Policy and Procedure for Phone Call Management by eICU MDs and RNs
- The eICU physicians are permitted to make and receive outside phone calls aslong as such activities do not interfere with providing timely response in eICU patient care activities.The eICU physicians are expected to use excellent clinical judgment about the timing and prioritization of all phone calls. The eICU physicians are expected to be mindful of our goal to provide polite and prompt service that engenders excellent satisfaction on the part of nurses and physicians in the Affiliates.
- Calls unrelated to Sutter patient care should NOT ordinarily be routed through eICU nurses or staff, but should come directly to the eICU physician’s cell phone or pager. .
- Sutter may log and track non-Sutter calls that are routed through Sutter nurse or staff (with the exception of family calls). Excessive use of Sutter resources not related to Sutter patient care should be documented by the Assistant Nurse Manager and reported to the Nursing Director. The Nursing Director will confirm the circumstances, clarify facts and route to the Medical Director, as needed. The Medical Director will discuss with the appropriate physician, as needed.
- When calls are received that ARE related to Sutter patient care the following procedure will be followed:
a.The RN will document the call using the standard call intake form. Date and Time will be noted on the call form.
b.The RN will work with the caller to sort the call into one of the following response time categories:
i.Emergent: response within 5 minutes;
ii.Urgent: response between 5-10 minutes;
iii.Routine: response between 10-30 minutes.
This category will be indicated on the call form.
c.The RN will present the completed call form to the physician.Routine matters usually should not require interruption, especially if the physician is engaged in handling another situation.The RN will—if necessary—interrupt the eICU MD to highlight to the physician any emergent or urgent calls.
d.The eICU MD will handle the call matter, indicate on the call form the time that the matter has been addressed, and return the slip to the RN
e.If the expected time frame is almost elapsed and the matter has not been addressed the eICU RN should approach the eICU MD to prioritize the completion of that matter.
f.If the RN identifies a case where the eICU physician does not handle a call matter within the appropriate time frame and a nursing judgment is made that patient care or service to the affiliate has been compromised, the case should be referred to and documented by the Assistant Nurse Manager
g.The ANM will report such cases to the Nursing Director. The Nursing Director will confirm the circumstances, clarify facts and route to the Medical Director, as needed. The Medical Director will discuss with the appropriate physician, as needed.