JEM 172 Essay 1
Writing Prompt
For the past two weeks we have been experimenting with basic circuit design. We have measured current, voltage, and resistance, and used these measurements to experimentally verify Ohm’s Law, and Kirchhoff’s Voltage and Current Laws. During our experiments, we have unfortunately blown the fuse in a multimeter or two when incorrectly measuring current. But, why did this happen? Why does a fuse blown when current is measured incorrectly?
Write an essay that answers this question. Start by reading the beginning of the discussion of a voltmeter’s impact on a circuit followed by a similar discussion of an ammeter’s impact on a circuit. Note that an ideal voltmeter has infinite resistance and an ideal ammeter has zero resistance. With that in mind, explain why attempting to measure current by placing an ammeter in parallel with the load (as opposed to in series in the load) could cause a fuse to blow. Make sure that your explanation is complete and understandable. As in all scientific writing, strive to use clear and concise wording.
Writing Guidelines
This is our first writing assignment so here are some additional writing guidelines:
-The introductory paragraph should begin with a hook—something to draw the reader’s attention. It should also contain your thesis statement, a one-sentence summary of your argument.
-Each body paragraph in your essay should support your thesis statement. Each paragraph should have a topic sentence that identifies its main idea; the topic sentence is often at the beginning of the paragraph but that’s not a requirement.
-Your essay should have a conclusion. Your concluding paragraph should give the reader a sense of completion and leave them remembering your main point(s).
In this assignment,you are required to underline or highlight your thesis sentence and the topic sentence of each subsequent paragraph.
Your essayshould be double spaced and written in 12 pt font, and it should be approximately two pages long. Proofreading and revision arealwaysa crucial part of the writing process.
Your essay will be evaluated according to the following criteria.
Submission and Due Date
Submit your essay to our class account on Peerceptiv.comno later than Feb 7, 2016 at midnight. To access the class account on, do the following:
- Enter the following URL in a browser:
- Select the Get Started button to create your new Peerceptiv account using your UNCA email address.
- Once logged in,you should already be part of the JEM 172 course on Peerceptiv if you used your UNCA email address to login. If that is not the case, pull down the Welcome Menu and enter the course code: press56in theJoin A Course field.
- Upload essay 1 to the JEM 172 Peerceptiv site prior to Feb 7, 2016 at midnight.