Date of re-admission ____ /_____ / ___ Date of Initial Operation ____/_____/____
Hospital where original procedure was performed: MRHT Other:______
For surgeries performed elsewhere, i.e not in MRHT, this is where data collection ceases)
Section 1: Complication during initial stay: Yes No If Yes, tick choices below:
Post operative outcome(more than one option possible)Delayed Discharge (Please answer questions in Delayed discharge box)
Return to theatre (Please answer questions in Return to theatre box)
Blood transfusion Number of Units______
N/A original procedure performed elsewhere (not in MRHT)
Delayed Discharge
Reason for delay (more than one option possible)
Pain(adynophagia)Tonsil bleed Adenoid bleedVomiting
N/A original procedure performed elsewhere(not in MRHT)
Return to theatre: Yes No N/A for this patient
If Yes, number of hours after initial procedure______hours
Bleeding site(more than one option possible): Tonsil bedTongue baseAdenoid
Not KnownOther(specify)______
Discharge date:____/______20___
Section 2: Readmission within 28 days of initial surgery: Yes No If Yes, tick choices below:
Date of Readmission ____/_____/_____ N/A for this patient
Number of days after initial procedure:______ N/A for this patient
Blood transfusion
YesNoif yes, number of units______ N/A for this patient
Reason for readmission (more than one option possible): Pain Fever Tonsil bleed
Adenoid bleed Vomiting Not known Other (specify)______
Return to theatre
YesNoif yes, number of days after initial procedure______days
Bleeding site(more than one option possible): Tonsil bedTongue base Adenoid
Not Known Other(specify)______
Haemostasis management: SuturingDiathermyPillar to pillar procedureN/A
Other Management of post tonsillectomy bleed (more than one option possible) Silver nitrate Hydrogen peroxide gargle Packing N/A for this patientCompleted by : SignaturePrint Name
Adapted from: National Prospective Tonsillectomy Audit, RoyalCollege of Surgeons of England (2005)