Audio/Video ProductionExpectations and Explanations

Teacher: Mrs. Rachel Brown

Room: Rm. 165


Phone: 972-435-1020

Welcome to Audio/Video Production! I am excited to start a new class this year. We will be learning all about the pre-production, production, and post-production aspects of making a film. Students will work cooperatively to create several films this year from idea to final edited product for viewing. Proper use of filming equipment and computer programs for audio and video creation and editing will be learned.We will also be learning about personal character development based on the 4 houses of Hogwarts from the Harry Potter Books.

The use of technology to complete many activities is required as part of the TEKS for this class. Students will use Schoology and Remind which are available online and in “app” form. We will also be using iMovie, Final Cut Pro, Garage Band and Audacity which will all be available on the classroom computers. Students may use their own video and editing equipment but will be responsible for it.

Requirements: Each student will be required to:

1)Bring his/her composition book to class every day (or keep it in the classroom crate). This will be used for daily Bellringers and for weekly Journal entries.

2)Use Schoology (an online educational program) for various classroom assignments:

  1. Daily Bellringers will be posted in Schoology. These will consist of quotes, pictures, short assignments, music, etc. The students will be responsible for collecting these Bellringers in a composition book. Bellringer completion will count as a Quiz grade each 6 weeks.

b. Journal assignments will also be posted in Schoology. Journals are due in the appropriate class crate by the end of class on Thursdays whether or not your class meets that day. Journals will count as a Test grade each 6 weeks.

c. Class discussions will be posted weekly on Schoology and the students will be required to comment on those discussions for a daily grade each 6 weeks.

d. When creating a Schoology account, use the following class code to join your online class:

  1. A3—K2KD4-CVC4T

e. If the student cannot bring an internet enabled device to class, there will be a few devices available on a first come, first served basis. Otherwise, an equivalent correlating assignment will be given.

3) Participate fully in class and videoactivities.

Throughout the year we will work on group, partner and individual projects. Participation in class and working well with others is the key to success in the production process.

There will be an evening in late spring when we host a film festival to showcase some of the student work from the year. We will schedule that specific date at a later time. All students will need to attend this showcase to “show off” their work. This will count as a test grade.

Grading Policy: Grades will be based on participation in class, preparation and presentation of film projects and meeting deadlines as well as other tools (tests, quizzes, homework, etc.) to check understanding. Each project will be counted as a test grade.

  • Tests/Projects/Presentations = 34%
  • Daily work/Participation = 33%
  • Quizzes/Deadlines = 33%

Remind 101—Parents and students should sign up for class-related informational texts and reminders by texting @avproclass to 81010.

Code of Conduct for the Houses of Hogwarts

More than bravado or bluster, Gryffindor students must have the courage of the heart necessary to undertake tasks which are difficult, tedious or unglamorous, and to graciously accept the sacrifices involved.


A Gryffindor student must show self-confidence, not boastfulness, in order to create a performance or project that is of value to the audience.

A Hufflepuff student holds him- or herself to the highest standard of behavior, and knows that “fudging” on the little rules weakens the fabric of society for everyone.


Words and attitudes can be painful weapons in the modern world, which is why a Hufflepuff exercises kindness in his or her dealings with others, creating a sense of peace and community, rather than engendering hostility and antagonism.
A Slytherin student is always determined to follow through on his or her promises, no matter how big or small they may be.


A Slytherin student wants to succeed and will do what it takes to do so. That includes hard work and resourcefulness.

A Ravenclaw student will use his or her creativity to figure out new ways to get a project done--and done well.

Wisdom comes from combining learning from all parts of life to apply to new situations. A Ravenclaw gathers information from everywhere to help them with the task at hand.

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I, ______have read and understand the

(print student name)

expectations and explanations for Audio/Video Productionclass and will comply with all rules and procedures for this class.


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I have read and understand the expectations and explanations for Audio/Video Production class and will assist my student in complying with the rules and procedures for this class.


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