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Notes of a meeting of the Parish Council held in the Fenland Church Meeting Room, TyddGote on MONDAY 14 September 2015 commencing at 7.00 p.m.

Attendance: With Cllr Ley in the Chair there were present,

Cllrs Knott, Godfrey, Mrs Evans

D Cllr Eldridge.

04 Members of the Public

Prior to the meeting an Open Forum was held.

OPEN FORUM – Members of the public attended to receive updates relating to traffic issues and the bus service to Wisbech. In addition a resident raised the matter of vehicles obstructing the footpath at a property where it appeared the owner was repairing 4x4 vehicles

The Chairman thanked those present for attending the meeting and he added that it was pleasing to be engaging with residents in such a positive manner. He added that the council would be considering providing a speed reactor sign and were looking to secure funding for the sign.


1.To receive apologies and reasons given

2.To report on any police matters

3.To receive reports from County and District Councillors

4.Notes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 27 July 2015 to be approved as minutes.

5.Clerks Report on matters outstanding

6.Chairman’s Remark’s

7.Financial Matters –

  1. To approve invoices due for payment
  2. To approve expenditure since last meeting

8.Allotment Matters

  1. To receive committee report.


  1. To note general correspondence.

b. To discuss and resolve to consider a request from the Playing Fields

Committee to provide a footpath from the pavilion to link with the existing

footpath to the rear school gate.

10.To receive reports from Outside Bodies Representatives

11.To receive Members Requests at the discretion of the Chairman

To receive any comments from members of the council and requests for matters to be placed on the next agenda. No resolutions may be passed under this item.

12.To resolve to go into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies

(admissions to meetings) Act 1960 to discuss the following


Should this resolution be passed the public and press will be

required to leave the meeting at this stage

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  1. Apologies for Absence and reasons given

Apologies were received from C Cllr Webb, Cllr Tyrrell, Mrs Jackson-Parker and Cllr Sparks.

  1. Police Matters

No matters were raised.

  1. To receive reports from County and District Councillors.

Cllr Eldridge advised the council that she and Cllr Tyrrellhad purchased a litter bin for Long Road and this would be installed shortly.

  1. Notes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 27July 2015.

Action: The notes of 27 July 2015 were approved as minutes of the meeting.

5. Clerks Report on matters outstanding.

The Clerk advised that:

  • A meeting had been confirmed with Sue Cooper, Lincs C C Highways, Sonya Ripley, Headteacher Tydd St Mary School, Lincolnshire Police and residents. The meeting would be held in the school library on 16 September 2015.
  • Anglian Water had declined to accept a smaller settlement figure but had proposed that the council could pay in instalments of £466.34 per month until the balance was paid or pay a payment of £1200.00 and a monthly payment of £266.00 per month until the balance had been paid.
  • She and Cllr Mrs Evans had carried out an inspection of the parish and a copy of the inspection findings had been circulated to all members and the matters found had been referred to the relevant authorities for action.
  • She had asked SHDC for a new bin at the entrance of the Glebe Field on Rectory Road because the dog bin and litter bin that were there belonged to SHDC.
  • Sue Fortune had confirmed that the council would be able to make an application to the Wind Farm fund for a camera but would be considered along the other applications received.

Action: The council resolved to pay the balance by instalments of £466.34 per month until the balance of the account is paid which was 50% of the original bill.

6. Chairman’s Remarks

The Chairman advised that the council would seek funding from the Tydd Wind Farm Fund. He also thanked the Clerk and Cllr Mrs Evans for carrying out the inspection and taking the required actions.

He asked the Clerk if a forecast could be provided for the council accounts to identify any future projects.

The Clerk replied that this would be provided when the council discussed the Precept at the next council meeting.

He also advised that the Common Pit verges neededto be cut and work needed to be done on the site.

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The Clerk stated that she and Cllr Mrs Evans would be assessing the site and would hopefully seek funds from a Lincolnshire County Council grant fund.

7. Financial Matters –

a) To approve invoices due for payment.

Action: The council resolved to approve the payment of invoices for a total

of £4506.60.

b) To approve expenditure since the last meeting.

Action: The council resolved to approve the report of cleared payments

since the last meeting for a total of £6374.38

8. Allotment Matters – The Clerk advised that Lincolnshire County Council would only

consider the handing back of the allotments with vacant possession.

Action: The council agreed that the tenants were very good and if the allotments could not be handed back with the tenants remaining then the council would continue to rent them. In addition Cllr Knott advised that he had information to prove that the Lincs C C or SHDC council were responsible for the entrance to the Angle Field allotments and not the Parish Council which had been a major factor in handing the allotments back due to the possible costs of maintenance works on the roadway.

10. Correspondence

  1. To note general correspondence.

LALC – Quarterly Circular. Copies given to Cllrs present.

Steve Barclay MP – To advise that there would be no changes to the bus timetable at present and that the relevant authorities would keep him informed should there be any change in the situation.

b. Tydd St Mary Playing Fields Committee – request for a footpath from the

new pavilion to the Glebe car park.

Action: The council resolved to advise the committee to submit a plan

for the proposed footpath in order to forward it to the Diocese for

permission and consider the matter in further detail.

11. To receive reports from Outside Bodies.

No matters were reported.

12. To receive Members Requests at the discretion of the Chairman

Cllr Godfrey advised that the Anglian Water cover adjacent to Cobbins in Rectory Road was missing and was dangerous.

The Clerk advised that she would report the matter to the Lincs C C for action.

Cllr Mrs Evans advised that during the parish inspection it was found that the former bowls club had doors open and various issues which needed to be resolved.

The Clerk advised that the Football Club should maintain the building and she would advised the Manager that the matters needed to be resolved as soon as possible.

The meeting closed at 8.45 p.m.