Award-Winning Books by Jeffrey Bennett

For Children:

All Recommended for Grades K-8 by the National Science Teachers Association and flown aboard the International Space Stationfor the new “Story Time From Space” program (

$15 each, or set of 6 for $80

(All except Jupiter also available in Spanish, $15 each)

For Grownups:

Beyond UFOs — The Search for Extraterrestrial Life and Its Astonishing Implications for Our Future
“popular-science writing at its best.”
“The author’s optimism is contagious.”
$20 / Math for Life — Crucial Ideas You Didn’t Learn in School
“Should be required reading for every American.”
“Brilliantly illustrates the importanceof numeracy in all aspects of life.”
$25 / What is Relativity? — An Intuitive Introduction to Einstein’s Ideas and Why They Matter
“Lucid explanatory text and figures coupled with thoughtful commentary on why relativity is important in constructing our scientific [and] personal, views of space and time.”
$25 / On Teaching Science — Principles and Strategies That Every Educator Should Know
“The gold standard to which all other teaching books will be compared.”
“Should be required reading for parents and administrators as well as teachers.”

Order Your Autographed Copies Today (form on back)

More info:
Autographed Book Order Form
(Return to your teacher by <date>)

Please use this order form to purchase books, which Dr. Bennett will sign individually. These sales help us reduce the cost of his visit, and if we sell enough,he will visit our school free of charge!

Circle the books you are ordering below, indicating the name(s) to autograph. (To order more than one copy of a book, please mark clearly or attach a separate page.)

6-Book Special: Save $10 with the “6-book Special” (all autographed to the same name(s)).

Book / Print name(s) to inscribe (first names only please, except teachers) / price
Max Goes to the Moon / $15
Max Goes to Mars / $15
Max Goes to Jupiter / $15
Max Goes to the Space Station / $15
The Wizard Who Saved the World / $15
I, Humanity / $15
6-Book Special (all 6 books above) / $80
Max viaja a la luna (Spanish) / $15
Max viaja a la EstaciónEspacial (Spanish) / $15
El magoquesalvó al mundo (Spanish) / $15
Yo soy la humanidad (Spanish) / $15
Beyond UFOs / $20
Math for Life / $25
What is Relativity? / $25
On Teaching Science / $15
Close-out: Max’s Ice Age Adventure** / [signed, but not personalized] / $5

Please make checks payable to: <Aspen Elementary School

* Name of Person writing check: ______Phone #:

* Please indicate how you would like your books delivered:

Please send the book(s) home with:
(Student Name/Grade/Teacher): ______

This is a gift; I will pick up the book(s) at the school office:
(Parent Name and Phone Number)______

All sales count toward the free visit except sales of Max’s Ice Age Adventure,and sales of Beyond UFOs and What is Relativity?count as ½ book each (because Dr. Bennett has to pay much more for these).

 Creative Child Magazine’s 2009 Educational Book of the Year, written by Logan Weinman and Jeffrey Bennett.