Minutes of the Yarcombe Annual Parish Meeting 2013

The Annual Parish Meeting was held on Monday 13thth May at 8 pm in Yarcombe Jubilee Hall. The meeting was chaired by Parish Council Chairman Councillor Mrs Lesley Pidgeon and was attended by the Parish Councillors, with the absence of Cllr Randle. Also present was PCSO Phil Anning and six members of the community. Apologies were received from Cllr A Moulding, Cllr P Diviani and Cllr Randle.

The minutes of the Parish Meeting 2012 were accepted and signed as a correct record.

Chairman Councillor Mrs Lesley Pidgeon welcomed the public to the meeting and explained that the positions on the Parish Council have remained the same following the AGM.

Police Report

We had a comprehensive report from PCSO Phil Anning on local crime over the past 12 months. The good news was that there has been a 23% reduction in crime in the general rural Honiton area this year, but unfortunately Yarcombe and Marsh had a small increase to 22 reported incidents, 19 in Yarcombe and 3 in Marsh. This is partly due to driving infringements on the A30 counting towards our figures and also perhaps because we are the closest parish to the County border. PCSO Anning asked us to remind everyone to always report suspicious behaviour using the 101 number and not to be afraid to use 999 if required.

Chairman’s Report

In her report Cllr Pidgeon explained that our biggest on-going project is the affordable housing scheme that is moving forward because of the outcome of the housing need survey. The site hasn’t been decided yet and the project will inevitably be a long process, but several councillors have already visited Dalwood and Uplyme to talk about similar housing schemes which has proved useful. We hope to have more news about a definite site and development partner shortly and information about meetings etc will follow.

The Jubilee celebrations have been tied up nicely with the planting of an oak tree complete with plaque and the distribution of the £500 profit to three local organisations.

John Carter was chosen as our village unsung hero for his hard work for the village hall to go with his wife Dawn and Lesley to a garden party in the summer, hosted by Peter Halse, Chairman of EDDC.

Cllr Pidgeon stated that she had been impressed with the new Neighbourhood Highway officer, Richard Brown who did a site visit of the village to see for himself the damage done by the severe winter weather. Some work has now started on the roads.

Cllr Pidgeon ended her summary by thanking various people without whom the Parish Council would not be able to operate as effectively and noting the excellent work done by the previous Clerk Sara Waplington who has moved to Lyme Regis. She welcomed Wendy Randle who took up the position in November.

Planning Report

Cllr Tony Long reported that there had been 10 planning applications this year, which was the lowest number for a long time.Of these, 5were domestic applications and 5 were agricultural, 9 in all having been approved.


Cllr Brian Anning reportedthat the potholes that have been numerous because of the wet weather this year are gradually being attended to, although this is reliant on DCC’s budget.

Parish Paths Report

Cllr Tony Wiggins explained that that our footpaths are checked annually by volunteers from the parish and that the warden for Devon has just completed his biannual survey and found the paths to be in generally good condition. Some signs have already been refurbished. We still have some P3 money in hand for the year ahead, including £1,000 that is reserved for Red Scrip when work on the trees there has finished.

Neighbourhood Watch Report

Jon Stockwell has stood down as Neighbourhood Watch contact and the meeting was pleased to welcome Steve Horner and Janice Evans who have come forward to take his place. Steve encouraged us to join an electronic Neighbourhood Watch Scheme which involves round robin emails giving alerts about crime in the area.

Charity Report

On behalf of Cllr Randle, the Clerkgave an account of the income and expenditure for the Longcroft Meadow Charity. 8 awards were given this year leaving a balance of £250 and £50 reserved in the Church Charity account in case of need during the year ahead.

District Councillor

District Councillor Paul Diviani wasn’t present at the meeting but he had sent copies of his report which was handed out.

County Councillor

County Councillor Andrew Mouldingwas not able to attend the meeting, but had also sent a report that was distributed to those present.

Residents Forum and Open Discussion

  1. A member of the public asked where the site of any new homes in the village was likely to be. Cllr Pidgeon stated that a site has not yet been confirmed for the scheme.
  1. Possible minor road improvements to the A303 between Ilminster and Honiton were discussed. A member of the public asked if Yarcombe Parish Council had been approached for their views on this, but this has not been the case. It was resolved that the Clerk would write to ask if Parish Councils would be involved in any consultation process.

Cllr Mrs Pidgeon closed the meeting by thanking all who had attended.