Room 209
Semaphore Tower
HM Naval Base
PO1 3LT 02392 720782
Draft Minutes of the Conference of Naval Associations Meeting –
26 January 2017–Southern Area Sea Cadets HQ, HMS Nelson, Portsmouth.
Associations Representatives Present
Chairman -John McAnally (RNA )
RNA -Paul Quinn (Working Group Chairman)
-Keith Ridley
FNA-Cliff Snelling
RN Communicators Assoc-Carl Beeson
Submariners-Chris Freeth
Ton Class -Charlie Farnes
AOWrens -Julia Clark
-Carol Gibbon
QARNNS -Alice Morris
Bulwark, Albion
Centaur Assoc-Mike Noonan
RMA -Mike Ellis
RN Comms CPOs-Ollie Butler
Chatham Naval Officers-Ken Sprowles
F390 Loch Fada-Frenchy (Roy) De La Haye
Ganges -Dave Cross
Merchant Navy Assoc-Gareth Peaston
HMS Relentless Assoc-Steve Newton
HMS Tenby Association-Martin Heneghan
HMS Lowestoft Assoc-Steven Foster
HMS Bristol Association-Steven Foster
Type 42 Association-Chris Smith
HMS Birmingham Assoc-Chris Smith
HMS Llandaff-Peter Sitch
Loch Class Frigates-Andrew Nunn
-Ann Nunn
Survey Ships -Joe Erskine
RN Med Rating &SB Staff-Phil Davey
HMS Llandaff Association-Kevin Wood
HMS Mohawk Association-Ian Hill
-Thelma Hill
Submariners Association-Nigel Mellor
RN Patrol Service Assoc-Leo Whisstock
HMS Dido Association-Brian Thompson
County Class Destroyers-Danny Shea
-Martin Slater
MS-SC-Gary Bassett
Secretary-Andy Christie
Apologies-2nd HMS Manchester Association
-Mine Warfare Association
Attending Guests /Briefers;
UK Holiday Group-Harold Burke
Project Semaphore-Sharon Brown
CONA Admin-Sarah Clewes
RNRMC-Hilary Jukes
Miltary Mutual Insurance-Florence Everett
-Martin Richards
No / Item / Discussion and Decision1 / Chairman Opening Remarks / The Chairman welcomed Associations to the meeting particularly new members attending for the first time.
2 / Minutes of the last meeting / The minutes of the last meeting were accepted unanimously with the following amendments;
Page 9 - CCDA should read 104 not 200
Page 11 – Ipads add NMA
3 / Matters Arising / There were no matters arising not covered in the agenda.
4 / Welcome new Members / The Chairman welcomed the following new CONA Associations and their representatives;
HMS Mohawk Association, HMS Arethusa Social Group, RN Communication Chiefs Association.
5. / Naval Associations Biennial Parade / The RNA General Secretary, Paul Quinn, briefed Conference on the arrangements for the Naval Associations Biennial Parade in Whitehallon Sunday 10 September 2017. He confirmed that the Guest of Honour would be the Second Sea Lord, Vice Admiral Jonathon Woodcock OBE and the VIP party would include a number of MPs and Mrs Gillian Molyneux and her daughter Bethany, Mrs Molyneux is the widow of Lt Cdr Dean Molyneux who was killed whilst serving in HMS Astute.
It is envisaged that that over 500 personnel both Veterans and Serving will be on parade. As well as representatives from the many naval associations, including from Belgium and the Republic of Ireland. Trainees from HMS Sultan and HMS Collingwood will parade, as will members of the Sea Cadet Corps. Music will be provided by the volunteer band from HMS COLLINGWOOD.
The programme of events is;
- 0900 RNA Central Office staff on site, GS meet with Met senior officer
- 0915Civil Service Club opens for coffee and toilets (80 metres from Coach parking)
- 0930 Parking for coaches and minibuses in Whitehall Place (pass required from HQ)
- 0945 All Vehicles to be parked,
- 0950 Whitehall Place and South Whitehall closes.
- 1010Standard bearers brief by NCA
- 1025 Parade musters and is briefed by Parade Commander.
- 1040Parade steps off , from Whitehall Place
- 1055 2SL, Min(AF), NP, CoF join the parade (GS)
- 1100 Service starts, 2 minute silence
- 1102 Service at Cenotaph led by the Chaplain of the Fleet
- 1127 Parade steps off, review by 2SL
- 1140 Parade addressed by NP/FC
- 1145 Parade dismissed in Whitehall Place
- 1146 Issue of Standard Bearers ‘Tots’ outside CS Club
- 1147 Bar opens in CS Club – 2SL meets Shipmates
- 1300 All vehicles to be clear of Whitehall Place.
6 / CONA Admin Worker Update / Chair WG reminded CONA members that CONA Admin Support, Sarah Clewes, was available to work with any association to resolve IT and administration issues. Admin Support is funded for another year so why not take advantage and use her skill base. Sarah can be contacted at .
Sarah briefed the Conference on details of the RNA Libor Award to fund the purchase of three Mini-Buses for use by Naval Veterans to assist in ameliorating social isolation. The Mini-buses will be equipped with a hydraulic lift to assist disabled shipmates and can be even used for trips down the pub!
Sarah explained that the she is currently obtaining ‘best price’ quotes. It is hoped the mini-buses will be on the road in early summer and will debut at the RNA Conference in Perth. The process and finer details of who, what and when is also being worked out.
7 / Individual Associations
Briefs/Updates / Associations were invited to provide a brief update, no more than two minutes. This time was supervised by the Chairman.
County Class Destroyer Association.
Started 18 months ago
204 members from 8 County Class Destroyers Standard rededication at NMS 21 May 1130 all welcome
Submariners’ Association
56 Branches 180 members
Reunion/AGM 24/26 Mar in Leicester
RASM Has offered a desk in Falange for Association use
HMS Mohawk Association
All Tribal Class welcome
Reunion 20 Oct Llandudno
Chatham Officers Association
Monthly meeting in RE Gillingham Barracks
50/60 Members
£1,800 raised for charity from lunches
Federation of Naval Associations
Reunion Southport 21 Mar
New Website
New Secretary Cliff Snelling
HMS Tenby Association
Formed 10 years ago
60 members
Any Ships Company from Dartmouth Training Squadron welcome
HMS Relentless Association
5 years old 106 members( youngest being 64)
24 November Bench dedication in Stafford for shipmate who has crossed the bar.
Loch Class Association
200 Members
Reunion 31 Mar Royal Clifton Hotel
2018 Reunion to be held in the Maritime club Portsmouth
RNPatrol Association
400 members
Reunion is held in Lowestoft at RNPA Museum in Oct Anew lift, costing £30,000 (donated by a shipmate in his will) has just been dedicated
Merchant Navy Association
Membership remains static
Merchant Navy Day 3 Sep with ceremony at Tower HIll MN Memorial New Memorial sited in Weymouth after raising £30,000
12 applications for IPads in Project Semaphore
2017 Conference Perth 1/2 June
Naval Associations Biennial Parade 10 Sep
500 new members have joined on line in 2016
100th year Anniversary
8 march at Naval Museum with VVIP
RM Band commissioned 100th new music to be played at Mountbatten Festival of Music
Survey Ships Association
AGM Held in Bristol at Aztec Hotel with trips to SS G Britain and cruise on Avon
183 Members
RNCommunication Chiefs Association
All ex WO-CPO communicators
CreAted 48 years ago however declining membership Offer £50 prize for best S / Rate at Collingwood to encourage membership
Bulwark, Albion & Centaur Association
500 Members
CONA Travel trip to Malta
2017 Reunion held in Royal Beach
Strong liaison with HMS Albion and Bulwark
Type 42 Association
Now 8 Standards
2 Standards will attend WRNS 100th
HMS Birmingham Association
AGM - Liverpool and 2018 in Birmingham...... Alabama!
200 members
Marine Society / Sea Cadets
FAb FEB and Marvellous March recruiting drive Drill and Piping 29 Mar Tower of London Band competition 19 Aug National Regatta XL London 2 Sep
Ganges Association
Ganges closed 40 yrs ago
40 Members paraded at Cenotaph
Gunton Hall 21/24 April
St Nazare raid from Falmouth platoon of 30 attended
HMS Loch Fada F390 Association
President sadly CTB
100 members 60 active
Reunion 2017 Royal Beach Hotel and 2018 Cardiff
HMS Lowestoft Association
Reunion 2018 Steckly Spa Leicester 21/22 Oct plus visit to NMA
HMS Bristol Association
2016 Sep Reunion in RNGI Club Excellent only 9 attended.
50 members
HMS Dido Association
Reunion 7 May in Bournemouth
Membership 300
112 attended 2016 Reunion
Ton Class Association
Sept 2016 - Remembrance Service 40th Anniversary of HMS Fittleton disaster at St Mary’s Church Fittleton and HMS President (London Div RNR) (Detailed account available on TCA website .
Oct 16 -Reunion and AGM held in Torquay with 2 serving Sailors. Confirmation that they are the same! John Soanes presented with a painting of his old ship ‘Penston’ to commemorate 22 yaers as TCA Chairman.
Nov 16 – TCA platoon paraded at Cenotaph
Dec 16 – Kent and Hampshire Christmas gathering.
Forthcoming events include;
Mar 17 – Committee meeting Portsmouth
Aug 17 – 30th Anniversary of TCA
Oct 17 - Reunion & AGM in Derby
RNCommunicators Association
332 Members
2016 Reunion held in Southport where the Chairman was interviewed by the BBC Mar 17 reunion will be held in the Mercury Hotel in the city of culture. Hull!
RNRM Medical Branch Ratings
434 Members and 948 on Website
33rd reunion to be held in Plymouth
Trying to get current RN to join.
HMS Llandaff Association
17th year with 152 members
2017 Reunion 13 Oct at Alton Hotel Eastbourne.
8 members served in the ship during 1st commission
12,000 members continuing to grow at100 a month RM Parade 25 May Horseguards - Apply through RMA Central Office
16/17 Jun Families weekend CTC Lympstone
8 / Individual Guests Updates /
- RNRMC – Hilary Jukes
- The recently opened ‘Welfare Flats’ in HMS Nelson.
- Continued in service death grants of £12,000
- Support to Naval benevolence, including Veterans support through SSAFA
- Donation towards Memorials (e.g.100th AOW memorial stone)
Finally, Hilary pointed out how CONA Associations could assist this year by participating in the RNRMC ‘100’ campaign towards raising money using the Navy v Army Rugby at Twickers as a fund raising scheme. For instance you make 100 cakes for the game and sell them at half time or run 100 yards even rather than miles!
Volunteers are always required so please contact Hilary through the website if you would like to assist.
- UK Holiday Group – Harold Burke
- Once again he stressed the fact that CONA Holiday Service will not be beaten ‘on like for like price’ and implored members to at least consider contacting them for a quote.
- He highlighted that 1% of turnover of business with CONA, which has so far resulted in £1,600 being donated to CONA by the travel service. He reiterated that CONA could have earned twice that sum if people took advantage of this unique deal for the Travel Service.
Finally he wanted to advertise the CONA mini cruise again to members and to encourage attendance. There are currently 100 Shipmates booked on board so sadly we lost the opportunity to have the ship exclusively for Naval Veterans however Shipmates can still book and enjoy the fantastic ‘booze cruise’ deal so please ensure your Associations members are aware that it is still not too late for them to sign on for a ‘fifth five’.
Further details are available on the CONA Website;
- Military Mutual Insurance – Florence Everett
In outline: The Military Mutual’s current products and offers. There website is but here are the key points:
Military Kit and Personal Belongings Cover
We are currently offering Free Kit and personal belongings starter cover for 9 months, so it is a special offer for the 1St year where an individual pays £15.00 to cover the first 3 months and then they get 9 months cover for free. Our renewal promise is only £60 / year thereafter.
Starter cover entitles an individual to insurance up to £5,000 on kit, plus up to £15,000 for temporary issued kit and up to £5,000 for Personal belongings. And has some great additions such as we will cover your mobile phone up to £750 (the new iphone is £719 for example)
The ‘Starter’ cover is designed for recruits and officer cadets, but we also have Standard and Standard Plus which offer greater cover limits for trained sailors and officers. (See attached cover summary leaflet).
Home and Contents Insurance
We currently have an excellent price offer on home insurance, where we promise to beat an individual’s renewal quote by at least £25. (the attached leaflet gives you more information about this offer).
The leaflet also explains a little more about why The Military Mutual is different and what it is we are trying to do. It is worth noting that “a mutual does not have shareholders, instead we let our Members have a say in how we do things. And we can use our discretion to settle claims, even if that means we pay out more than the policy would cover or normally allow”.A big difference that should give people confidence and reassurance that we will look after them
We also offer:
Landlord insurance
Small Business insurance – ideal for those leaving the forces
Commercial insurance for charities and associations
Car insurance
Mortgages Advice
Member get Member scheme
We also have a scheme where if an individual recommends friends or family that individual can enjoy up to £100 Amazon vouchers (again I have attached a PDF of the leaflet for your interest)
The final document is a 1 pager about how The Military Mutual look and feel and some of the fun ‘give aways’ they have. They will be sponsoring a stand easy at the CONA in Jan 17 and they will do a short introductory presentation. Being able to tell as many people as possible that they are open for business is a great help for them and good for Armed Forces personnel and veterans to know that there is another choice when it comes to mitigating against personal risk.
9 / Project Semaphore / Sharon Brown the Project Semaphore Manager outlined the project to date reminding CONA members that the Aged Veterans Fund had provided funding of £650,000 to purchase iPads for socially isolated Naval veterans. Applicants must be a naval veteran (RN, RM, RNR, RMR, WRNS, QARNNS, RNXS, RFA), over the age of 65 and not currently on-line.
Sharon then explained that the RNA has now taken receipt of 600 shiny new iPads and 600 customised protective cases. Training for volunteers is now booked in London (04 March), Harrogate (05 March) and Hereford (02 April). Sharon has been asked on several occasions why do we need the training and recognises some Shipmates are more IT competent than others, however, the iPads are not straight off the shelf, they have been configured in some ways for Naval veterans purposes and it is also recognised that everyone has different ways and habits of using their own IT. The training will address knowledge shortfalls for some, show the variances of the iPads including a bespoke catalogue of preloaded Apps and further training available online. As one shipmate described his concerns about IT......
“I feel like a sail maker in a nuclear submarine!”
On completion of issuing the iPads to RNA Shipmates it is still very much the intention to open the project up to applicants from CONA Association members who fulfil the criteria.
Should you require any further information about the project please feel free to contact Sharon at or visit the RNA website at
10 / AOB / MSSC – Gary Bassett stated that the SCC Southern Area HQ conference room could be made available for CONA members to hold meetings etc if required just give him a call.
RNA - Paul Quinn wished highlighted a number of subjects;
Jutland Wood - Trees purchased are about to be planted
Credit Unions – The RNA has been in touch with all 3 companies and loans are limited only to those drawing a service pension
Shipmates and Oppos transition programme – proving to be very popular with over 1000 already signed up
IMC (International Maritime Confederation) – The Exec Council are holding an event to mark the end of WW1 in 2018. They are looking to commemorate German/French/British event possibly at Laboe near Kiel unless you have a better idea......
11 / DONM / ConferenceJuly 2017 – Venue and details to be decided.
Action Grid for CONA Conference and Working Group