Source Document / Subject / Date of Document / Loc’n (Page/Col)
Exeter Flying Post
Ref: EFP180901121c / Lee Ditch / 12/01/1809 / 1c
Date of event / 18090130
Event / Auction sale of four local Estates
Principal(s) / John Broom Farrant (owner)
Alexander Skinner (Tenant –HILLS, Whitnage)
John Bucknell (Tenant – LEE DITCH, S.P.)
John Curwood 51 (Tenant – CURWOOD’S BRAKE, S.P.)
Thomas Bidgood 62 (Tenant - PITT, S.P. & SEVEN ACRES, UPlm)
Trade/Occupation / Landowner
Location / Sampford Peverell, Uplowman
Premises / White Horse Inn, Tiverton



To be SOLD by public auction, at he White Horse Inn, Tiverton, in the county of Devon, on Monday the 30th of January instant, at four o’clock in the afternoon, on such conditions as shall be then produced, the following ESTATES, viz:

Lot 1. – The fee-simple and inheritance of all that capital Estate, called HILLS, containing by estimation about 97 acres of most excellent arable, meadow, and pasture land. Now in the possession of Mr Alexander Skinner, as tenant thereof – There are three lime-kilns in full work on this estate, which bounds with an inexhaustible rock. This desirable estate is situate at witnage (sic), in the parish of Uplowman, and about 4 mils from the town of Tiverton.

Lot 2. – The fee-simple and inheritance of all that Estate, called LEE DITCH, containing by estimation about 76 acres of arable, meadow, pasture, furze , and coppice land, situate in the parish of Sampford Peverell, and now in the possession of Mr.John Bucknell, as tenant thereof. This estate is very improvable, and on on which there is a quantity of thriving young timber.

Lot 3.- An overland Tenement, called ROOFLESS PLACE, containing by estimation about 17 acres of arable pasture and furze land, situate in Sampford Peverell aforesaid, and now in the possession of Mr. John Broom Farrant. The possession of this estate may be had immediately.

Lot 4.- The fee-simple and inheritance in reversion of one life, aged about 51 years, all that Close or Brake, called CURWOOD’S BRAKE, containing about 10 acres, situate in Sampford Peverell aforesaid, and now in the possession of Mr. John Curwood. – There are a great many saplings and trees on this estate.

Lot 5. - The fee-simple and inheritance in reversion of two lives, aged obout 62 and 60, all that capital Estate, called PITT, situate in Sampford Peverell aforesaid, containing about 97 acres of most excellent meadow, pasture, and tillage land, now in the possession of Mr. Thomas Bidgood, as tenant thereof.

6. - The fee-simple and inheritance in reversion of the said two lives, aged about 62 and 60, all those several Closes of Land, called the SEVEN ACRES, containing about 17 acres of good meadow, pasture and tillage land, situate in Uplowman aforesaid, now in the possession of the said Mr. Thomas Bidgood. This lot lies very commodious to lot 1.

For viewing the premises, apply to Mr. Farrant, at Sampford Peverell aforesaid, the owner, or to the respective tenants; and for further particulars, to Mr. Hellings, solicitor, Tiverton, Devon.

Tiverton, Jan 2(n)d 1809