Thanking Your Donor

You must thank your donor for your scholarship!

Because of your hard work, talent and leadership on campus, you have been selected to receive one or more of Radford University’s Foundation Scholarships!

Our Foundation Scholarships are created and funded by generous donors (many who were once students just like you) who want to help you succeed by lifting some of the financial burden from your shoulders and reward you for your efforts!

Your scholarship is not just another funding source, it is a true gift, and a gift like this needs to be acknowledged in a sincere, meaningful way.

NOTE: In order for you to receive your scholarship, you are required to write a typed or handwritten thank you letter that expresses to your donor your sincere appreciation for their scholarship!

Writing a well-written thank you letter

Make sure your letter is free of both grammatical and spelling errors. Remember that your letter is a reflection on our university, and you want to take the time to make sure it is right!

Thank you letter tips:

  1. Use quality paper.
  2. Write clearly and concisely.
  3. Double check for typos, grammatical errors and spelling errors.
  4. Express enthusiasm.
  5. Be sincere.
  6. Create your letter in a typewritten, business format (oryou may handwrite your letter, but make sure it is neat and easy to read).
  7. Have someone proof your letter.
  8. Hand sign your letter.
  9. Send your letter by mail (no scanned copies sent electronically) to Cherie Durbin by August 15thfor approval (address included on page 3).

Please see the sample on the next page.

Step-by-step instructions for writing your thank you letter

Today’s date

(Two lines)

List the scholarship here: RE: Name of scholarship (Some donors have more than one scholarship, so make sure to list the full name of scholarship you received here.)

(Four lines)

Greeting: Dear [Name of donor]:(Use appropriate title such as Dr., Honorable, Professor, Dean, etc.) Be sure to use the name(s) listed on the donor profile/within the “Details” section of your award notification within AcademicWorks(a link is included in your award email).

Please note: If your donor is deceased, you will address your letter to the dean of your college if you are receiving a college-based academic scholarship ORthe Foundation Board President (Ms. Dale Parris) if you are receiving any other foundation scholarship. The appropriate person will be listed on the “Details” tab within AcademicWorks. In either of these cases, you would not thank them for making your scholarship possible. It would be appropriate to simply state that you are thankful for having been selected for the scholarship.

(One Line)

First paragraph: 1) Thank the donor for making your scholarship possible, not for awarding your scholarship, as donors are not a part of the selection process. 2)State your appreciation and the impact of receiving the scholarship.

(One Line)

Second and third paragraphs:Donors really enjoy learning about their students!Share some things about yourself: 1) inform the donor of your major, 2)current class level, 3)academic performance and goals, 4)any clubs, activities or community involvement you have participated in. 5)If you work, let them know about your job 6)Indicate why the scholarship is important to you.

(One Line)

Fourth paragraph: Close by thanking the person again and make a commitment to do well with the donor’s investment.

(Two lines)

Use a salutation such as: Sincerely; With gratitude;Gratefully yours; Respectfully yours; or any other appropriate to a business thank you letter.

(Four Lines)

Sign your name by hand

Type your name

Send your thank you letterby August 15th for approval to:

Cherie Durbin

University Advancement

P.O. Box 6915

Radford, VA 24142

(Note: A cover letter from University Advancement will be sent to your donor along with your letter.)

Closing thoughts on why your thank you letter is so important:

Radford University’s generous donors are caring people who unselfishly give to support the educational endeavors of Radford students like you. They typically ask for nothing in return, but receiving a well-written thank you letter from a student is always special and lets the donor know that his or her scholarship is greatly appreciated. Your letter also reminds them why they gave in the first place and often helps secure continuing gifts for future students.

Other opportunities for thanking your donor:

1)Include a photo of yourself.This is optional.If you decide to send a photo, please include it when you submit your thank you letter to Cherie Durbin.

2)Thank your donor in a video message.This is optional.If you decide to send a video, send it by email to: . Once reviewed, your video may be sent to the donor, and/or used to promote our Foundation Scholarship program.

3)Thank your donor in person at our Partner’s in Excellence Luncheonwhich will be held during the spring semester. This is REQIRED if your donor is able to attend.If you are notified that you need to attend, the Advancement Office will assist you in being excused from class, if needed.