Odyssey PTG Meeting Agenda April 19, 2017 6:00 PM
Attendees: Tamara Knudson, Jeff Daniels, Erika Wald, Yuri Morozov, Debbie Donohue, Debra Dewitt, Glenda Kohls, Tabatha Reeves, Shawna Nicholson, Jerilynn Harris, Jessii Arp, Jason Frazier
- Principal’s Update (Debra):
- Chorus – 51 students – going very well
- 3 scholarships
- T-shirts - $6.34 each $329.66.
- Stipend to Jerilynn will be $1025.34
- Apex – going well. Principals challenge – if we can get up to $600/lap then Mr. Fredlund will let students throw pie in his face (Currently at $450/lap)
- SBAC starts next week
- Chess club – spring session begins next week – six sessions
- Spanish night – tomorrow evening meeting at 5:30
- Parent pickup/drop off survey – City of Spokane said bus pickup and dropoff needs to be in the front of the school. Parent pickup and dropoff will be on the cafeteria side of the school for next year. Frustration about lack of parking due to professional development activities that are currently occurring at Libby.
- Camp Chaperone meeting – 6:00 April 27th – will outline expectations for camp chaperones and duties
- June 12th - Field Day/Rollerskating – will need 5 or 6 volunteers to help out (Grades 4th,5th, and 6th participate in Field Day, and 7 th/8th Grades go rollerskating
- Citizens Advisory Committee Update (Shawna):
- Arts in Spokane Public Schools – varies across schools.
- Director through Spokane Symphony (from Venezuela) working to build relationships with underprivileged students through music
- Safety update: Mark Sterk – Fully staffed now with 7 Community Resource Officers 1(High Schools, Shaw MS), 6 Community Resource Officers 2(Middle Schools, Eagle Peak), 2 Itinerants, 2 Supervisors and working to reduce arrests in schools. Use of Force Procedures as been adopted and been put in place. All schools have single point of entry except 8.
- Budget (Erika):
- Checking: $29,406.03
- Savings: $13,933.59
- Bake Sale – $699.95
- Passive fundraising: $275.01
- Choir $1,355
- Ice Cream Social Reimbursement $46.54
- Math is Cool reimbursed for participation fee / pizza $265. PTG does not generally cover the cost of pizza, it would be up to individual families.
- $170 for one student to participate in Camp Reed
- $100 classroom gifts - 7 requests - have paid out approximately ~$750. If PTG offers the $100 classroom gift next year, then it will need to be clear that $100 is the limit.
- Fundraising –
- APEX Fund Run – April –10-21st
- Volunteer Needs – Signup Genius did not go out. Still need volunteers to help out. Jeff will followup with Bree.
- Final collection date will be Wednesday April 26th. Will count money tentatively on Friday April 28th.
- PTG Officers Open Positions –
- Nominations –
- Yuri – Treasurer
- Tabatha – Secretary
- President-
- President-Elect
- Event Coordinator –
- Elections should be held in May
- Jeff will work on flyer and survey monkey to send link out to Marie for distribution
- Extracurricular updates:
- Theater (Ms. Arp) – worked with Mr. Cantlon to put on a musical. The show is call the Rehearsal. Infused numbers from Guys and Dolls. Jerilynn has agreed to take on the musical directing. Junior shows can be purchased in showkits ~$550. Performances will be performed during the school day, and an evening for parents. Possibly 6th 7th, and 8th graders would have roles, and 4th/5th graders could participate in chorus or background roles. Theater Rental Space is $70/hr. Could charge $3/person for tickets/admission that would go directly back into funding new Broadway Jr. Shows. Ms. Arp would like to build theater program – increase supplies/props/costumes/etc.
- Approximately 80 -100 attendees would fit in the cafeteria
- Jeff inquired about possibly renting from the civic theater
- Ms. Arp will send proposed amounts for sound kit and Showkit to Tamara by May 1st – Tamara will distribute to PTG to vote via email.
- 8th Grade Promotion/dance
- Students met on Monday and determined a theme “Hollywood”
- Madilyn Hutchinson agreed to chair the promotion – dance June 9th (2:45-4:00) and promotion will be held Wednesday June 14th.
- Need to book DJ right away
- Tamara will follow up with Madilyn for needs and proposed expenses.
- Math is Cool:
- 4th Grade Math is Cool will compete April 21st.
- Masters May 20th
- Camp: Mike and Gabe went to WSU today. Paperwork will be sent home soon.
- Course catalog will go home on May 12th. Volunteers will be needed Monday 15th and 16thto help students sign up for camp classes. Debra will send information to Bree to request volunteers.
- Other Business:
- The Language House – Angela Castillo
- ELD advocate for the school district – distributed ~3000 flyers to advertise the language house. Started with 1st through 6th graders, evening classes at Jefferson Elementary. Looking to increase capacity to include French. Curriculum also includes sign language, workbooks. Cost is $12/class, 2 nights/week (50min) classes – 10weeks $240 for session. We can help advertise by adding a link or adding “likes” through the Facebook page
- Odyssey Merit Award – Send out announcement April 24th – Applications will be due before camp May 19th. Three reviewers from EWU agreed to evaluate applications. Tamara will send flyer to Jeff, and approved packet to Debbie.
- Teacher Appreciation Week – 1st week of May –
- PTG has $200 budgeted for Teacher Appreciation Week
- Taco Bar or lunch – subway type sandwiches,
- Midweek (Wednesday might be best)
- Treats for the rest of the week through signup genius
- Indians night – Tamara will send dates to Debbie for school night – Mid June
- Next Meeting: Wednesday May 10, 2017 6:00 PM