B.Sc.in Medical LaboratoryTechnology(BMLT)
Centre for Paramedical Sciences
AsexplainedintheProgrammeGuide,thereare fourTutorMarked Assignments (TMA)andalltheseassignmentsarecompulsory.Pleasenotethatyouarerequiredtoscoreaminimumof 50%marksineachassignment.Theassignmentscarryaweightageof30%markstowardsthe finalevaluationintheorycomponent.Submissionofrelatedassignmentsisapre-requisiteforappearing intheoryterm-endexaminationforrespectivepapers.Alltheassignmentsshouldbesubmittedbefore 15th October, 2012.
●Useonlyfoolscapsizepaperforwritingyourresponses.Onlyhandwrittenassignmentswillbe accepted.Typedorprintedcopiesofassignmentswillnotbeaccepted.
●Writethequestionnumberandmarksallotted witheachanswer.
●Theassignmentwillbeevaluatedoutofamaximumof 100 marks. All questions carry equal marks; in case of questions having more than one part the marks are to besuitably distributed. .
Readtheassignmentscarefully.Scanthroughthewholematerialofthecourse,answersmaybelinkedwithin theblocks/units.Drawaroughoutlineofyouranswerinyourownwords.Supportyouranswerfromyour clinicalexperience.Makealogicalorder.Thenwriteyouranswerneatlyandsubmit.Giveillustrationsand tableswherevernecessary.You mustkeepaXeroxcopyoftheanswersheetsforthefuturereference.Donot copyfromprintedcoursematerial.Answereachassignmentonseparatesheet.Onthefirstpageofthe assignmentresponsesheet,writethecoursecode,coursetitle,assignmentcode,nameofyourProgramme studycentre(PSC)anddateofsubmission.Yourrollnumber,nameandfulladdressshouldbementionedon thefirstpage.Thefirstpageofyourresponsesheetshouldlookliketheformatgiven.
CourseTitle: / ...... / Name: / ......AssignmentCode: / ...... / Address: / ......
PSC: / ...... / ......
DateofSubmission: / ...... / ......
CourseCode:...... EnrolmentNo......
PleasesubmittheassignmentstotheProgrammeIn-chargeoftheProgrammeStudyCentreallotted toyou.
Applied Histopathology and Cytology
Programme Code: BMLT
Course Code: BAHI-009
Assignment Code: BAHI/AS1
Maximum Marks: 100
Last date of Submission: 15th October, 2012
Answer all the questions. Each question carries 10 marks
1.What is haematoxylin? Briefly describe the principles of preparing haematoxylin stains. Elaborate on Mayer’s haematoxylin, it’s preparation and staining procedure.
2.Explain the principle of staining with trichrome stains. Describe in detail any one method.
3.What is amyloid? What are the staining methods used to demonstrate amyloid?
4.Which are the common stains for carbohydrates? How can they be used to categorize different substances? Describe Periodic Acid Schiff method in detail.
5.How will you demonstrate lipids in tissues?
6.Describe the procedures for staining:
7. What is sex chromatin? Which are the methods for it’s demonstration?
8.Describe the preparation, color maintenance and fixation of specimens for mounting with
special reference to Kaiserling methods.
9.Write in detail about the organization of a museum.
10Define the following:
(c) Mordant(d)Lake
Applied Haematology
Programme Code: BMLT
Course Code: BAHI-010
Assignment Code: BAHI/AS2
Maximum Marks: 100
Last date of Submission: 15th October, 2012
Answer all the questions. Each question carries 10 marks
- (a) What are the importance of bone marrow examination?
(b) Describe the method of bone marrow aspiration.
- (a) How to prepare bone marrow smears and describe May-Granwald Giemsa Staining
(b) Explain how a bone marrow smear is examined and reported
- (a) How does a bone marrow react in anaemic conditions?
(b) Describe marrow picture in Iron deficiency anaemia and Haemolytic anaemia.
- Explain the staining for Haemosiderin and & Peroxidase.
- (a) Define Haemoglobinopathies
(b) Describe various Thalassemias
- Write short notes on the following:
(a) Foetal haemoglobin (HbF)
(b) Sickle haemoglobin (HbS)
- Describe the method for Hb Electrophoresis.
- Describe HLA typing.
- Describe the principle, procedure and clinical importance of Osmotic Fragility test.
- Explain LE cell phemenon.
Applied Serology, Microbiology and Immunology
Programme Code: BMLT
Course Code: BAHI-011
Assignment Code: BAHI/AS3
Maximum Marks: 100
Last date of Submission:15th October, 2012
Answer all the questions. Each question carries 10 marks.
- Define immunity, What are the difference between active and passive immunity.Discuss the mechanism of Innate immunity?
2. Explain Enzyme Immuno Assay. Describe the application and use of ELISA?
- Explain the principle, types and application of Polymerized Chain Reaction(PCR)
- Name the various classes of immunoglobulins. Describe the structure and properties of Ig G, Ig A, Ig M.?
- Define Hospital acquired infection, Enumerate the microorganism causing it. What are the factors, which contribute in development of this infection?
- Define Flow cell cytometry; Write the basic principle, performance of instruments, uses and limitation?
- Define and classify Hypersensitivity reactions. Describe in detail about Type 1 hypersensitivity reaction?
- Name various water-borne pathogens. Discuss the bacteriological examination of water?
- Write short notes on (any two)
(a) Counter immuno electrophoresis (CIEP)
(b) Immunofluorescence (IF)
(c) Immunodiffusion
10. Write short notes on (any two)
(a) C-Reactive protein (CRP)
(b) Paul-Bunnel test
(c) Treponema Pallidum Haemaglutination Assay (TPHA)
Organisation and Management
Programme Code: BMLT
Course Code: BAHI-012
Assignment Code: BAHI/AS4
Maximum Marks: 100
Last date of Submission:15th October, 2012
Answer all the questions. Each question carries 10 marks.
- (a)Explain the major steps in automated analysis
(b)List out the advantages and disadvantages of automation
(c) Define the following terms:
- Automation
- Continuous Flow
- Discrete analysis
- Random Access
2.(a) Discuss Thyroid Function Test. Describe any one of them in detail.
(b)Describe the synthesis and secretion of Thyroxine.
3.Describe inborn errors of metabolism
4.(a) Define chromatography technique
(b) List out the classifications
(c)Describe the principle, procedure and clinical importance of Thin Layer Chromatography.
5.Discuss the various steps in separation of serum protein by electrophoresis and its diagnostic importance.
6.Explain the functions of Q.C and Q.C programmes in Biochemistry.
7.Discuss about different types of urinary calculi, its formation and chemical analysis.
8.(a)List out the functions of proteins
(b)Classification and Biochemical importance of amino acid
(c)Define Transamination and its Biological significance
9.Write short note on:
(a)Blood Gas analysis
(b)Bicarbonate estimation
10.Write short note on
(a) Waste Disposal
(b) Laboratory Management System
(c)Laboratory Safety