*Your church Name*


Kairos is an interdenominational Christian evangelical ministry to those in prison and to their relatives. It is a non-profit Christian based ministry governed in Australia by the National Board of Kairos Prison Ministry Australia (KPMA). Our Christian faith provides the basis for what we do - it is an action based mission to people in prisons, their families and friends.

Kairos volunteers are ordinary men and women who have a heart for helping people, offering new hope:

·  To men and women in prison to say “you have a choice (in breaking the cycle).”

·  To women and men affected by having someone in prison to say “you are not alone.”

·  To juvenile offenders to say “you don’t have to go to the ‘big house’ there’s a better way ahead.”

Kairos seeks to make a difference in people’s lives.

Through a 3-4day program (called a Short Course or Weekend) Kairos brings a tangible alternative through word, action and example that is supportive, loving and non-judgemental. Then through ongoing ‘Journey’ visits and reunion days, the alternative is crystallised by ongoing attendance and continued contact.

To be a team member you will have had to completed an Emmaus Walk or Cursillo Weekend, or have undertaken the Preparation for Kairos program training. Attendance at a Kairos Outside program as a guest, can substitute as pre-qualification for Kairos Outside Team membership When a team is formed, specific team formation and training is scheduled at various times over the two months leading up to the Short Course.


Members of Your Church Name can assist in a number of ways with this ministry. In particular, Your Church Name is offering to sponsor people who wish to be part of a Kairos Team on one of the inside or outside courses.

If you would like to apply for this sponsorship please fill in the attached Application Form and forward it to [Your Church Name Kairos Representative/Contact.]

After the Short Course or during the Journey Program, we would love you to share your experience in a brief summary to the Church or your small group.

Additionally, you may feel led to support Kairos other than as a team member. You may wish to contribute financially, in prayer or through agape. If this is on your heart please talk to the Kairos Representative or go to the website kairos.org.au and look under the ‘How Can You Help’ area.





I would like to apply for Sponsorship to join a Kairos Team through the offer made by Your Church Name on Kairos Short Course / Kairos Outside Course #...... to be held at
(name of prison, or region for Kairos Outside)


between the dates ……………………………… and ………………………….

I am applying for this sponsorship on behalf of myself a guest. (Please indicate)

I have completed the following training in preparation for this ministry:



I have not completed any training in preparation and would like to inquire as to options available to me in this area

The cost for my / guest attendance on this course will be $......


Date ……………………………………………………….