Course Syllabus—2014-2015

Instructor: Dawn Grooms

Email: chool phone: 361-0258 Ext. 27005

Course Description

Workforce Essentials is a one-credit course that is recommended for studentsenrolledin co-op. It may be taken as a junior or a senior. Emphasis is placed on career development and employment skills, academic foundations for careers, social and ethical responsibility, leadership and teamwork, applied technology, economics and business finance, and safety and health.

Program: Workforce Essentials is an elective course for all of the career/technical programs offered in our county.

Career and technical student organizations are integral components of each career and technical education course. These organizations serve as a means to enhance classroom instruction while helping students develop leadership abilities, expand workplace-readiness skills, and broaden opportunities for personal and professional growth. Membership in DECA is valued.

Prerequisites: None

Supplies: only a pen/pencil each day and a good attitude; instructor will purchase binders and dividers with course fee money. However, a box of tissues would be welcomed.

Course Fee: $30 DECA: $12

One check ($42) may be written to ATC for both the course and DECA.

Course Goals/Outline

Unit 1CareerPlan and Employability (COS 1-4)

Research, select, and plan for careers; demonstrate how to locate, evaluate, and interpret career information

Unit 2Employability (COS 5)

Demonstrate skills needed for seeking, obtaining, maintaining, and changing jobs (resumes, applications, interviews, attire

Unit 3Applied Technology (COS 12)

Computer skills, hardware, software, Internet, and other technologies that impact the world of work

Unit 4Safety and Health (COS 17-18)

Formulate a workplace safety plan; workplace regulations

Unit 5 Foundation skills (COS 6-7)

Communication and mathematical skills in the workplace

Unit 6Ethics and Social Responsibility (COS 8)

Ethical/unethical behavior in the workplace

Unit 7 Teamwork and Leadership (COS 9-11)

Leadership skills, teamwork, and DECA

Unit 8Technical Knowledge and Skills (COS 13-14)

Interpret company’s mission statement, goals and objectives, and benefits package

Credentials for making oneself more marketable in the workplace

Unit 9Budgeting and Finance (COS 15-16)

Budgeting, taxes, employment documents and records

Available Student Credentials

Course content leads to WorkKeys credentialing.


The nine-week grade will be determined by the following:

  • 65% Major (Tests, projects)
  • 35% Minor (Daily activities, quizzes)

The semester grade will be determined by averaging the two nine-week grades.

The course grade will be determined by the following:

  • 45% 1st Semester
  • 45% 2nd Semester
  • 10% Exam


I have read and understand the course requirements.

Student / Date / Parent / Date

I give my permission for my student’s class-related or club-related photograph to be displayed in written or online publications.

Parent / Date

I give my permission for my student to use the Internet and email in this course and for cooperative education purposes.

Parent / Date

The Autauga County Technology Center does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups.