Ayrshire Judo Club Constitution


1.1The Club shall be called “Ayrshire Judo Club” and shall be affiliated to the Scottish and British Judo Association governing bodies.


2.1 The primary object of the Club shall be to foster and develop the practise and spirit of Judo along the traditional lines and for that purpose in accordance with the practices and policies of the Governing body.

2.2 To promote friendship, fair play and the wellbeing of its members.

2.3 To provide a safe and fun environment for all activities.

2.4 The club aims to make Judo accessible to the local community and provide a safe and supportive environment in which all students feel able to achieve their full potential.

2.5 The club aims to provide and maintain an environment of equality for all students. Instructors and members will not discriminate on the grounds of age, culture, disability, gender, marital status, race, religion or sexual orientation.


3.1 Membership of Ayrshire Judo Club shall be open to all provided that they have attended Judo lessons organised and administered by the Club and paid the appropriate fee.

3.2 All members of Ayrshire Judo Club shall be fully paid up members of a recognised Judo Association or Society e.g. Judo Scotland.

3.3 The contest rules of the International Judo Federation shall form the rules for any mat activities during a Club training session or at any time during which players are either training or in competition.

3.4 In the interest of safety, hygiene and Club image a clean Judogi shall be worn at all times when participating in Judo.

3.5 A weekly subscription shall be payable by all members in the following categories:

JUNIOR MEMBER aged 5 – 16 years

SENIOR MEMBER aged 16 years and above

The subscription shall be recognised as a ‘Dojo Fee’ and is subject to change at a time and by an amount as determined by the Committee.

3.6 The Committee reserve the right to refuse or terminate membership of the Club of any person whose conduct is deemed to be unruly, unsuitable or likely bring the Club and/or the sport of Judo into disrepute.


4.1 The management of the Club shall be vested in the General Committee to be elected yearly at the Annual General Meeting.

4.2 The Annual General Meeting (hereafter referred to as the AGM) shall be held during the month of May each year on a date arranged by the Committee.

4.3 Notice in writing of the AGM shall be communicated to each member of the Club not less than 14 days before the date of such meeting.

4.4 The General committee of the Club shall comprise of the Honorary Chairman, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer plus members invited to serve. The services of all office bearers shall be Honorary excluding the Club Coach/Coaches. A current list of all such office bearers must be displayed whenever the Club is active where practicable or is available from the Club Secretary.

4.5 The Club shall display a list of rules and regulations with particular emphasis on general conduct, Dojo discipline etiquette and hygiene. Persistent contravening of these rules would lead to disciplinary action by the Committee.

4.6 The Chairperson shall have the casting vote in any issue on which the vote is divided.

4.7 The presence of four members of the General committee shall be deemed sufficient to form a quorum.

4.8 The General Committee may at any time delegate any of its powers to sub-committees whom they are authorised to appoint as they see fit. Those sub-committees are empowered to co-opt other members subject to approval of the General Committee.

4.9 Should the General Committee consider it necessary at any time to obtain funding by way of a loan the General Committee shall be empowered to negotiate such a loan on behalf of the Club with all Club members accepting joint responsibility with respect to the repayment of said loan.

Any member joining the Club midway through any year shall be deemed to have accepted this condition of membership.


5.1 The income of the Club shall be derived from Dojo fees, donations, profits from functions arranged by or on behalf of the Club and any other source of income.

5.2 The funds shall be kept by the Club Treasurer under the supervision of the General Committee who shall have the authority to raise and expend funds in the interest of the Club and in accordance with the Club’s objectives.


6.1 Through its affiliation with Judo Scotland, Ayrshire Judo Club and all members who are Licence Holders are covered for third party liability.


7.1 If at any General Meeting of the Club a resolution be passed calling for the dissolution of the Club the Secretary shall immediately convene an Extraordinary General Meeting (hereafter referred to as the EGM) of the Club to be held not less than month thereafter to discuss and vote upon the resolution.

7.2 If at the EGM the resolution is carried by at least two members of the Club present at the meeting the General Committee shall thereupon or at such date as shall have been specified in the resolution proceed to realise the assets of the Club and discharge all debts and liabilities of the Club.

7.3 After discharging all debts and liabilities of the club the remaining assets shall not be paid or distributed amongst the members of the club but shall be given or transferred to some other voluntary organisation having objectives similar to those of the Club.