Audiology Clinic, 200 S. Jordan Avenue, Bloomington, IN 47405-7002

Child Case History


Name:______Age:______Birth date:____-____-____ Sex: □ M □ F


Name of Parent(s) / Guardian (s):______

Mother’s Address: Father’s Address:




Phone #: Phone #: Work: (_____)______Work: (_____)______

Home: (_____)______Home: (_____)______

Cell: ( ____)______Cell: (______)______

e-mail address: ______e-mail address: ______

Are languages other than English (including Sign Language) used at home? □ Yes □ No

What languages?______

Referral Source Information


Relationship to child:______


City:______State:______Zip:______Phone: (______)______

Reason for referral:______



Person completing questionnaire: ______

Statement of Concern

Describe your concerns regarding your child’s speech/language and/or hearing:______



When was this concern first noticed?______By Whom?______

What do you expect from this evaluation?______



Hearing History and Concerns

Did your child pass the newborn hearing screening? Yes_____ No _____

Has your child ever had a hearing evaluation? □ Yes □ No When?______

Where was the evaluation performed?______

By Whom?______


Yes No

□ □ Do you feel your child hears well?

□ □ Has your child ever been exposed to a loud noise or explosion?

□ □ Has your child ever had an ear infection? Which ear?______

First Occurrence?______Last Occurrence?______Frequency?______

□ □ Does your child currently have or ever had draining ears (pus, blood, etc)?

□ □ Does your child ever complain of ear noises (tinnitus) such as ringing, buzzing, pulsing, etc?

In which ear is the sound heard?______

□ □ Does your child hear the same from day to day?

□ □ Does your child favor one ear? Which ear?______

□ □ Does your child respond to vibration caused by loud sounds (door slam, truck driving by,

airplane, radio in the car, boom box vibration, etc.)?

□ □ Does your child wear hearing aids? □ Right ear □ Left ear □ Binaural

Make and Model:______

How long as he/she worn hearing aids?______

How many hours per day does your child were the hearing aids?______

Speech-Language History and Concerns

Did your child begin to babble or talk and then stop? □ Yes □ No

Please explain:______


Please check all the means of communication your child currently uses:

□ Speech □ Vocalizations □ Bodily Gestures □ Spoken Yes / No □ Facial Gestures

□ Gestural Yes / No □ Take to item physically □ Hand signs □ Pointing

Please list adaptive equipment currently used:______


At what age did he/she say his/her first word?______

Please give examples of his/her first words:______

Approximately how many words did your child use at 18 months______? 24 months?______

At what age did your child say his/her first sentence?______

Please give examples of his/her first sentences:______



Please give an example of typical sentences your child currently uses:______



How often does your child use speech? □ Frequently □ Sometimes □ Rarely

How does your child make his/her needs known? ______

Does your child use gestures? □ Yes □ No Please give examples:______


What does your child use the most? □ Gestures □ Sounds □ One or Two Words □ Phrases

□ Complete Sentences

Estimate the percentage of time that your child is understood by:

___ Unfamiliar listeners ___Parents ___ Other adults ___ Siblings ___Friends

How well does your child understand what is said to him/her?______

Please indicate your child’s current level of understanding: ( check all that apply)

□ Understands Gestures □ Does Notunderstand spoken words □ Understands single words

□ Understand simple sentences □ Understands 2 and 3 part commands □ Understands conversation

Do you think your child is aware of his/her communication difference? □ Yes □ No □ Unsure

If so please describe how the child shows awareness:______




Provide any other information about your child’s communication that is of concern to you:______




What have immediate family and/or relatives done to help your child overcome his/her communication delay?______




Has this helped?______

What do you think caused this communication difference?______



Please provide any additional information you feel will help us in understanding your child and his/her present communication ability:______



Prenatal (pregnancy), Birth and Development

Mother’s age when child was born:______Father’s age when child was born:______

Length of pregnancy is weeks:______


Yes No

□ □ Did the mother experience bleeding during pregnancy?

□ □ Did the mother have measles during pregnancy?

□ □ Did the mother have high blood pressure during pregnancy?

□ □ Did the mother experience leaking of the membranes during pregnancy?

□ □ Were there complications during this pregnancy (anemia, dehydration, diabetes,

kidney infection, severe nausea, toxemia, accidents, etc.)? Please describe

complication(s) and treatment(s):______


□ □ Were prescription/non-prescription drugs (including alcohol) taken during pregnancy?

If so please list:______


Yes No

□ □Did the mother have a normal delivery with this child?

□ □Breech delivery?

□ □Caesarean Section delivery?

□ □Were there birth injuries? Please describe:______

□ □Breathing difficulties? (e.g., blue baby, required oxygen, stopped breathing, etc.)

Please describe:______

□ □Special instruments used during delivery? Please describe:______

□ □Was the baby jaundice at birth?

□ □Rh incompatible?

Birth weight: _____lbs. _____oz. 1 minute Apgar______5 minute Apgar______

How long was your infants stay in the hospital following birth? ______□ day(s) □ week(s) □ month(s)

Were there any complications immediately following birth or during the first two weeks of your infant’s life

(feeding, seizures, sleeping, swallowing, hospitalizations, etc.)?______



Development (give age when first occurred):

______Held head up______Reached for an object

______Sat up unsupported ______Crawled

______Stood alone ______Walked alone

______Fed self with spoon______Bladder trained

______Bowel trained______Undressed self

______Dressed self

What motor and/or self-help development concerns do you have for your child:______


Would you describe your child’s coordination as: □ Good □ Fair □ Poor

Please explain:______




Child’s Medical History



Phone: (_____)______

Please check all conditions your child presently has or has had:



□blood disease

□chicken pox


□crossed eyes

□dental problems







□head injury


□heart problems

□high fevers





□muscle disorder

□nerve disorder

□traumatic brain injury




□rheumatic fever


□whooping cough


□cerebral palsy



□failure to thrive

□CHARGE association

□CMV (Cytomegalovirus)


□ feeding or swallowing problems

□gastro esophageal reflux


1. Does your child wear glasses? □Yes□No

2. Does your child have any visual problems? □Yes□No

If so please describe:______



3. Date of most recent vision testing:______

4. Where was the testing done?______

5. By whom was the testing performed?______

Ear, Nose and Throat

Please check all the conditions that your child currently has or has had:

□chronic coughs/colds□hoarse voice□difficulty swallowing□tonsillitis

□tonsillectomy□adenoidectomy□adenoidectomy□tongue deformity

□jaw deformity□cleft palate/lip□speech problem□ear deformity

□dizziness□pressure equalizationtubes□excessive wax in ears

Please list any medications your child is currently taking:______


If your child has been seen by a medical specialist, hospital, clinic, agency, etc., please list below:

Agency/SpecialistDateWhat was done? Results/Recommendation




Phone #:______




Phone #:______




Phone #:______

Educational History

Does your child attend:□daycare□kindergarten□school


Name of school______Current Grade______

Address______Phone #:______


Teacher’s Name______

Speech-Language Pathologist’s Name______

Principal’s Name______

Previous Schools Attended

Name of School:Address:Dates Attended:




Current grades for: Reading______Language______Spelling______Math______

Does your child have a current IEP?□Yes□No

If yes, please have the school send a copy to the Speech and Hearing Clinic, Attn: Audiology.

Cognitive History

Psychological Evaluation Completed? □Yes□No

If yes, please provide the Speech and Hearing Clinic with a copy of the Evaluation Report.

Date of most recent test______Where tested?______

By Whom?______Test Results______


Home and Family

Please list any other family member(s) who have a hearing loss (before age 50) or speech/language or learning difficulties (brothers, sisters, mother, father, and extended family such as grandparents, cousins, etc.)

Name:DOB:Age:Sex:Communication/Relation to

Learning Concern: this child:

Please list everyone who lives with this child:

Name:Age:Sex:Relationship to child:

List of significant activities, interests, events, hobbies, favorite toys, etc.

This assessment cannot proceed without the signature of the legal guardian.

Signature of parent/guardian:______


Please bring completed forms with you to your child’s appointment. Thank you.