Music Policy
Author Name: Pauline James Date: April 2017
Signed & Adopted by the Governing Body:
Chair of Governors
Date: 17 May 2017
Date to be reviewed: May 2018
Villa Real School agrees with the National Plan for Music Education (DfE, 2011), and the Durham County Policy Statement for Music, fully accepting the designation of Music as a foundation subject of the National Curriculum.
The development of musical skills and appreciation of music is seen as an important entitlement for all pupils/students within the School, from 2 to 19 years.
The teaching of Music is undertaken throughout all phases of the School, both in time specifically allocated to the subject, and across the curriculum.
This teaching aims to develop skills, and to ensure that listening, and applying knowledge and understanding are developed through the interrelated skills of performance, composing and appraising.
A crucial element is the identification, assessment and development of skills, knowledge, understanding and experience of music, which are pre-requisites to those identified in National Curriculum statutory requirements.
For some pupils/students, this requires a multi-sensory curriculum designed to enhance their experience of, and ability to respond to, learning situations and their environment, including other people.
This policy applies equally to all pupils/students in the School, with full consideration being given to each individual’s specific needs in relation to the learning of music and music appreciation. All will be treated equitably and with respect, irrespective of their gender, social, cultural, ethnic or religious background, family circumstances or age.
As part of this process, advice and guidance is sought, when appropriate, from other professionals working in the School in a peripatetic capacity – including Speech Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists, Educational Psychologists and teachers of the multi-sensory impaired.
Villa Real School recognises that the opportunities for experience of music and the acquisition of skills, knowledge and understanding to as high a level as can be achieved by each pupil/student is important to his/her overall development.
All pupils/students at Villa Real are entitled to a Music Curriculum that offers opportunities for the development of listening, applying knowledge and understanding developed through the interrelated skills of performing, composing and appraising:
- Individually and in different groupings
- For a variety of audiences both with and without accompanying music
- In a range of situations including play and role-play
- Using a wide range of resources and materials appropriate to abilities and age, including a variety of instruments, recordings and published material and live music
- Expressed in different ways through actions, singing, dancing and facial expression
- Using ICT, electronic music and the Soundbeam facility
The achievements of all pupils/students are recognised as having relevance to each of these areas.
Villa Real School believes that, apart from its intrinsic worth, the aim of the Music Curriculum is to enable each pupil/student to develop his/her full potential for:
- Relating to others in meaningful, sensitive and fulfilling ways
- Self advocacy - the ability to make and communicate choices and decisions
- Appreciation and enjoyment of music
- Self expression in relation to music
- Performing music
- Composing music
- The control of movement and body awareness
- Building confidence, self-esteem and perseverance
- Developing music as a leisure activity
Each area of the Music Curriculum is taught throughout the School within levels dictated by the needs and abilities of individual pupils/students and with regard to the age appropriateness of content and/or style. Individual levels of achievement in all areas will be monitored and recorded by class teachers using B Squared.
Where appropriate, class teachers will liaise with other professionals in developing effective and appropriate teaching/learning situations and monitoring individual progress.
It is the intention of the School to provide the resources and opportunities for training necessary for teaching and non-teaching staff to put the Policy into practice.
School based INSET time will be used to:
- Facilitate the standardisation and moderation of assessment and recording procedures
- Share and develop teaching strategies and skills
- Familiarise staff with available teaching resources
All classes use ‘Charanga’ an on-line interactive music scheme, at the level appropriate to their learning, and also the BBC ‘Ten Pieces’ to provide depth and breadth. Key Stages 1-4 follow the Villa Real Music Scheme of Work based on the National Curriculum. A variety of live music is provided each term by musicians who come into school.
Music is taught in class units by the class teacher, as part of Expressive Arts and Design in the EYFS and part of the weekly Music Lesson in Key Stage 1 and 2. Each lesson lasts for half an hour.
Music is taught in class units by the class teacher, for three quarters of an hour each week. Pupils/students follow the Villa Real Music Scheme of Work based on the National Curriculum, linked to ‘Charanga’ and the ‘Ten Pieces’.
Music is taught as part of Performing Arts and /or Creativity in Key Stage 5 for one hour a week. Pupils/students are provided with learning opportunities and experiences which allow them to develop their own ideas and creative motivation.
Durham Music Service provides a peripatetic teacher who is in school for three hours a week. She works with individual classes on skills relating to all areas of Music, and runs the Primary Signing Choir and Senior Ukulele Group.
Class teachers plan Music for EYFS and Key Stages 1-5. The Music Co-ordinator monitors lessons each term across the Key Stages to ensure that the requirements for each are being followed, to offer advice on good practise, to work with staff on any difficulties and to inform the future development of Music, to ensure that it continues to be a positive and enhancing learning experience for all pupils/students. The Music Co-ordinator also runs the Villa Real Handchime Group who perform regularly at school and community events.
Villa Real School believes that the teaching of Music is fundamentally important to the whole of the curriculum for our pupils/students. We are committed to providing full opportunities for each individual to achieve the aims described above.