

Author: Verne, Jules/ Millien, Chrys (CON)

Publisher: Diamond Comic Distributors

Around The World in 80 Days

Mr. Fogg is a rich man in England. One day, while he was playing poker with his friend, he got the news that $55, 000 pounds in the bank of England was robbed. However, since the police had no way to arrest those who stole the money from the bank, everyone tended to think the robbers can hide themselves around the world. If the police want to catch the criminals, they have to go around the world. Some think it takes 200 days to go around the world, but Mr. Fogg believes he only needs 80 days to complete the task. Yet, he bets his entire fortune and leaves with a new butler on a world tour.

The novel is fascinating and funny to me. I really enjoy reading it so much. The story include friendship and responsibilty, which can be a good lesson for teenagers. I hope to share it with all young readers. It’s a little bit difficult for me to read and comprehend entirely, but it is definitely worth a reading.



Author: Meyer, Stephenie

Publisher:Little Brown & Co


The story is about a young-adult vampire-romance. It introduces a seventeen-year-old girl, Bella, finding her life in danger when she falls in love with a vampire, Edward. When Bella is seated next to Edward Cullen in class on her first day of school, Edward seems utterly repulsed by her. However, over the next few days Edward warms up to her, and their newfound relationship reaches a climax when Bella is nearly run over by a fellow classmate's van in the school parking lot. Bella becomes hell-bent on figuring out how Edward saved her life, and constantly pesters him with questions. After tricking a family friend, Jacob Black, into telling her local tribal legends, Bella concludes that Edward and his family are vampires who drink animal blood rather than human. Edward confesses that he initially avoided Bella because the scent of her blood was so desirable to him. Over time, Edward and Bella fall in love

I personally admire the courageous love of the couple, Bella and Edward. They have to be intelligent and witty to conquer lots of danger and protect each other for their love. The plot is full of imagination and recently the story has been adapted into a film. I think it will soon become a blockbuster since its book series has already been popular with a mass of readers. Reading sagas like Twilight is fun and their romantic sotry is admirable.



With ten agreemens of dog

My impressions on the movie—

From the movie, I learned that dogs are human’s faithful friends. If you keep them as pets, you need to take good care of them until the day they die. It’s our duty to give them love and care. Besides, you could have many other friends; however, the only friend your pet dog could have is no one else but you, the pet owner. As a result, the principal’s mother wrote down ten rules and asked her to obey before keeping the dog. Unfotunately, it was not unitl the dog died that the principal realized she didn’t’ do her best to look after it. The most touching moment is that the principal burst inot tears after she learned that she was not a good pet owner.



Actor: Jim Carry


The summary of the movie “Yes Man”—

The movie describesthat a person used to isolate himslef from the social life ever since his girlfriend dumped him. He doesnt go out and have fun with his friends and the only hobby he has is to watch DVD alone at home. He is definitely a home geek.

However, everthing changes by one word “YES”. On a lector’s speech, he promises of saying “yes” in all situations. He must say yes even though the situation is not his favor just to keep the promise. Besides, he lies to his girlfriend, but she finds out the reality and leaves him afterwards. Fortunately, he changes his girl’s mind and wins her heart back in the end.

Reflection on the movie “ Yes Man”—

What I has learned is that even though it is just a comic story, it is the actor Jim Carry who portrayed the character so well and makes it so fun and interesting. What’s more is that it is a comic film and I just cannot help but love this type of movies so much. Jim Carry is my idol and has great talents in acting comic movies and I am convinced that the audience will be inspired by the movie and become no more home geeks.



Author: Rebecca Fratzke. Marcus Maurice

Publisher: Ivy League Enjoy English Co

Dragonball: Evolution

To save the world, the main character, Goku and his friends must find the dragonballs before the uncoming eclipse.


This article interests me a lot as it turns a caricature turn into a real person character, which let the entire story become more authentic and not so fake as the caricature one. After reading this article, I have higher expectation from the upcoming movie and I look forward to seeing it in the theather.



My Best Friend & His Cat


Peter is my bst friend. He lives very close to me and I often go to see him after school. One day he asked me to come to his house to see his new cat. He wanted me to be there exactly at 2:00. I told him I’d be there on time. I rushed to his house without even stopping to eat lunch. I only put on one shoe. I didn’t want to be late so I ran all the way to his house. Everyone on the street saw me running….


This book is about an amusing story. Vocabulary terms are easy to understand while the content is full of humor. I found the book so funny while reading it. The boy’s behaviour is the laughing-stock of the book. Besides, since the boy made lots of mistakes and therefore, he always has the girl’s aid. It is a book worth of reading and I would recommend it to everyone.



Mr. Magorium’s Wonder Emporium


The story is about “ Magic”. It tells that an old man is 242 years old and he owns a store. Later on, he is buried in his funeral and that makes a young boy and girl so sad. What’s worse, the magic store will be overhauled and another man is going to take it over.


The is a funny story. A yuck man has a yuck stuff on his head, which makes me curious and excited. And an old man is at the age of 242. How unbelievable is it! Besides, what inspired me more is that a young boy who doesn’ have any friends before visiting Mr. Magorium’s store found the store his favorite place to stay. The sotre has entirely changed his spirits and thoughts. All in all, the old man is so cool and the story is touching.



The Miller His Son and Their Donkey


One day a miller, his son and their donkey set off their journey to the market. At last, the donkey trotted away.


I think everyone is unique and has different opinions; therefore, we need to think clearly and wisely. You can never please everyone nor can you always be right. However, you can have another choice to do a right thing and be flexible to your approaches in order to achieve your goals. Believe in yourself that you can make things around you better and better.



Bear’s Last Journey


One day, the bear has fallen ill, and a lot of animals look after the bear later on. But the bear’s health gets worse and worse day after day and gradually he died in the end.


The sotry is about life and death. If we are ill and lie in bed, then the meaning of life has little meaning. However, the bear, the protagonist of the book is dying soon, but he never gives up. Rather, he contintues to travel till the end of his life. So we shouldn’t give up our dreams and hopes easily but keep going till we achieve it.



Town Mouse And The Country Mouse


A few days later she heard that someone is calling from the field. “ Country mouse, where are you?”“ It’s the town mouse!” thought the coungtry mouse as she climbed out of her house. How nice that you’ve come to visit me” she said.

“ I wanted to see how your life goes,” the town mouse replied, “but the journey here was terrible!”

“ My feet hurt!”“Come and cool them in the dew” said the country mouse. “Here, step into his pool of dew,” said the country mouse kindly. It all smoothed the pain.” The town mouse soon recovered.


It is a very interesting story and the mouses are very cute. Pictures in the book are very beautiful and cute as well. Many articles can be found in the book and it also introduces a lot of fantastic places. I like this book a lot especially because the mouses can become good friends.



Writer: J.K. Rowling

Publisher: Crown

Harry Potter 6 (Chapter 10~12)


The book tells that three students are in the magic school and their name are Harry Potter, Hermione and Ron repectively. The protagonist is a little boy named Harry Potter who has a lightning symbol on his forehead. The evil character is a bad man called Voldemort. He kills many people, including Potter’s parents. Voldemort is like a ghost and tries to use many tricks and threats to harm Harry Potter. He also gives people much torture.


I like Harry Potter and Hermione in the book because they are very smart and Harry Potter is a good friend of Hermione and Ron. And I think Ron is a timid boy. Furthermore, I believe Harry Poter can always overcome many difficulties and challenges and which makes the plots very exciting and terrifing as well. Their teacher is an old, smat and funny professor, I think. All students in the magic school trust him, respect him and like him a lot. The book can be found in the bookstore and I recommend it to you all.



Writer: J.K. Rowling

Publisher: Crown Company

Harry Potter and the Goblet Fire


I think that Harry Potter is a very brave person because his parents passed away since his childhood. Since Potter is an orphan, he was bullied by other students. But he also has a few closed and best friends studying and doing fun things together at scholl. I admires Potter’s confidence, ability and wisdom a lot.If the story was not fictional, I would take an adverture to the school and find out the monsters and other characters as well. The book of Harry Potter and the Goblet Fire really fascinates me and he is really my idol!



Writer:Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Publisher:Reynal & Hitchcock Place: New York, USA

The Little Prince


“Once upon a time there lived a prince in a planet far, far away”This is how the novelette”TheLittle Prince”didn’t start. It’s true and we can find a little prince in the book. He doesn’t live on a planet far, far away, but this is a story for the grownups and they need to be expalined about the realities of Fox, Boa Constrictors and Elephants inside Boa Constrictors, and therefore the story goes on.


When a young prince leaves his own tiny planet, seeking answers to all his questinos, he finds himself on Earth and other planets. With the help of talking animals and strange adults, he learns lessons in life, including friendship, humanity, justice and maybe honor, etc, which he will never forget. The book is one of the greatest books I have ever read. It is full of symbols, vivid imagery and lessons I never would have learned had I not read this book.



Author: Jeff Kinney


Diary of A Wimpy Kid


This story tells about a little boy with his diary. In a diary, he writes about his rountine as well as many funny things. The story reminds us not to be lazy every day because we can always learn many new things in our daily lives. As for as I am concerned, I never want to be lazy every day. On vacation, I always go abroad and visit another foreign city to learn different culture and things. Also I go camping, surfing, swimming and snorkling. My mom doesn’t like me to be a lazy boy duirng vacation. She always encourages me to read English books so that I can benefit a lot from the books. This book has help me a lot and I love this story book.



Late For Work from Side by Side


Victor usually gets up at seven a.m. He takes exercise every morning for twenty minutes. After that, he takes a long shower and has a big breadfast and finally leaves for work at eight o’clock. He usually drives to work and gets there at eight thirty. This morning; however, he didn’t get up at seven o’clock. He got up at six thirty. He didn’t do his morning exercise for twenty minutes. He did it for only five minutes. He didn’t take a long shower; rather, he took a very quick shower. He didn’t have a big breakfast; instead, he had a small breakfast. He didn’t leave for work at eight o’clok but at seven o’clock.

Victor didn’t’ drive to work this morning. He drove it to the repair shop. Then he walked a mile to the train station, and he waited fo rthe train for fifteen minutes. After getting off the train, he walked half a mile to his office. Even though Victor got up early and rushed out of the house this morning, he didn’t get to his office on time. He was forty-five minutes late. When his supervisor saw him, she got angry and shouted at him for minutes. Poor Victor! He really tried to go to his office on time this morning.


I like Victor because he is very good at time management. I am very bad at arranging things and managing time. Therefore, I want to be Victor’s good friend. I think he can help me improve myself.

And I believe that all people make mistakes sometimes, so do I. I got up late for school and I don’t know the exact reason. In the story, I personally think Victor is innocent for he has already got up early and has done everthing quicker than ever. And I believe no one wants to be late for school or work nor do they want to make mistakes and let their supervisor angry. So I hope I can always be punctual whatever I do.