Audio Video 9 29 Lesson Plan Week of

Dates / 10/6
Monday / 10/7
Tuesday / 10/8
Wednesday / 10/9
Thursday / 10/10
Standard / AAVTC-AVTFII-2
Demonstrate use of multiple types and formats of programs and productions. / AAVTC-AVTFII-2
Demonstrate use of multiple types and formats of programs and productions. / AAVTC-AVTFII-2
Demonstrate use of multiple types and formats of programs and productions. / AAVTC-AVTFII-2
Demonstrate use of multiple types and formats of programs and productions. / AAVTC-AVTFII-2
Demonstrate use of multiple types and formats of programs and productions.
Essential Question/
Key Question / Develop a script and storyboard for a :30 PSA about Prescription Pills Abuse. / Develop a script and storyboard for a :30 PSA about Prescription Pills Abuse. / Develop a script and storyboard for a :30 PSA about Prescription Pills Abuse. / Develop a script and storyboard for a :30 PSA about Prescription Pills Abuse. / Develop a script and storyboard for a :30 PSA about Prescription Pills Abuse.
Lesson Opener / Background on how a PSA works and is filmed and who it is targeted for. / Background on how a PSA works and is filmed and who it is targeted for. / Background on how a PSA works and is filmed and who it is targeted for. / Background on how a PSA works and is filmed and who it is targeted for. / Background on how a PSA works and is filmed and who it is targeted for.
/ Research different kinds of PSAs on web. Decide what direction to take with PSA. Write a script and a storyboard. / Research different kinds of PSAs on web. Decide what direction to take with PSA.
Write a script and a storyboard. / Research different kinds of PSAs on web. Decide what direction to take with PSA.
Write a script and a storyboard. / Research different kinds of PSAs on web. Decide what direction to take with PSA.
Write a script and a storyboard. / Research different kinds of PSAs on web. Decide what direction to take with PSA.
Write a script and a storyboard.
Lesson Summary / Have we found a decided way to get our Don’t Abuse Prescription Drugs PSA across. / Have we found a decided way to get our Don’t Abuse Prescription Drugs PSA across. / Have we found a decided way to get our Don’t Abuse Prescription Drugs PSA across. / Have we found a decided way to get our Don’t Abuse Prescription Drugs PSA across. / Have we found a decided way to get our Don’t Abuse Prescription Drugs PSA across.
Evaluation / Does script fall into a 30 second timeframe. / Does script fall into a 30 second timeframe. / Does script fall into a 30 second timeframe. / Does script fall into a 30 second timeframe. / Does script fall into a 30 second timeframe.
Materials Needed / Storyboard sheets, script writing sheets, computer, web. / Storyboard sheets, script writing sheets, computer, web. / Storyboard sheets, script writing sheets, computer, web. / Storyboard sheets, script writing sheets, computer, web. / Storyboard sheets, script writing sheets, computer, web.