Chapter 9 - Jacksonian America

The Rise of Mass Politics

- King “Mob” or pure democracy

The Expanding Electorate

- more white males could and did vote

- property & taxpayer requirements dropped

- led by the western states (Frederick Jackson Turner’s Frontier thesis)

- Rhode Island 1840s > Thomas Dorr & Dorrites wrote a new constitution & formed a second state gov.

- failed, but changes followed

- no women, or slaves could vote; few free blacks (PA repealed votes for blacks)

- no secret ballot

- more electors chosen by popular vote

The Legitimization of Party

- growing interest in politics led to growth of parties

- disregarded Washington

- thought necessary for a democracy

- check & balance each other

- Martin Van Buren led the Albany Regency against De Witt Clinton & his followers from NYC

- loyalty to the party > patronage & power

- anti-Jackson groups > Whigs

- Jacksonians > Democrats

“President of the Common Man”

- equal protection and benefits to white male citizens

- no class or regional differences

- really an attack against the Eastern moneyed &

merchant classes - made the “spoils system” an established part of

Am. Politics

- political conventions replaced congressional caucuses

- an advance of democracy of power from the people

- rhetoric, not reality

“Our Federal Union”

Jackson wanted a weak central gov., but a strong Presidency and to preserve the Union

Calhoun and Nullification

Calhoun led the nullification forces – states formed union & could nullify a federal law it felt was unconst.

- ‘tariff of abominations’ 1828

- secession raised as an issue

- South Carolina stood alone w/o support

The Rise of Van Buren

- from New York (Albany Regency)

- “Kitchen Cabinet”

- Peggy Eaton Affair

The Webster-Hayne Debate

1830 – Hayne from SC hoped to win support for nullification

by supporting land sales in West; against Eastern


- Daniel Webster answered by defending the Union &

debating the issue of states’ rights

o “Second Reply to Hayne”

o “Liberty and Union, now and for ever, one and inseparable!”

- Jackson supported Union “Our Federal Union – It must be preserved.”

- Calhoun – “The Union – next to our liberty most dear.”

o Eaton affair and nullification cost him presidency

The Nullification Crisis - 1832

- SC nullified tariffs

- Jackson took military action

o Force bill

- Clay “The Great Compromiser” – lower rates slowly

The Removal of the Indians

Jackson wanted them moved West out of the way

n White Attitudes Toward the Tribes

- “noble savage” à “savage”

- whites wanted land & feared continuing conflict

- Supreme Court recognized local tribes as sovereign

- Jackson and others refused this idea

- large tribal org. were a new idea to Indians

n The Black Hawk War

- caused by Indians moving back into Illinois; rejecting treaty signed by a rival faction

- whites feared new Indian invasion

n Sauk and Fox Indians Defeated

- vicious treatment eliminated most of them

n The “Five Civilized Tribes”

n Agrarian Tribes of the South

(Cherokee, Creek, Seminole, Chickasaw, and Choctow)

n Removal Act

- new treaties with remaining tribes to move west

- state and federal gov. wanted them moved

n Cherokee Resistance

- Cherokee Nation v. Georgia and Worcester v. Georgia

- Jackson needed Southern and Western support in Washington

n Trails of Tears

- General Winfield Scott and 7,000 soldiers

n Indian Removal 1838

- some Cherokees fled into North Carolina (Smokey Mtns.)

- fed gov provided a small reservation – still there today

- the rest forced to move to Indian Territory (Oklahoma)

- thousands died

- most of the Five Civilized Tribes were forced to go

n The Seminole War 1835-1842

- many moved to OK

- some under Osceola fought back; aided by escaped slaves

- used the Everglades and guerilla warfare

- costly war

n The Meaning of Removal

n Alternatives to Removal

- living side by side had existed before

- reservations for control and protection

- hard to keep whites from moving west

- attitudes toward Indians had changedà removal

n Jackson and the Bank War

n Jackson’s Opposition to Concentrated Power

- disliked the Eastern aristocracy or the fed gov role in econ.

- Maysville Road Project vetoed

- lay only in Kentucky & expensive

n Biddle’s Institution

- powerful, national institution

- only place that the Fed Gov could deposit money

- Fed Gov controlled 1/5 of the bank

- issued credit(loans) & bank notes (medium of exchange)

- restraining effects on unregulated state banks

- sound financial base for the country

n Nicholas Biddle

n Hard and Soft Money

- state banks wanted more money in circulation without gold or silver

- didn’t like paper money; only specie

n Jackson’s Veto

- personally didn’t like paper money

- politically, needed western support

- Webster and Clay made the Bank’s renewal charter the campaign issue of 1832

n The “Monster” Destroyed

n Removal of Government Deposits

- Fed Gov removed deposits

- two Secretaries of the Treasury refused à lead to economic destabilization

- both fired and replaced by Roger B. Taney (ally and friend)

- money put into state or “pet” banks

n The Taney Court

-Taney appointed Chief Justice after Marshall’s death

n Charles River Bridge v. Warren Bridge

- changed contract law in the public interest

- economic opportunity was the goal of democracy

n The Changing Face of American Politics

- national political leaders opposed to Jackson’s tyrannical rule

n Democrats and Whigs

n Democrats’ Emphasis on Opportunity

- expanding economic opportunities and pol. opport. for white males

- limited role of gov.

- defending the Union & attacking privilege

“Locofocos” – strong attacks on privilege

n Whigs’ Call for Economic Union

- expansion of fed gov’s power, industrial & commercial dev., uniting the country into one economic system

- fearful of expansion and instability

n Anti-Masons

- democratic and against secret society – Freemasons

- William Morgan’s disappearance

n Cultural Issues

n Clay’s American System à internal improvements & economic development

n Election of 1836

n Van Buren and the Panic of 1837

n Distribution Act à surplus paid to states; pulled from state ‘pet” banks

n Panic of 1837

n Independent Treasury or “subtreasury” systemà separate fed gov funds from banks

n The Log Cabin Campaign

n New Techniques of

Political Campaigning

n The Frustration of the Whigs

n Whigs Break with Tyler

n Whig Diplomacy

n The Caroline Affair à Canadian revolt against GB

n Aroostook War à lumberjacks

n Webster-Ashburton Treaty – Canadian border

n Treaty of Wang Hya – most-favored nation & “extraterritoriality”

n Conclusion

n Jackson’s Legacy

n Patterns of Popular Culture:

The Penny Press