Management Handbook Form Instructions

RA-4 - Rental Agreement Amendment

Form RA-4 is used to change the resident's share of the rent pursuant to a new Tenant Certification being completed. Every time a new certification is completed and the residents share of rent changes, a new RA-4 is also completed. Both become a part of the Rental Agreement. Please follow the distribution instructions written on the appropriate form.

If the resident's share of rent is remaining the same, form RA-4 need not be completed.

If the resident's share of the rent is increasing, the RA-4 should be made effective according to federal rules and delivered at least 30-days prior to it's effective date.

If the resident's share of the rent is decreasing form RA-4 should be made effective according to federal rules and delivery should be made as soon as possible (the 30-day prior rule does not apply).

Although we ask the resident to sign the form it is not legally necessary to do so.

** For HUD and USDA properties.

Rental Amendment (12/91) Page 1 of 1 RA-4