Board Minutes
March 27, 2014
The regular meeting of the Board of Road Commissioners was held at their office at 500 Huron Street on Thursday March 27, 2014 at 4:30 p.m. Present Vice Chairman McClain, Commissioner Halstead. Absent: Chairman Burtch Administrative staff present: Managing Director Donald Babcock, Clerk of the Board Verna Meharg, Superintendent Robin Pratt, and Eng. Tech Tim McCarthy Public attending: Gary Piper Alta Equipment, Randy Orr Jenson Bridge, Dave Galvin Cadillac Culvert, Dave Wyman County Commissioner
It was moved by Commissioner Halstead and seconded by Vice Chairman McClain to approve the Board Minutes of March 13, 2014 as presented. Roll call: Halstead yea, McClain yea, Burtch absent
Payroll Voucher #07 in the amount of $55,098.75 was moved to pay by Commissioner Halstead and seconded by Vice Chairman McClain. Roll call: Burtch absent, Halstead yea, McClain yea
Accounts Payable Voucher #13 in the amount of $81,172.39 was moved to pay by Commissioner Halstead and seconded by Vice Chairman McClain. Roll call: Burtch absent, Halstead yea, McClain yea
Accounts Payable Voucher #13-1 in the amount of $2,004.00 was moved to pay by Vice Chairman McClain and seconded by commissioner Halstead. Roll call: Burtch absent, Halstead yea, McClain yea
PUBLIC COMMENTS: County Commissioner commented on how well the TIGER grant meeting went that was held on March 25, 2014.
· Overband Crack Sealer Machine Bids. It was moved by Vice Chairman McClain and seconded by Commissioner Halstead to approve the recommendation of the staff to purchase the Crack Sealer Machine CrackPro 125DA from ThorWorks Industries for $45, 995. Roll call Burtch absent, McClain yea, Halstead yea.
· Seasonal Requirement Bid: It was moved by Commissioner Halstead and seconded by Vice Chairman McClain to accept all bids and to purchase in the best interested of the Crawford County Road Commission. Roll call: Burtch absent, McClain yea, Halstead yea.
· Bituminous Base Crushing Bids: It was moved by Commissioner Halstead and seconded by Vice Chairman McClain to award the bid for Bituminous Base Crushing to Pavement Recycling, Inc. for $21,038.80. Roll call: Burtch absent, McClain yea, Halstead yea
· Highway Noise analysis and Abatement Bids: Tabled until next meeting on April 11, 2014 in order for Managing Director Babcock to review.
· It was Moved by Commissioner Halstead and seconded by Vice Chairman McClain to adopt the Crawford County Road Commission 2013 Road Certification resolution “I hereby certify that all of the roads which lengths have been entered along the road bands of the attached township and enlarged section maps are under the jurisdiction of the Road Commission for Crawford County. I further certify that all Roads shown herein are normally open to automobile traffic during the months of May thru October.” And to authorize the Vice Chairman McClain to sign resolution on behalf of Chairman Jim Burtch. Roll call: Burtch absent, McClain yea, Halstead yea
CORRESPONDENCE: Crawford County Road Commission letter of support for the I-75 Access Project
· Update on meeting held at Fred’s of Roscommon on March 21st.
· Letter of Understanding from MDOT regarding transferring jurisdiction of a road segment within Grayling Township. Discussion took place and was agreed to turn it over to Road Commission attorney Bill Carey
· Update on Gary Whiting and his house in Frederic. Frederic Supervisor Bill Johnson is setting up a meeting to review what can be done to assist.
· City of Grayling Manager, Doug Baum, is applying for a grant and would like a letter of support from the Road Commission. It was moved by Vice Chairman McClain and seconded by Commissioner Halstead to have Managing Director Babcock write a letter of support for the City of Grayling and to offer any further help if needed. Roll call: Burtch absent, McClain yea, Halstead yea.
· Commissioner Halstead asked what roads will be crack sealed this year. Managing Director Babcock stated they are looking at North Down River Road and due to the hard winter some of the newer black tops will need some crack sealing as well.
· Vice Chairman McClain asked about Safety meetings. Eng Tech Tim McCarthy stated that our Worker’s Compensation Company, MCRSIF, will be here on April 29, 2014 to put on a large training session. However, due to the weather conditions it has been impossible to schedule any meetings.
CLOSED SESSION: It was moved by Commissioner Halstead and seconded by Vice Chairman McClain to enter into Closed Session regarding possible ligations at 5:34 pm. Roll call: Burtch absent, McClain yea, Halstead yea
It was moved by Commissioner Halstead and seconded by Vice Chairman McClain to re enter the regular meeting at 5:55 pm. Roll call: Burtch absent, McClain yea, Halstead yea. No action taken
There being no further business, Meeting was adjourned at 5:55 p.m.
Scott McClain, Vice Chairman Verna M. Meharg, Clerk of the Board