Exam Review: Below you will find the review questions for our second exam, which will be Monday, November 17th
Review Questions: Your exam will consist of 4-6 questions, drawn from the material provided below. The exam covers material on the class schedule from week 6, Types of Homicide through week 10 Sexual Assault.
To prepare, I recommend that you draft answers to each study question, using the materials, lectures, links, and readings assigned to date. I am interested in your critical analysis, but be sure to demonstrate that you have read the materials assigned, including the lectures, materials posted on website, and films viewed in class. As you look at the questions I list below, you will notice that your answers require two things: (1) knowledge of the facts needed to answer the question, and (2) critical thinking skills.
1. Explain the link—if any-- between various forms of substance abuse ( alcohol,
marijuana, cocaine/crack, meth, heroin, prescription drugs, date rape/ club drugs)
and violent crime?
2. What is the meaning of false positive? What is the meaning of false negative? Explain fully and which do you think is worse and what are the potential drawbacks of each?
3. Explain actuarial and clinical assessment. What are the strengths and weaknesses of each? Be sure to use the assigned reading material to back up your answer.
4. Consider the case and circumstances surrounding the sexual assault case against Jerry Sandusky. After reviewing the report on educator sexual misconduct and review of the film on victim 1, explain the classic behavior on the part of the perpetrator with his victims. What were the major findings in the Freeh Report and what responsibility did each of the major players, (administrators) bear for what happened?
5. Discuss how each of the following explain gun-related violence: (a) symbolic interaction theory, (b) routine activities theory, (c) cultural theories. Give specific examples and evidence from course materials.
6. Explain some of the systemic failures in the supervision of Phillip Garrido. How did this relate to the abduction and detention of Jaycee Dugard?
7. Name and explain each of the 4 criminal justice approaches to prevent criminal violence. Which do you prefer and why?
8. There are various explanations to gangs in you textbook, strain theories, cultural deviance and social control. Fully explain and defend what you think makes the most sense, using the text and our discussion.
9. Compare and contrast the viewpoints of Malcolm Gladwell and FBI agent John Douglas on Criminal Profiling.
10. Explain the difference between a spree killer and a serial killer and give detailed examples of each based on class materials and discussions.