~Industrial Relations Act 1990–1991
~s. 10.12 – application for rescission and new award
Brisbane City Council
The Australian Tramway and Motor Omnibus
Employees' Association, Brisbane Branch,
Union of Employees
(No. R6-4 of 1989)
~20 December 1991
THIS matter coming on for hearing before the Commission at Brisbane on 14 and 15 October, 22 and 29 November and 20 December 1991, this Commission doth order that the said Award be rescinded and doth award as follows as from the thirteenth day of December, 1991:–
Arrangement of Award
Subject Matter Clause No.
Part 1 – Preliminary
Title 1.1
Award Coverage 1.2
Date of Operation 1.3
Award Posting 1.4
Part 2 – Terms and Conditions of Employment
Grievance Procedure 2.1
Preference 2.2
Part 3 – Definition, Wages, Allowances
Classification Definitions 3.1
Wages 3.2
Articulated Bus Allowance 3.3
Progression 3.4
Guaranteed Minimum Wage 3.5
Extra Payments for Afternoon and Night Shift 3.6
Waiting Time 3.7
Waiting Time Functions 3.8
Travelling Time 3.9
Times for Signing On or Off 3.10
Dirty Work 3.11
Work in Rain 3.12
Special Night Allowances 3.13
Dirty Toilets 3.14
Part 4 – Hours of Work, Overtime
Hours 4.1
Overtime 4.2
Distribution 4.3
Meal Time 4.4
Minimum Hours 4.5
Reporting for Duty 4.6
Day Off 4.7
Saturday and Sunday Time 4.8
Spread of Hours 4.9
Interval Between Shifts 4.10
Cancelled Work 4.11
Late Services 4.12
Part 5 – Statutory Holidays, Leave
Annual Holidays 5.1
Statutory Holidays 5.2
Part 6 – Miscellaneous Provisions
Accident Reports 6.1
Signing On and Off at Home Yard or Garage 6.2
Change Money 6.3
Uniforms 6.4
Notice to be Measured 6.5
Overalls 6.6
Employees Called to Head Office 6.7
No Extra Claims 6.8
Incidental or Peripheral Tasks 6.9
Award Modernisation 6.10
Training 6.11
Sanitary Accommodation 6.12
Termination of Employment 6.13
Leave Reserved 6.14
Schedule 1
Schedule 2
1.1 Title
This Award shall be known as the Brisbane City Council Bus Transport Employees' Award.
1.2 Award Coverage
This Award shall apply within the area of the Brisbane City Council Regional Bus Operations, to those employees of the Brisbane City Council (Department of Transport) who are employed in cleaning, maintenance, shunting, driving or conducting activities.
1.3 Date of Operation
This Award shall take effect and have the force of law as from 13 December, 1991.
1.4 Award Posting
The Brisbane City Council shall cause a copy of this Award to be posted up in a conspicuous place in each Operations Centre.
2.1 Grievance Procedure
(1) The objective of this procedure is to facilitate the avoidance of industrial disputes or where a dispute occurs to provide a means of settlement of such dispute based on consultation, co-operation and discussion to reduce the level of industrial confrontation and avoid interruption to work performance and the consequential loss of production and wages and salaries.
Where disputation does occur the procedure provides that the issue should be resolved without disruption of work and without prejudice to the final settlement.
(2) Notwithstanding any other provisions having application to the Brisbane City Council any grievance or dispute shall be handled in the following manner:–
(a) Discussions between the employee/s concerned and at request the appropriate Industrial Organization shop steward/delegate, with the immediate supervisor.
(b) Discussions involving the employee/s, the shop steward/s and Industrial Organization Secretary/Organiser or nominated delegates with the Branch Head/Chief Industrial Officer or nominated delegates.
(c) Discussions involving Industrial Organization Secretary/Organiser or nominated delegates with Manager/Chief Industrial Officer or nominated delegates.
(3) There shall be a commitment by the parties to achieve adherence to this procedure. This should be facilitated by the earliest possible advice by one party to the other of any issue or problem which may give rise to a grievance or dispute.
(4) Throughout all stages of the procedure all relevant facts shall be clearly identified and recorded.
(5) Sensible time limits shall be allowed for the completion of the various stages of the discussions. At least seven days should be allowed for all stages of the discussions to be finalised.
(6) Emphasis shall be placed on a negotiated settlement. However, if the negotiation process is exhausted without the dispute being resolved, the parties shall jointly or individually refer the matter to the Queensland Industrial Relations Commission for assistance in resolving the dispute.
In order to allow for the peaceful resolution of grievances the parties shall be committed to avoid stoppages of work, lockouts or any other bans or limitations on the performance of work while the procedures of negotiation and conciliation are being followed.
The Employer shall ensure that all practices applied during the operation of the procedure are in accordance with safe working practices and consistent with established custom and practice at the workplace.
2.2 Preference
Except in the case of bus operators, preference of employment under this Award shall be given to members of The Australian Tramway and Motor Omnibus Employees' Association, Brisbane Branch, Union of Employees.
In the case of bus operators, preference of employment shall be given to members of The Australian Tramway and Motor Omnibus Employees' Association, Brisbane Branch, Union of Employees or of the Transport Workers' Union of Australia, Union of Employees (Queensland Branch).
The prescribed conditions on which preference is to be granted are:–
(a) An Employer is required to give preference to a member of an Industrial Organization over another person only when all factors relevant to the particular case are otherwise equal.
(b) An Employer is not required to give preference to a member of an Industrial Organization over a person in respect of whom there is in force a certificate under section 13.53 of the Industrial Relations Act 1990–1991.
(c) Preference means preference at the point of engagement and preference at the point of retrenchment.
3.1 Classification Definitions
(1) Bus Assistant Level 1 – The Bus Assistant Level 1 would be expected to provide an effective service in the depot to enable the safe and efficient operation of Council buses. Assistants work under close direction and perform clearly defined, routine functions. Assistants will be responsible for the timeliness and quality of their own work, with instruction and assistance being readily available.
At this entry level it is expected that the assistant would participate in all necessary training associated with the role.
The role would typically include the use of skills in such areas as:–
– general area cleaning and maintenance;
– operating departmental radio networks;
– signalling drivers who are manoeuvring vehicles in Depot yard; and
– performing various administrative procedures.
(2) Bus Assistant Level 2 – The Bus Assistant Level 2 would be expected to provide an effective service in the depot to enable the safe and efficient operation of Council buses. Assistants work under direction and perform functions defined by well established routines and procedures. Assistants will be responsible for managing the timeliness and quality of their own work, with instruction and assistance being readily available.
Progression to this level requires satisfactory attainment of skills required for a Bus Assistant Level 1, with competency confirmed. At this level it is expected that the assistant would participate in all necessary training associated with the role.
In addition to the skills acquired in Bus Assistant Level 1, this role would typically include the use of skills in such areas as:–
– operating all types of buses and depot vehicles within the depot;
– inspecting and checking tyres on buses and depot vehicles;
– performing service and support duties such as fuelling;
– carrying out minor body and electrical repairs;
– recording fuel and oil quantities on computer; and
– general cleaning on all types of buses and depot vehicles.
(3) Bus Assistant Level 3 – The Bus Assistant Level 3 would be expected to provide an effective service both within the depot environment and other areas as required, to enable the safe and efficient operation of Council buses. Assistants work under routine direction and perform functions of increasing complexity defined by established routines, procedures and guidelines. Assistants will be responsible for managing the timeliness and quality of their own work, with limited scope to exercise initiative in the application of established work procedures, with instruction and assistance being available.
Progression to this level requires satisfactory attainment of skills required for a Bus Assistant Level 2, with competency confirmed. At this level it is expected that the assistant would participate in all necessary training associated with the role.
In addition to the skills acquired in Bus Assistant Level 2, this role would typically include the use of skills in such areas as:–
– operating all types of vehicles on the road;
– performing grease and oil changes;
– determining correct oils for buses;
– removing, replacing, repairing, regrooving, sending tyres for retreading;
– courier;
– placing advertisements on buses; and
– steam cleaning.
A bus licence is a pre-requisite for this position.
(4) Bus Conductor – The Conductor would be expected to provide an effective ticketing service and effective customer relations service in all contacts with the Council's bus passengers and general public. Conductors work under routine direction and perform functions defined by established routines and procedures. Conductors will be responsible for managing the timeliness and quality of their own work, with scope to exercise initiative in the application of established work procedures and guidelines, with instruction and assistance being available.
At this level it is expected that the conductor would participate in all necessary training associated with the role.
The role would typically include the use of skills in such areas as:–
– operating and issuing tickets;
– ensuring correct revenue collected;
– balancing and accounting for all tickets to ensure correct money has been received;
– liaising and communicating with passengers, general public and Brisbane City Council staff to provide information and directions to maintain a good "public face" for the Brisbane City Council; and
– carrying out and performing various administrative procedures.
(5) Bus Operator Level 1 – The Bus Operator Level 1 would be expected to provide to customers and the public a quality transportation service through the safe and efficient operation of Council buses. Work roles initially involve officers in extensive on-the-job training and may be varied to provide operators with an appropriate breadth of experience within the operations area. Operators perform clearly defined, routine functions which require the practical application of basic skills and knowledge. Operators work under close guidance with instruction and assistance being readily available. Operators will be responsible for the timeliness and quality of their own work.
At this entry level it is expected that the operator would participate in all necessary training associated with the role.
The role would typically include the use of skills in such areas as:–
– operating all types of buses;
– operating and issuing tickets;
– balancing and accounting for tickets and revenue;
– practising basic customer relations when providing information to passengers and general public;
– inspecting and monitoring general conditions of buses;
– performing basic mechanical support duties;
– cleaning;
– reporting and recording information; and
– liaising with Bus Control and Brisbane City Council staff using various methods.
A bus licence is a pre-requisite for this position.
(6) Bus Operator Level 2 – The Bus Operator Level 2 would be expected to provide to passengers and the public a quality transportation service through the safe and efficient operation of Council buses. Operators will be expected to have an understanding of operational work practices and procedures, roles may be varied to provide operators with additional experience within the operations area. Operators perform defined, routine functions which require the application and continuing development of acquired skills and knowledge. Operators work under regular guidance with instruction and assistance being readily available. Operators will be responsible for the timeliness and quality of their own work.
Progression to this level requires satisfactory completion of one year as a Bus Operator Level 1, with competency confirmed. At this level it is expected that the operator would participate in all necessary training associated with the role.
In addition to the skills acquired in Bus Operator Level 1, this role would typically involve the use of skills in such areas as:–
– operating all types of buses to comply with Defensive Driving Skill/Techniques under all road conditions;
– practising effective customer relations when communicating with passengers and general public including managing difficult customers;
– identifying minor mechanical/operating faults; and
– administering First Aid Techniques.
A bus licence is a pre-requisite for this position.
(7) Bus Operator Level 3 – The Bus Operator Level 3 would be expected to provide to passengers and the public a quality transportation service through the safe and efficient operation of Council buses. Operators will be expected to have a sound understanding of operational work practices and procedures, roles may be varied to enable the application and further development of skills and knowledge appropriate to the operations area. Operators perform activities of increasing complexity and have some scope to exercise initiative in the application of established work procedures. In addition, operators may instruct other employees including on-the-job training. Operators work under more routine direction and may receive guidance on the broader aspects of their work. Operators will be responsible for managing the timeliness and quality of their own work to achieve work role objectives.
Progression to this level requires satisfactory completion of one year as a Bus Operator Level 2, with competency confirmed. The same process is followed in determining progression to the higher pay point in Level 3 a year later. At this level it is expected that the operator would participate in all necessary training associated with the role.