Health Projects- Grading Rubric for the Informational Nutrition Video
Category’s for Grading / Poor
/ Fair
/ Good Great
The student needs to use some creative options in this video including; new exciting topics, original thought, out of the box thinking. / Poor -1
Students showed little to no original thought or creativity. / Fair -2
There was some signs of creativity and original thought. / Good- 3 Great -4
Students created an original, accurate and interesting product that adequately addresses the issue, expressed creatively, and showed original thought./
Group was highly creative and expressed exciting and out of the box new ideas which highly enhanced their group project.
Length of video:
Students must create a video with a minimum of 2-3 minutesworth of quality work. / Poor -1
The video was rushed and only lasted 45 seconds or less. / Fair-2
The video was under 1 minute but more than 45 seconds. / Good– 3 / Great -4
The video was 2 minutes /
Full 3 minutes plus any extra time or information
Visually appealing to viewer:
Was the video appealing to the viewer, easy to follow, flowed easily, was pleasant to visually see, and held viewers’ attention. / Poor- 1
Little to no visual appeal- hard to follow, students lost interest. / Fair-2
Video was hard to understand and not very clear.Confusing / Good – 3 / Great – 4
The video was easy to understand and very clear./
Video was highly entertaining and held audiences full attention thought out, extremely clear and to the point.
Quality of Information:
The information should cover the topic.Students showed an advanced level of cognitive knowledge on nutrition and health. A minimum of 3 facts must be used / Poor- 1
The video only had one or zero (facts) elements of topic mentioned.Students lacked any cognitive knowledge on topic. / Fair
The video had two elements (facts) of the topic mentioned.Students showed little knowledge on topic area. / Good- 3 / Great – 4
The video had the minimum amount of elements (facts) of the topic mentioned. Students showed knowledge about nutrition and health/
Video went above and beyond giving 3+ facts about their desired topic. Students showed a high level of cognitive knowledge on their desired topic- nutrition and health
Team Work:
All students were used equally and all participated at the same level, utilized individual talents to help quality of video. / Poor
The video was uneven with participating and lack a utilization of individual talents / Fair
Only half of group was on point while others lacked participation. / Good
Most of the group was involved and showed a high level of participation /
Group went above and beyond with individual participation levels

Nutrition Project!

Students in the group: ______

Total Grade: ______/ 20 = ______