Performance Criteria and Rubrics for COMMUNICATION SKILLS: REPORT WRITING

(Assessment for Programme Outcome: LG2/PO6)

No. / Performance Criteria / Level 1 / Level 2 / Level 3 / Level 4 / Level 5
1. / Language
Vocabulary, grammar, spelling / Poor use of language, lack of sentence variety, significant deficiencies in wording, spelling, grammar, and punctuation. / Improper use of language, deficiencies in wording, spelling, grammar and punctuation. / Proper use of language, some sentence variety, adequate usage of wording, grammar, and punctuation. / Good use of language and sentence variety, proper usage of wording, grammar and punctuation. / Excellent language and interesting to read, wide variety of sentence structures, excellent word usage, spelling, grammar and punctuation.
2. / Organization
Follow technical format – abstract, introduction, content, conclusion, reference,
continuity, uniformity / Discontinuity, unfocused, no conclusion, irrelevant reference, sources of references poorly cited, unsystematic and details presented in a disorganized way / Writing demonstrates limited grasp of organization, with limited supporting details, sources of references fairly cited. / Able to demonstrate grasp of organization, with supporting details and some cited sources of references used. / Writing demonstrates good grasp of organization, enough cited sources of references used with discernible supporting details / Writing clearly organized, each paragraph is clear and relates to the others, i.e. Coherent and smooth flow of ideas. Multiple sources of references correctly cited.
3. / Presentation
Data, table, figure, graph / Data poorly presented, inadequate explanation on diagram, table and drawing, irrelevant/inappropriate choice of visual layouts in presenting data / Limited/inadequate data presented, fairly adequate explanation on diagram, table and drawing, / Able to present data with appropriate visual layouts e.g. tables, graphs / Good presentation of data with good visual layout e.g. tables, graphs / Data is carefully structured with excellent visual layouts e.g. tables, graphs
4. / Content
Data interpretation, deliverable, concise and adequate / Simply stating data gathered without interpretation and analysis, supporting details are vague or absent, wording reflect lack of understanding of topic / Limited interpretation of data and analyze result, wording reflect limited understanding of topic / Able to interpret data and analyze result, topic is evident with some supporting details, able to meet requirements of assignment. / Good interpretation of data and analyzing result, topic is evident with good supporting details, meet requirements of assignment. / Critically interpret and analyze data and relate it with theories and related work. Topic well developed, effectively supported, effective thinking is clearly expressed.