USPS Board ofDirectors

Bellevue, Wash.

31 Aug. 2010

Called to order at 0820


C/C Frank Dvorak, SN

V/C John T. Alter, SN

V/C Robert J. Sweet, SN

V/C Robert A. Baldridge, SN

V/C Dave Hinders, SN

V/C Richard M. Peoples, SN

P/C/C Creighton C. Maynard Jr., SN

Guests present:

Mary Catherine Berube

Tom Kemp

Action items approved:

Ratification of electronic votes:

Upon motion to ratify the electronic vote made on 31 Aug. 2010, which was thereafter seconded, discussed and voted upon by the Board of Directors, United States Power Squadrons, the following was approved and ratified.

1) Authorize a three-year lease of an iSeries system to replace the AS/400 at a cost of $911 per month.

Rationale: The AS/400 system which is the backbone for our IT system was purchased in 1998. The AS/400 is running well mechanically with little or no down time. The operating system is out of date, however. We have upgraded the operating system as far as we can to Version 5 Release 1. The current level is Version 6 Release 1. We’re six releases behind and IBM removed support for the V5R1 in April 2009. We can’t upgrade with the current hardware. Rather than running the risk of a failure without system support, we feel our best option is to lease an IBM iSeries system.


Upon motions to approve, which motions were seconded, discussed and voted upon by the Board of Directors, United States Power Squadrons, each of the following was approved:

1)Effective in 2010, merit mark certificates will be printed and mailed to first-time merit mark recipients and members without valid e-mail addresses. All other recipients will receive an electronic merit mark certificate via e-mail.

Rationale: This initiative will save an average of $10,000 annually.

2)A motion directing the Committee on Rules to prepare amendments for BOD approval and subsequent to Governing Board approval that will simplify and clarifyUSPS Bylaws, Article 7 and Article 17.

3)A motion to approve the 2011 budget.


1)Mary Catherine Berube reported that that she engaged a North Carolina attorney to review the USPS Employee Handbook to ensure compliance with North Carolina laws. The handbook is also being reviewed by the Law Committee.

2)Berube reported a 16 percent premium increase in the USPS employees health insurance plan.

3)Tom Kemp reported that Ship’s Store year- to-date sales totaled $99,471. Gross sales margins in 2010 are 34.40 percent compared to 20 percent in 2009. Total Ship’s Store inventory value as of 31 July 2010 was $84,149.

4)Kemp reported that Affinity Marketing Group accepted modifications to the proposed agreement as outlined by the BOD, which was subsequently signed in July.Members will receive mailings via the U.S. Postal Service from participating vendors describing the benefits and discounts available. Additional information can be found at . It was noted that USPS respects members’ privacy and will control the distribution of the list to ensure the confidentiality of mailing addresses.Members who prefer not to receive benefits mailings can opt out at .

5)Kemp reported that the initiative with Brunswick Corporation was underway. Participating Brunswick boat dealers will purchase a brand display and educational materials from USPS. Approximately 50boat dealers with squadrons nearby have been identified for the initial distribution. Squadrons will have the opportunity to teach ABC3 and seminars in the boat dealer facilities, and to use dealer boats for on-the-water training.

6)Kemp reported that approximately $12,000 Cooperative Advertising funds were distributed to 67 squadrons year to date.

7)Kemp reported that Raleigh Sail and Power Squadron will teach a combined Seamanship/Piloting course through Wake Technical Community College in Raleigh, N.C., beginning on 8 Sept. 2010.

8)Kemp reported that he would give a presentation on planning revenue projections to district educational officers.He submitted a proposed revenue plan flow chart to the BOD.

9)C/CFrank A. Dvorak, SN, reported on his attendance at the U.S. Coast Guard NACON Meeting on 25 – 29 August 2010 USCG Auxiliary membership has risen by approximately 3,000,which the Auxiliary attributes to a presence on Facebook and other social media.

10)C/C Dvorak reported that the USCG Auxiliary is interested in purchasing USPS seminars.

11)V/C John T. Alter, SN, reported that more than 20,000 vessel safety checks were performed as of 31 July 2010.

12)V/C Alter reported that theMarketing and Public Relations Committee is working on a proposal to the U.S. Postal Service for a 100th anniversaryUSPS commemorative stamp.

13)V/C Alter reported that he attended a Cooperative Charting meeting at National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration headquarters in July.The Safety Committee is considering reinstating the geodetic marker program with NOAA.

14)V/C Alter invited R/C Trudy Brown, AP, to discuss declining national meeting attendance and future national meeting contracts.

15)V/C Alter reported that theNational Meetings Taskforce would present its recommendations following the Bellevue Governing Board Meeting.

16)V/C Alter reported that he would ask the Governing Board to dissolve the following squadrons: St. Andrew Bay/15; Orange/21; Kentucky Lake/24; Quad City/30 and Tulsa/31.

17)V/C Alter reported that the would ask the Governing Board to defeat the District 26 resolutionthat would allow district commanders to approve merit marks within their respective districts.

18)V/C Robert J. Sweet, SN, reported that the USCG Small Boat Skills Grant would beclosed out by the end of this fiscal year.

19)V/C Sweet reported receiving a $120,000 USCG grant to purchase a BullEx Fire Extinguisher system. The grant includes travel expenses for attending boat shows and other boating-related activities to promote proper fire extinguisher usage.

20)V/C Sweet discussed grant funding and grant administration.The BOD agreed to hire an outreach coordinator at headquarters who will focus on acquiring grants and grant administration. The position will be funded from grant income.

21)V/C Sweet discussed USPS Bylaws,Article 17.1, which reads as follows:

Each squadron shall offer to the public at least once a year a USPS boating safety course that meets the educational qualifications for USPS membership. Squadrons may impose such restrictions upon classattendance as may from time to time seem reasonable to the squadron. No squadron shall sponsor any public boating safety course using material other than that approved by USPS.

The BOD emphasized that the only approved USPS public boating courses are ABC3 and the Squadron Boating Course.

22)V/C Robert A. Baldridge, SN, reported that the adjusted renewal membership rate as of 31 May 2010 was up to 86 percent. The number of new members increased by 245 and net non-renewals were down 713 compared to one year ago. He noted that several factors contributed to the renewal increase including all squadrons participating in headquarters anniversary billing and cyber membership. He stated that new initiatives including ABC3 online trial memberships and ABC3 classroom trial memberships will have a positive impact on membership. He noted that unified membership should also enable squadrons to recruit and retain members.

23)V/C Baldridge reported that the Very Important Member pins have been ordered. This pin will be given to all members who recruit one new member. The Membership Committee also established membership goals for district and squadrons.

24)V/C Baldridge reported that the Member Benefits Committee worked closely with headquarters marketing on the new member benefits package from Affinity Marketing Group.

25)V/C Baldridge reported that more than 120 members have completed the DAO/SAO Leadership Training Course.

26)V/C Baldridge reported that a DXO/SXO Leadership Training Course is being developed and will be beta tested in Pompano Beach, Fla., on 9 Oct. 2010.

27)V/C Baldridge reported that a DAO/SAO and DXO/SXO Leadership Training Course would be offered during the 2011 Annual Meeting in Coronado Springs, Fla.

28)V/C David L. Hinders, SN, reported that ABC3 online students are receiving a six months free trial membership. These students are registered as members of the cyber squadron and the four closest squadrons are notified to enable transferring to a local squadron.

29)V/C Hinders reported that ABC3 classroom students will receive a six months free trial membership effective 1 Dec. 2010.Squadrons will not be billed national dues for ABC3 classroom students when they join. ABC3 classroom students will receive a dues invoice six months from the date they are registered as members. ABC3 members must be registered online to receive six months free membership.

30)V/C Hinders reported that 122 student members have registered to date. Eight joined a local squadron; 25 completed Seamanship; five completed Piloting; one completed Cruise Planning; two completed Engine Maintenance and one completed Sail.

31)V/C Hinders reported that secure PIN access will be implemented following the Bellevue Governing Board Meeting.The system will be two-tiered. Members may continue to use their certificate number and zip code to logon withminimal access. Alternatively, members will logon with a PIN and have full access. Details can be found at

32)V/C Richard M. Peoples, SN,reported that operating expenses exceeded revenues by $29,376 as of 31 July 2010. He reported that year-to-date expenses are $47,545 less than one year ago.

33)V/C Peoples reported that Century Fund contributions are $1,500 less than the same time period one year ago.

34)V/C Peoples reported paying the first Boat Operator Certification Training insurance claim. The claim was settled quickly, and USPS reimbursed the $250 deductible.

35)V/C Peoples reported that since 2008 all districts and squadrons have been required to file an annual electronic notice, IRS Form 990-N or risk losing tax-exempt status. He encouraged districts and squadrons to visit and check the delinquent list. Delinquent districts and squadrons can preserve their status by filing returns before 15 Oct. 2010 under a one-time relief program.

Adjourned 1500.