Dear Parent
Thank you for considering Babbel & Krabbel as the school for your child!
Our Mission:
- To establish a happy, stimulating and enriching atmosphere for your child.
- To nourish and encourage your child’s physical, spiritual, emotional and intellectual capacities to the full.
- To promote a safe and secure environment that protects the needs of your child on a daily basis.
- To deliver quality service and professional advice to both our parents and the broader community.
Babbel & Krabbel follow an approved curriculum to ensure that your child is optimally prepared for primary school. Our trained staff, assisted by an assistant, is involved with every child and individual attention is of utmost importance to us.
We accommodate babies from 3 months to Grade R. Children enjoy a healthy breakfast and a cooked lunch prepared daily on the premises. Refreshments in the form of fresh fruit and sandwiches are served at 10:00 and 14:30. Wednesdays and Fridays are tuck shop days and is already an institution with us and the children enjoy the variety.
Babbel & Krabbel have several social events during the course of the year to promote interaction on a social level between children, parents and teachers. These events include grandpa-and grandma day, interschool athletics, entrepreneur’s day and many more. More information regarding our annual programme is available on our website -
School events and activities
We have several educational activities at school to e.g. Puppet shows, a live theatre and holiday workshops which are presented quarterly. Our children between 3 and 6 years also enjoy two (2) school trips during the year. Babbel & Krabbel’s annual spring fun walk makes for great fun and laughter and allows us the opportunity to welcome the spring.
Extracurricular activities:
We facilitate extracurricular activities, offered by private institutions. These activities are available at additional costs and more information is available in the foyer.
Activities are as follows:
Swimming, Ballet, Playball, English classes, Monkeynastix, Young Cricket guns, Kinderkinetika, Kindermuzik, Computer classes, Kidisport and Ruggakids
Bio-metric security- Security is high on our priority list. To ensure that no strangers gain access to the school, each parent will be registered on our bio-metric security system. Access to the premises are gain through finger print recognition.
Security cameras– There are security cameras installed in each of our classes and on the playgrounds and monitored from the office.
Responsibility– The safety of our children is the responsibility of every adult entering the school grounds, from teachers and assistants to parents and visitors. We therefore request that all security doors and gates are kept closed. We also insist that parents do not allow entrance to strangers who are not registered on our security database. Children who move around gates without adult supervision should be returned to the playground where our personnel can keep an eye on their whereabouts.
Contagious diseases
Contagious diseases are seen in a very serious light and parents are asked to inform the school should their children be diagnosed with such diseases. Children who are sick, unfortunately, will not be allowed to come to school until such time that the illness is no longer contagious.
Children with head lice will also not be allowed to attend school until the problem is resolved.
Contact book- We request that each child bring an A5 booklet that serves as a means of communication between parents and teachers. This ensures smooth communication.
School Communicator–Our School communicator is an electronic application which is updated daily with the latest events and contains information regarding our events and important announcements
Parent meeting – A parent’s meeting is arranged during the first quarter to discuss important issues regarding the child and other school matters.
Progress reports
An adaptability report is sent to the parents within the first three (3) weeks after the start of the school.
Progress reports relating to the children's development are issued twice (2) per annum.
School fees
Feesfor 2017are:
Registration feeR 1,100-00 per child (once off)
Babies until 2 yearsR3,100-00 per child per month
Children (pottytrained) R2,890-00 per child per month
Grade RR2,900-00 per child per month
Tuck shopIncluded in monthly fee
*** School fees include all toiletries and stationary
Fees are payable over 11 months therefore there is no fee payable for December. This is only valid for children who enrol in January; those who enrol later in the year are still responsible for a reduced fee in December.
No pro rata refunds will be made.
Fees include breakfast, lunch, refreshments, daily care and education. Also included are four (4) puppet shows, one (1) live theatre and a holiday workshop and are presented quarterly.
Caretaking hours
Our dedicated staff is on duty from 06:15 to 17:30, Mondays to Fridays. NO after-hours care is allowed. If parent(s) collect their children after closing time, a penalty fee will be levied at R300-00 per hour or part of an hour and is payable to Babbel & Krabbel.
Babbel & Krabbelis closed on public holidays and weekends.
At Babbel & Krabbel Kleuterskool we are not just a school, we are a family!