7 APRIL 2010

The Meeting commenced at 7.00pm and finished at 8.25pm


Councillor Mrs Stribley (Chairman)

Councillors Clements, Plummer and Wilson

Parkstone and Newtown Safer Neighbourhood Team Members present:

Peter Raymond

Paul Sargeant

Members of the public in attendance: 8


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Collier and Woodcock.


Cllr Mrs Stribley declared a personal interest in Agenda Item 4 Transportation Issues – Traffic Programme 2010/11 as she was a patient of Lilliput Surgery.


RESOLVED that the Minutes of the last Meeting of the Area Committee held on 3 February 2010, having been previously circulated, be taken as read, confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman.


Steve Dean, Transportation Services,presented for the Committee’s approval the programme of minor traffic items for 2010/11. It was explained that a budget of £5,180 was available to fund the programme and whilst the suggested programme represented a significant over-commitment at a cost of £6,500, it was suggested that there might be scope for savings by combining advertisements with adjoining wards. As such it was explained that if approved, all of the items on the programme could be achieved in the forthcoming financial year. If approved, Transportation Services would advertise each proposal.

The Chairman invited consideration of each item as follows:

(i)Woodstock Road – Yellow Lines:

Residents would have an opportunity to comment on proposals for yellow lines in Woodstock Road. A Member of the public queried whether proposals would be advertised via the use of yellow cards on the road? This was confirmed. Cllr Wilson observed that the Council could advertise longer line markings on the road and would then have the option, if preferred, to reduce these as appropriate. However the Council could not increase the length of yellow lines from the length of the lines it advertised as part of the public consultation.

(ii)Mill Lane / Pottery Road – yellow lines:

The Chairman suggested that it may be appropriate to advertise yellow lines on both sides of the road? Steve Dean agreed that this would be appropriate and agreed to advertise lines on both sides of Mill Lane / Pottery Road, reaching into Mill Lane;

(iii)Good Road / Rossmore Road Junction – Loading Ban

The spokesperson for the Dorset and Wiltshire Area Committee of the Co-Op, stated that the local Co-Op would have difficulties with the proposal for a loading ban at Good Road / Rossmore Road junction as the position of the store room required deliveries to be made to the front of the shop. The Chairman stated that the Co-Op would have the opportunity to object to the proposal when it was advertised.

Cllr Wilson stated that he sympathised with this view and added that the bus stop and raised kerb also in the area contributed to difficulties.

Steve Dean undertook to report this back to Transportation Services Officers for consideration.

(iv)Elms Avenue – proposal to extend yellow lines / waiting and loading


A member of the public commented that Lilliput Surgery was a very busy surgery and that the allocation of staff car parking bays was disproportionate to local residents, leading to increased on-road parking. In addition, motorists visiting the surgery had to reverse into Sandbanks Road and this was causing accidents. He suggested that the yellow lines on the south side of the road be extended to the same length as the yellow lines on the opposite carriageway.

Steve Dean responded that Transportation Officers would be happy with this proposal.

AGREED that the proposed yellow lines / hatched area in Elms Avenue be extended and advertised.

Cllr Wilson stated that the Council could arrange a site visit if there were a number of objections to longer waiting lines. In response, the member of the public requested that the site visit should take place during surgery opening hours.

Cllr Mrs Stribley stated that she would ask the Planning Enforcement Team to check whether parking restrictions were in order as staff parking had increased and disabled parking had reduced.

(v)Churchill Road / Lincoln Road – yellow lines

The Area Committee approved the advertisement of yellow lines in Churchill Road / Lincoln Road.

(vi)Ashley Road Area – relaxation of single yellow lines from 8.00am to 7.00pm, Monday to Saturday to 8.00am to 6.00pm Monday to Friday.

The Area Committee approved the advertisement of relaxation of yellow lines provided access was approved across all the relevant wards and could be achieved at a reduced cost.


(i)Trinidad Multi Use Games Arena (MUGA)

The Chairman introduced Richard Nicholson who reported on proposals for a Multi-Use Games Arena (MUGA) on the Trinidad Estate.

Peter Raymond and Paul Sargeant presented a letter on behalf of Sgt Oosthuizen 1983 of the Newtown and Branksome Safer Neighbourhood Team(SNT) of Dorset Police, expressing support of the proposed MUGA at the rear of Trinidad Boys Club.

It was felt that there was a lack of facilities available in the area and Dorset Police’s SNT felt that provision of diversionary activities would reduce anti-social behaviour in the area. The SNT supported the proposed MUGA.

Cllr Wilson commented that he was pleased to see Sgt Peter Raymond back on duty.

A member of the public and mother of two teenage boys stated that there was a real need for a MUGA on this site. She felt that the Boys Club really needed to be used more than two nights per week and that there was a need to provide activities in the area.

Richard Nicholson supplied further information on what the MUGA would entail which would essentially be a ‘ball court’. The area of land beside the Boys Club was just about big enough to accommodate a MUGA but he commented that the land may have to be extended. He added that there had been a great deal of deliberation and study undertaken by the Planning Obligations Working Group with respect to fees and stated that the Planning Obligations Sub Group would receive a report in April outlining proposed leasing arrangements. Any issues regarding noise and disturbance would need to be discussed with Officers from Environmental and Consumer Protection Services.

Richard Nicholson invited comments from members of the public present which would then be included in a report to the Planning Obligations Sub Group. After this, the project would be reported back to the Area Committee in order to request funding.

Comments were received as follows:

Angie Knott stated that something desperately needed to be done with the Boys Club as it was not being used to its full potential; the area had lots of teenagers with nothing to do and the project would give them some focus and enable them to use the space. The project was supported by Cllr Mrs Moore who had indicated that she would like to see some provision outside of the Boys Club. Richard Nicholson confirmed that this was the purpose of the MUGA.

Cllr Clements stated that the Boys Club was currently under licence to the Boxing Club and that he had been very impressed with the very positive work being undertaken by the club in utilising the whole of the inside of the building.

Richard Nicholson provided further information on the proposed MUGA which would have a tarmac surface (size of basketball court), with a fence of 3and a half metres and which would be fitted with a rebound panel, goals and basketball hoops. Basketball and 5-a-side markings would also be included. The area would be fully contained and ideal for all ages.

Angie Knott commented that older children were likely to use the space.

In response to a question from Tony Underhill of Worbarrow Gardens regarding whether there would be planned supervision of activities and organised activities, Ward Councillors responded that this seemed likely. In addition, Cllr Wilson stated that he and Cllr Clements had visited the boxing club with no introduction or notice and that they had been made very welcome and had been very impressed with the facilities and activities there. The Boxing Club had six sports coaches, all of whom were good examples to young people. The Boxing Club had signed a letter in support of the MUGA and had indicated thatthey wanted to utilise the MUGA and help to keep it clean and tidy. Cllr Wilson stated that the aspiration was for young people to interact locally with a very good club.

A Member of the public pointed out that the club only operated 2 nights per week. In response, Cllr Wilson stated that the club was looking to expand its hours. He commented that the Bourne Valley MUGA was working well and he envisaged interaction with the SNT and also with Football Focus.

A Member of the public stated that developing the relationship between the SNT and young people was good as young people would not use the equipment properly unless supervised. In response, Cllr Wilson commented that the Alderney MUGA was working well and that he hoped to grow this project in a sensible way.

A Member of the Public stated that there used to be a youth club on site to which all young people went. When this disappeared, young people had nowhere to go.

Cllr Wilson repeated his hope that the project would grow in a sensible way and his aspiration to develop the football focus initiative. He pointed out to the meeting that Angie Knott was a member of the Poole Housing Partnership (PHP) Board and it was hoped that the Council could work with PHP to provide a catalyst for change.

Cllr Wilson stated that young people still enjoyed informal play and that this was working well in the Bourne Valley area. A similar project was in its infancy in Alderney.

Cllr Wilson suggested that the current metre high wall be retained as it would help to contain noise. He stated that the existing structure was sound.

Cllr Mrs Stribley noted that the site was advantageous as it was on the corner of two roads and as such offered no discrete area for ‘mischief-making’. It was good that the site was open. Angie Knott concurred with this view.

Cllr Wilson stated that a toddlers club was being run from the Bourne Valley MUGA and the site offered lots of potential. Colin Duckfield, Senior Youth Services Officer, had attended the club with Members and had been very impressed with the facility. Cllr Clements noted that Members were trying to forge links with the Youth Service.

Peter Raymond, invited to comment on behalf of the SNT, stated that in this area, the SNT was keen to see young people enjoying themselves in an organised manner. He commented that the area was casually overlooked and therefore casually supervised and local residents could call the SNT if there were any problems. He added that members of the SNT were also football coaches.

A member of the public commented that he would like to see more supervision of the MUGA area.

Peter Raymond observed that the MUGA surface would be an all-weather surface and that the project had his total support.

Cllr Clements commented that three years had passed since Peter Raymond had first approached Members and canvassed local residents with a proposal for this project, with a report taken at the Area Committee Meeting held in July 2007. He asked that the Area Committee accept the project and get on with it. He thanked the Chairman for her support.

The Chairman stated that she felt this was a very worthwhile cause and that this should be a much valued facility. Cllr Plummer stated his support of the scheme.

Cllr Wilson stated that there was funding available to support the project within the Planning Obligations monies which had been gathered for Newtown. Members were trying to find the best ways to spend these monies in order to benefit the whole community. Members were hoping to get this project off the ground, with a view to augmenting the scheme with additional facilities following further consultation. If it was considered appropriate, Members wished to supply more facilities besides the MUGA.

In summary, Richard Nicholson stated that all were in agreement for the scheme to progress and he suggested that in addition to including this in the report to the Planning Obligations Funding Committee, Members may wish to recommend approval of a budget of up to £100, 000 to support the scheme.

Cllr Wilson stated that Members and Officers were keen to provide a safe storage area at the side of Rossmore Road where bicycles and personal possessions could be left in safety.

The Chairman summarised that there was general support for the proposed MUGA and that the Committee wished to indicate its support of the scheme and recommend that a budget of up to £100,000 be allocated from Planning Obligations Funding.


(i)the Newtown and Parkstone Area Committee supports the establishment of a MUGA at Trinidad Boys Club; and

(ii)the Area Committee recommends that a budget of up to £100,000 be allocated out of Planning Obligations funding to support the scheme.

The Chairman wished to congratulate the Safer Neighbourhood Team, Mrs Angie

Knott and other residents for working together in order to bring about huge

community benefits and reduce anti-social behaviour.

Mr Prior asked if the Area Committee should set a completion date for the project?

In response, the Chairman clarified that the project had now been agreed in principle and was underway. Planning Obligations Funding was available and could be utilised as soon as possible.

Mr Prior suggested that not setting a completion date was not an example of best practice in project management. In response, Richard Nicholson responded that deadlines for 17 concurrent projects would be agreed after the meeting on 29 April and he would be in a position to give a date and timeline to the project after this.

Cllr Clements noted that other Area Committees received a summary of Section 106 funding available to support projects in their Wards and to which projects funding had been allocated and requested that the Newtown and Parkstone Area Committee also received such information. Richard Nicholson agreed to supply this information in future.

(ii)Parkstone Park

Richard Nicholson gave an update on improvements to Parkstone Park, summarised as follows:

  • Funding for the project had now been approved;
  • Leisure Services Officers were in discussion with Environmental and Consumer Protection Services Officers to improve the Park’s toilet facilities at the same time as the other proposed improvements to the park;
  • Materials for the site had been selected;
  • The Meeting’s attention was drawn to the full list of works as detailed at point 3.1 of the Report of the Head of Leisure Services.
  • Railings would not be erected as these had not received public support;
  • The project would shortly be put out to tender;

The Chairman commented that Members had hoped that this project would have been completed by Spring 2010, however she explained that Parkstone Park had been booked for a number of events and it would not have been prudent to commence works until these had concluded. Instead, improvements to the Park were anticipated to commence September / October 2010. The Chairman also commented that the Council had sourced a refurbished second-hand Victorian fountain for Parkstone Park.

No other comments and questions were received.

The Chairman commented that improvements to Parkstone Park ‘could not happen soon enough’. Cllr Wilson stated that since Cllr Mrs Stribley had become a regular Member of the Planning Obligations Sub Group, a number of projects had gained in momentum.

He noted that on Friday, the Mayor of Poole would be officially opening the Haskells Road Playbuilder Project.


The Chairman introduced this Item by explaining that offenders in receipt of a community penalty were required, where possible, to do something for the benefit of the community in recompense.

Judith Martin from Environmental and Consumer Protection Services was invited to brief the Committee on the Community Payback Scheme. Key points were highlighted as follows:

  • Community Payback was a scheme led by the Probation Service;
  • The Community Payback Team had met with the Borough of Poole and had identified that there was potential for the Borough of Poole to work more closely with the Community Payback team in future. It was acknowledged that some excellent work had already been undertaken by the Payback team in conjunction with Poole Housing Partnership;
  • The Borough of Poole was now trying to identify new ways in which offenders could be used for the benefit of the community;
  • Nationally, in 2008/09, over 62,000 offenders had completed Community Payback in England and Wales; over 8 million hours of work had been undertaken, with work valued in the region of over £45 Million (if paid at the minimum wage);
  • All nominations for community payback projects would be discussed by the Borough of Poole and the Probation Service, with Judith Martin coordinating arrangements;
  • 16 projects had already been successfully undertaken in Poole this year, ranging from painting and decorating to litter picking etc.
  • Key points to consider when agreeing appropriate projects included: whether the project was of benefit to the local community; was an appropriate risk assessment in place; no work to be undertaken on main highways; the scheme would not undertake any work which would put it at conflict with trade Unions or take paid work away from others; (full list available in Judith Martin’s Report)

In conclusion, the Area Committee was invited to nominate potential Community Payback Projects by contacting the local Safer Neighbourhoods Team (SNT); Judith Martin at the Borough of Poole; Ward Councillors or by contacting Democratic Services at the Borough of Poole.