Release Notes
Release 13.0
Author: Tim Brown, Technical Lead
Published: 23/10/2009
Document Version: 13.0
NES ePortfolio Release Notes
1 Overview 3
1.1 Document Purpose 3
1.2 Definitions 3
1.2.1 Roles: 3
1.2.2 Sites: 3
1.2.3 Locations: 3
1.2.4 Training period: 3
1.2.5 Post: 3
1.2.6 Grade/designation: 3
2 Release Plan 4
2.1 Release 13 4
2.2 Release 14 4
3 Release 13 4
3.1 Email to assessors for self-completed forms (Foundation) 4
3.2 West Midlands updates (Foundation) 4
3.3 Automated reminder to share information (Foundation) 4
3.4 Ability to target Courses/Seminars to specific locations 4
4 Release 12 Minor Updates 5
5 Known Issues 5
6 Future Releases 5
ii of 5NES ePortfolio Release Notes
1 Overview
1.1 Document Purpose
The purpose of this document is to indicate the planned times of software releases to the ePortfolio production site, to detail minor updates that have been implemented since the previous release, and identify known ongoing issues within the software
1.2 Definitions
1.2.1 Roles:
There are 3 principal roles, Trainee, Supervisor, and Administrator. The supervisor role can have subtypes including Clinical, Educational, Foundation Year Director, and Tutor.
1.2.2 Sites:
These are the main ePortfolio types, currently, Foundation, Physician, RCEM, Pharmacy, RGU and RCOG.
1.2.3 Locations:
These refer to physical (i.e. real) locations, most commonly hospitals, or may also refer to administrative offices or schools, for example, an NHS trust.
1.2.4 Training period:
These defines the overall year of training for a trainee, such as FY1, or ST2, covering the full period of time the trainee is employed at that grade/designation (see below), and has a location defined. The training period will have child posts (see below).
1.2.5 Post:
A post is a child of a training year, and has dates that cannot lay out with those defined in the parent Training Period. The post has grade/designation defined, as well a location. In some sites this may be referred to as a “course”.
1.2.6 Grade/designation:
This refers to a trainee’s stage of training, such as FY1, FY2, ST1, FTSTA1, etc.
2 Release Plan
2.1 Release 13
23rd October 2009
2.2 Release 14
November 2009
3 Release 13
3.1 Email to assessors for self-completed forms (Foundation)
An email is now automatically sent to the assessor when a form has been entered by a trainee on the assessor’s behalf
3.2 West Midlands updates (Foundation)
· Validation now shows scoring values in the Analyse Forms functionality
· Updates to PHEEM fields: instruction text and new fields added
3.3 Automated reminder to share information (Foundation)
When a trainee changes post an automatic reminder is displayed in the trainees Alerts section on the home page to remind them to share relevant areas of their ePortfolio with their Clinical Supervisor. The displayed being:
Your Clinical Supervisor (CS) in your new post may not have a login to view your ePortfolio. It will, however, be useful for you to show the CS relevant areas of your ePortfolio so that they are aware of your experience, workplace based assessments and progress against the curriculum. You should do this by logging in and viewing relevant pages together. Do not share your login details with anyone else. You can also generate and print a PDF of any or all of your ePortfolio if this is more convenient. You should ask your CS to complete a Clinical Supervisors Report at the end of your attachment via the ticketing system.
3.4 Ability to target Courses/Seminars to specific locations
Courses and seminar details can now be target to specific locations. If set to a single hospital for example, then only trainees at that hospital will see it. If set to a deanery then all trainees in that deanery will see.
4 Release 12 Minor Updates
5 Known Issues
Foundation CbD form: a correction was made to some of the questions in this form where it had been noted that multiple options need to be selected but the form had radio buttons that only allow a single choice. This has now been corrected by the changing to check boxes to allow multiple selections.