out of 5)
Foiskola Oklevel:
3.5 (out of 5)
Italy /
Laurea/Licenza di Accademia di Belle Arti/ Diploma di MediatoreLinguistico/ Diploma Accademico di Primo Livello:
110 (out of 110) /Laurea/Licenza di Accademia di Belle Arti/ Diploma di MediatoreLinguistico/ Diploma Accademico di Primo Livello:
105 (out of 110) /Laurea/Licenza di Accademia di Belle Arti/ Diploma di MediatoreLinguistico/ Diploma Accademico di Primo Livello:
100 (out of 110)Ireland / Bachelor Honours:
First Class / Bachelor Honours:
Second Class Upper Division
Bachelor Ordinary:
Pass with Distinction (70%+) / Bachelor Honours:
Second Class Lower Division
Bachelor Ordinary:
Merit Grade 2* (60-69%) – *care to be taken with this – some transcripts list Grade 1 as 60%
Latvia / (Professional) Bachelor/BakalauraDiploms (since 2002):
9 (out of 10) / (Professional) Bachelor/BakalauraDiploms (since 2002):
8 (out of 10) / (Professional) Bachelor/BakalauraDiploms (since 2002):
7 (out of 10)
Lithuania / Bachelor/Bakalauro Diplomas (since 2000)/Professional Bachelor/ProfesinisBakalauras:
9 (out of 10) / Bachelor/Bakalauro Diplomas (since 2000)/Professional Bachelor/ProfesinisBakalauras:
8 (out of 10) / Bachelor/Bakalauro Diplomas (since 2000)/Professional Bachelor/ProfesinisBakalauras:
7 (out of 10)
Luxem-bourg / Bachelor:
18 (out of 20)
19 (out of 20) / Bachelor:
16 (out of 20)
17 (out of 20) / Bachelor:
14 (out of 20)
Diplome d’Ingenieur industriel:
15 (out of 20)
Malta / Bachelor Honours:
First class / Bachelor Honours:
Upper Second Class
Bachelor General:
Category I / Bachelor Honours:
Lower Second Class
Bachelor General:
Category IIA
Nether-lands / Bachelor/Doctoraal:
8 (out of 10) or Grade A (82%) or 4.0 / Bachelor/Doctoraal:
7 (out of 10) or Grade B (69%) or 3.0 (out of 4) / Bachelor/Doctoraal:
6.5 (out of 10) or Grade C (58%) or 2.5 (out of 4)
Poland / Bachelor/Licencjat/Inzynier (since 2001):
GPA 4.75 or Very Good / Bachelor/Licencjat/Inzynier (since 2001):
GPA4.25 or Good Plus / Bachelor/Licencjat/Inzynier (since 2001):
GPA 3.25 or Satisfactory Plus
Portugal /
Licenciado/ Diploma de EstudosSuperioresEspecializados– DESE:
18 (out of 20) /Licenciado/ Diploma de EstudosSuperioresEspecializados– DESE:
16 (out of 20) /Licenciado/ Diploma de EstudosSuperioresEspecializados– DESE:
14 (out of 20)
Romania /Diplomă de Inginer(Engineer)/ Diplomă de Licenţă(Bachelor degree)/ Diplomă de Urbanist Diplomat(Town Planner):
9 (out of 10) /Diplomă de Inginer(Engineer)/ Diplomă de Licenţă(Bachelor degree)/ Diplomă de Urbanist Diplomat(Town Planner):
8 (out of 10) /Diplomă de Inginer(Engineer)/ Diplomă de Licenţă(Bachelor degree)/ Diplomă de Urbanist Diplomat(Town Planner):
7 (out of 10)Slovakia / Bakalar/Bachelor (since 2004):
1 (out of 4) or Excellent / Bakalar/Bachelor (since 2004):
1.5 (out of 4) or Very Good / Bakalar/Bachelor (since 2004):
2 (out of 4) or Good
Slovenia /
Diploma o pridobljeniuniverzitetniizobrazbi(University Degree)/ Diploma o pridobljenivisokistrokovniizobrazbi / Diplomirani(Diploma of Professional Higher Education)/ Diplomant(Professionally oriented first-cycle degree)/ Univerzitetnidiplomant(Academically oriented first-cycle degree):
9 (out of 10) /Diploma o pridobljeniuniverzitetniizobrazbi(University Degree)/ Diploma o pridobljenivisokistrokovniizobrazbi / Diplomirani(Diploma of Professional Higher Education)/ Diplomant(Professionally oriented first-cycle degree)/ Univerzitetnidiplomant(Academically oriented first-cycle degree):
8 (out of 10) /Diploma o pridobljeniuniverzitetniizobrazbi(University Degree)/ Diploma o pridobljenivisokistrokovniizobrazbi / Diplomirani(Diploma of Professional Higher Education)/ Diplomant(Professionally oriented first-cycle degree)/ Univerzitetnidiplomant(Academically oriented first-cycle degree):
7 (out of 10)Spain /
TítuloUniversitarioOficial de Licenciado / Ingeniero / Arquitecto (Licenciatura)/ TítuloUniversitarioOficial de Graduadoen [subject area] (Grado):
9.00 (out of 10) or3 (out of 4)
TítuloUniversitarioOficial de IngenieroTécnico/ TítuloUniversitarioOficial de ArquitectoTécnico:
9.5 (out of 10) or
3.5 (out of 4)
/TítuloUniversitarioOficial de Licenciado / Ingeniero / Arquitecto (Licenciatura)/ TítuloUniversitarioOficial de Graduadoen [subject area] (Grado):
7.5 (out of 10) or2 (out of 4)
TítuloUniversitarioOficial de IngenieroTécnico/ TítuloUniversitarioOficial de ArquitectoTécnico:
8.5 (out of 10) or2.67 (out of 4) /
TítuloUniversitarioOficial de Licenciado / Ingeniero / Arquitecto (Licenciatura)/ TítuloUniversitarioOficial de Graduadoen [subject area] (Grado):
6 (out of 10) or1.25 (out of 4)
TítuloUniversitarioOficial de IngenieroTécnico/ TítuloUniversitarioOficial de ArquitectoTécnico:
7 (out of 10) or1.75 (out of 4)
Sweden /
Bachelor/Kandidatexamen/Yrkesexamen(Professional Bachelor degree):
Grade 5 orAB or
Pass with Distinction /
Bachelor/Kandidatexamen/Yrkesexamen(Professional Bachelor degree):
Grade 4 orBA or
Pass with Merit /
Bachelor/Kandidatexamen/Yrkesexamen(Professional Bachelor degree):
Grade 3 orB or