Australian Diabetes Educators Association

Initial Credentialling Referee’s Report

To Whom It May Concern:

You have been asked to be a referee by a health care professional who is seeking recognition as a Credentialled Diabetes Educator by the Australian Diabetes Educator’s Association (ADEA).

The Applicant should have provided you with a range of documentation to support their credentialling application. Details of all requirements for the ADEA Credentialling Program can be found by visiting the ADEA website at under the Credentialling and Education tab.

Health care professionals acting as Referees should:

Be able to provide an independent view of the Applicant’s ability to meet ADEA credentialling criteria.

Not be a relative or friend of the Applicant.

Have an in-depth knowledge of the Applicant’s practice in relation to the credentialling criteria.

Referees MUST be an ADEA Credentialled Diabetes Educatorfor at least 12 months.

If you feel you are unable to act as the Applicant’s Referee this should be discussed with the

Applicant as soon as they request you to act as their Referee.

Your support in assisting them to find an alternative Referee would be most valuable.

Completing the Referee’s Report

There are three (3) components to this Referee’s Report:

1. Professional information about yourself and your relationship to the Applicant.

2. Your statements regarding how the Applicant has met each of the Compulsory Professional

Development Categories.

3. An assessment of the Applicant’s practice in relation to the ADEA National Core Competencies for Credentiallied Diabetes Educators.

Your assistance in acting as a referee is much appreciated.

Please note that the candidate’s application will not be processed until we receive your Referee’s

Report and the ADEA asks you to forward it as soon as possible.

In the interest of confidentiality the ADEA requests that you kindly complete the form and post it

directly to:

Credentialling Officer, ADEA National Office, PO Box 163, WODEN ACT 2606

or email

About the Referee

I ______(Referee Name)

of______(Referee Address)

agree to act as a referee for ______(Applicant Name)

Qualifications of Referee:




Describe your experience in diabetes education or management (you may choose to attacha briefcurriculum vitae if desired):












When did you achieve recognition as Credentialled Diabetes Educator? ______

Relationship to Applicant (e.g. Manager, Mentor, Colleague etc): ______



How long have you known the Applicant as a diabetes educator?______years.

Please complete the following in relation to the Applicant you are providing this reference for:

Statements against Professional Development Categories

The Applicant should discuss with you their CPD Portfolio in relation to the ADEA professional development categories. Your comments should relate to how well you think the person has met these categories:

1. Continuing Education:









2. Professional and Community Involvement:









3. Professional Responsibility and Accountability (Quality Improvement):









4. Involvement in Mentoring Program:







Additional Comments relating to CPD Portfolio:





Assessment of Practice

The Applicant must demonstrate all of the competencies for diabetes education practice as per the ADEANational Core Competencies for Credentialled Diabetes Educators to meet credentialling criteria.

As the referee, you are asked to indicate how theApplicant performs against the criteria listed belowbycommenting next to each indicator, discussing how this has been demonstrated.

All elements must be demonstrated by the applicant to become credentialled.

(a) Provides safe, effective, client centred, and clinical care to people with diabetes.

Element / Demonstrated by:
Provides appropriate, evidence-based clinical care
Informs andadvises clients whattheyareentitled to expectinthequalityand availabilityofclinicalcare fordiabetes
Providesclinicalcare consistent withthe regulatory framework governingtheeducator’s clinicaldiscipline
Appliesasystematicand comprehensive client centered approachto clinicalcaretoachieve agreedclinicalgoals
Plansforcontinuity ofcare toachieveclientgoals
Maintainsaccurate and confidentialrecords of clinicalcare

(b) Provides safe, effective, client centred diabetes self management education.

Element / Demonstrated by:
Promotes effective communicationand learningandrespects confidentiality
Facilitatesinformed decision makingbythepersonwith diabetes
Facilitatesclientself management
Applies health behavior and education theory to inform, motivate and support clients to adopt diabetes self care behaviour
Utilises counseling knowledge and skills to provide psychosocial support and support self-management
Facilitates client access to resources, supplies, services and equipment

(c) Organises and manages a diabetes service(this may be part of a service, eg. a particular clinic)

Element / Demonstrated by:
Demonstratesknowledge ofandcomplieswith organisational, legaland businessrequirements
Appliesasystematic approachtoplanning and evaluatingservicesand performance
Initiates and/orcontributes tothedevelopmentof policiesandproceduresamong other health care professionals.
Selectsandmaintains resourcematerial
Worksco-operativelywithin thediabetesteamand broader healthcaresystem
Implementsandmaintains aqualitymanagement program
Facilitatesaccesstothe diabetesservices

(d) Demonstrates professional responsibility and accountability in planning and delivering

diabetes self management education and clinical care

Element / Demonstrated by:
Practices professionally
Sustainsthecapacityto performtoidentified standards
Applies research knowledge and skills to identify and critically evaluate the available evidence for all aspects of diabetes management and education
Identifies and utilises opportunities to contribute to the evidence base for diabetes education and care

(e) Demonstrates leadership and acts as an advocate for diabetes education and care

Element / Demonstrated by:
Actsasanadvocatefor diabetes,prevention, education andcare
Actsasaconsultant and resourcetocolleagues, other agencies,policyand decisionmakers
Buildsthecapacityofthe healthworkforcetoprovide bestpracticediabetescare
Supports theprofessional developmentofnovice diabeteseducators andpeers

Any additional comments:






Signature: ______Date: ______/______/______

CDE Number: ______

Referees Report – Initial Credentialling 2014

Australian Diabetes Educators AssociationPage 1