May 2018

Dear Student and Parent/Guardian,

Lagoon Day for 8thgrade students will be Thursday, May 31st. In preparation for Lagoon Day please carefully review the followinginformation:

  • All8thgrade students are invited to attend this activity except those who are suspended, have lost Lagoon attendance privileges, and/or have unpaid fees.
  • Students may purchase a Single-All-Day Ride Passport for $34.00(tax included) when we arrive at Lagoon on May 31st. X-Venture Zone attractions are NOT included with the Single-All-Day-Passport andLagoon-A-Beach will not be open on this day. A ride passport is not required to enter the park, but must be purchased in order to ride the attractions.
  • Students will need to pack or bring money for lunch.
  • Transportation will be offeredby Canyons School District at a cost of $3.00per student. This feemust be paid in the Main Office fromMay 14thto May 25th. All fines need to be cleared before paying the transportation fee in the main office. Bus assignments will be made when the $3.00 fee is paid. Friends should pay together if they want to ride the bus together. On May 31st busses will begin boardingat 8:30 AM.
  • Lagoon will close at 5:00pm this year. An all-call forstudents in Canyons District will be made over Lagoon’s public address system at 4:45pm. When this all-call is made, students will need to start reporting to their bus. Students are required to return to the bus on which they arrived. Busses will depart by 5:15pm and return to Unionbetween 6:00and 6:15pm (depending on traffic). Students who are noton the bus by 5:15 may be left at the park, and it will be the responsibility of parent/guardians to pick up their student from Lagoon. Students who need rides home from the school need to make arrangements in advance, as the school will be closed and locked when the busses return.
  • All students attending this activity must followCanyons School District’scode of conduct. If a student does not comply with all expectations of Lagoon and Canyons School District parent/guardians may be asked to come pick up their child from Lagoon.
  • All students attending this activity must follow Canyons School District’sdress code. Please be aware of the weather forecast and dress appropriately. (Bring sunscreen, and waterproof bags to keep cell phones dry.) Students may not leave personal items on the busses. Lockers are available at Lagoon for a fee.
  • Union does have a limited number oftickets to Lagoon for those students who are in need of assistance. If you feel your student is need of assistance, please contact your student’s counselor.

The signed permission slip (attached) is needed for each student who plans to attend this activity. Students must have the signed permission slip turned in by Friday, May 25th to theMain Office where they will they sign up for whichever bus they would like to ride on. Again, friends should pay the transportation fee together if they would like to ride together.

Students choosing to attend school instead of this activity will be supervised in a “study hall” format throughout the day.

We hope this activity will be enjoyable for your 8th grade student. Thank you for your support.


Union MS Administration