ADM PW/BTM #12 2017-2018
Station 1 - Skating - partner pull (one player grasps both sticks and pulls while the partner provides resistance behind); Partner push (partners face each other, one partner pushes the other up ice while the other offers resistance); Drag-Touch (players use a modified scooter push where they drag their toe after full extension and then touch heels on the return); Drag Touch alternating
Station 2 - passing and shooting - X12 passes the puck off the passer, collects it and then skates around the tire. he/she passes off the passer again and skates around the other tire. X12 skates toward and self-passes to the 2nd passer and then shoots.
Station 3 - sprint and block - this drill simulates the defensive wings assignment off the face-off sprinting out to the point to block the shot. Players worked on quickly getting their body into the shooting lane,squaring up to the shooter, and then closing the gap to take away time and space. Emphasize to the wings that if the defenseman gets off a hurried weak shot, it is a win for us. If we force them to pull it down and pass or skate it, it is a win for us as long as we continue to take a good angle to close the gap. Stress the importance of fronting the shooter as this is where all of our padding is as a player. If we turn our bodies to the shot, we run exponentially increase the risk of injury. We don't "flamingo" (lift our leg) when the shot is taken because we just become a big screen to our own goalie.
Station 4 - cycle with give and go - X11 starts by the net and skates to the corner to pick up a puck. X8 skates down the wall. X11 should leave the pass to the wall side for X8 to pick up the puck. X8 continues down the wall and cuts across below the goal line toward the net. X11 circles around the top cone and cuts across the seam (the imaginary line draw across the ice through the dots). X8 gives X11 pass out in front and X11 shoots. X8 circles back and picks up a puck and the drill continues with X9. X11 goes to back of the line. Once players get the hang of it, leave X11 as a defender for a 2 on 1 (X9 would have to read whether to pass or shoot if X11 is a defender)
Station 5 - small area game - backwards only scrimmage. Game is played 3v3 or 4v4. Players must skate backwards. All players must be across the drawn middle line before the team can shoot. If any player skates forward, it is an immediate turnover to the other team. Coach should call it out.