B41 Investigate and assess contextual factors affecting potential project developments
B41.2 Investigate and evaluate development factors, likely problems and potential solutions
Performance Criteria - this involves being able to...(a)choose methods and techniques for the investigation which are valid, reliable, consistent with legal requirements and which recognise concerns raised by the public
(b)identify investigation sources and collect and collate relevant data
(c)analyse and evaluate the investigation data which has been collected about all of the significant trends and factors affecting the project development
(d)consult on specific problems which are relevant to the investigation by providing them with an accurate summary of the problems
(e)identify and accurately record the opportunities and constraints for project development options
(f)identify and assess previous solutions which are similar to the current circumstances to see whether they are relevant and useful
(g)present assumptions and findings which detail the implications for each option in formats which are suitable for circulation and discussion
(h)state clearly the authority for assumptions and projections used in the report
(i)assemble any supporting data which is relevant to the study, but which is not included in the report, storing it safely and indexing it clearly for future reference
(j)evaluate the results of the investigation and decide on an appropriate course of action / The Range...
[1]Methods and techniques for the investigation:
• documentary and record search;
• investigative research;
• field research;
• market research
[2]Investigation sources:
• client records;
• tenants;
• site owners;
• site managers;
• previous owners;
• statutory authorities;
• public utilities;
• government departments;
• consultative bodies;
• public and specialist libraries and archives;
• original designs;
• contractors and suppliers;
• experts including experienced craftspeople
• photographs;
• maps;
• charts;
• drawings;
• archive records;
• legal documents;
• surveys
• current;
• predicted
• historical;
• conservation;
• social;
• visual and spatial;
• ecological and environmental;
• construction;
[6]Opportunities and constraints:
• purpose, location, cost and time;
• durability;
• occupancy;
• significance/status;
• legal and regulatory constraints;
• physical and technical constraints;
• health and safety;
• anticipated development timetable;
• environmental quality and sustainability;
• community benefits;
• energy resources management;
• renewable energies technologies;
• waste management;
• standardisation
• orally;
• in writing;
• graphically;
• electronically
• client;
• owners;
• occupiers;
• community and special interest groups;
• planning authorities;
• regulatory authorities;
• public enquires
B41 Investigate and assess contextual factors affecting potential project developments
B41.2 Investigate and evaluate development factors, likely problems and potential solutions
The Evidence - performance and processProduct Evidence:
(1)Evaluation(s) of investigation data (a,b,c) [1,2,3,4]
(2)Summary(ies) of problems directed to experts (d) [4]
(3)Findings from investigations which include: opportunities and constraints for project development options; previous solutions; factors; implications for each development option; supporting data (e,f,g,h,i) [3,4,5,6,7]
Process Evidence:
(1) Presentation(s) of the evaluation report (g) [4,6,7] / The Evidence - knowledge and understanding
(1)How do you choose methods and techniques for the investigation? (evaluation) (a) [1]
(2)What do you identify as investigation sources? (understanding) (b) [2,3]
(3)How do you collect and collate relevant data? (application) (b) [2,3]
(4)How do you consult with experts? (application) (d) [2,5,6]
(5)How and why do you analyse the investigation data which has been collected about all of the significant trends and factors affecting the project development? (analysis) (c) [3,4]
(6)How and why do you evaluate the investigation data which has been collected about all of the significant trends and factors affecting the project development? (evaluation) (c) [3,4]
(7)How do you assemble, store and index any supporting data which is relevant to the study, but which is not included in the report? (application) (i) [3]
(8)What do you identify as opportunities and constraints for project development options? (understanding) (e) [5]
(9)What do you identify as previous solutions? (understanding) (f) [5]
(10)How do you record the opportunities and constraints for project development options? (application) (e) [5]
(11)How and why do you assess previous solutions which may be relevant to the current circumstances to see whether they are relevant and useful? (analysis) (f) [5]
(12)How do you present assumptions and findings? (application) (g) [4,6,7]
(13)How do you state the authority for assumptions and projections used in the report? (application) (h) [6]
(14)How and why do you evaluate the results of the investigation and decide on an appropriate course of action? (evaluation) (j)[1]