ESPON 2013 Programme/ Newsletter No 31

13 May 2013

Inspire policy making by territorial evidence

ESPON 2013 Programme/ Newsletter No 31, 13 May 2013


ESPON Open Seminar “Territorial co-operation for growth and jobs”

ESPON Evidence Brief 1 “European Territorial Cooperation”

New ESPON tool: Online Map Finder

New Project on Energy: NORTH SEA STAR

New Reports

Use of ESPON: Finnish publication ESPON shows results

Call for papers on EU cohesion policy

Event: ESPON Open Seminar “Territorial co-operation for growth and jobs”

Dublin, 13 and 14 June 2013 - ESPON invites for a two days Open Seminar on “Territorial co-operation for growth and jobs”. The Seminar is organised in cooperation with the Irish Presidency of the Council of the European Union and takes place in Dublin, Ireland on 13 and 14 June 2013.

The event will address the main policy concerns in 2013, in particular the contribution of Territorial Cooperation towards recovery from the economic crisis as well as the development of Operational Programmes for the 2014-2020 period which is currently in a key moment.

The purpose of this ESPON seminar is two-fold:

Allow policy makers, practitioners and researchers to share concrete experiences, discuss the use of territorial evidence and to identify options relevant to the Seminar theme;

Demonstrate the usefulness and capability of the ESPON knowledge base at this critical juncture between programming periods.

A warm welcome is extended to all policy makers, practitioners, scientists and experts, who want to know more about the ESPON evidence or who are already involved in defining, producing and using the results of ESPON.

To request to register, please send a mail to ating your name, nationality, position, organisation and past and/or current relationship (if any) to the ESPON Programme.Registration will close on the 22nd May 2013.More information at the ESPON Website:

ESPON Evidence Brief 1 “European Territorial Cooperation”

ESPON released the first Evidence Brief responding to the demand of policy makers and practitioners to produce short and informative publications that they can use for the elaboration of development strategies.

The first issue’s highlight is the role of “European Territorial Cooperation” for the development of Europe. Among others, the findings of the project TERCO (European Territorial Cooperation as a Factor of Growth, Jobs and Quality of Life) have been used to show that territorial cooperation projects promote growth, job-creation and life quality through innovative ideas and strategies. In particular, they facilitate flows of people, goods and capital, which otherwise would not cross the borders.

ESPON will, in the near future, publish several evidence briefs which will focus on topics at the top of the EU agenda.The ESPON Evidence Brief 1 “European Territorial Cooperation” is available at the ESPON Website:

New ESPON tool: Online Map Finder

ESPON has developed a brand new web application to search, display, zoom-in and out, download maps as well as create a comparison list of maps.

The web application has a user-friendly interface which allows you to find a specific map resulting from ESPON projects and reports in an easy and fast way.

The maps are accompanied by an explanation and key observations for policy makers.

Access the ESPON Online Map Finder:

New Project: Energy - NORTH SEA STAR, North Sea - Spreading Transnational Results

The North Sea Region (NSR) faces the same energy challenges as the rest of Europe and transnational cooperation is being used to share knowledge and develop regional responses with the ultimate aim of developing regional energy self-sufficiency.

This project aims to assess North Sea Region project results with a view to developing the most effective regional energy responses possible in future operations. The analysis focuses on the role that territorial cooperation can play in such developments and at how new models for clustered project implementation might influence this process and promote effective multi-level governance.

The combination of practitioner experience and the localisation of potentials and challenges based on existing ESPON results will provide input for decisions on future actions and programme strategies in the NSR, and should also be transferable to many other programmes and themes. Furthermore, with regards to governance the project should answer the key question of how the clustering approach can help to stimulate regional co-operation in order to provide input to policy making on how to accelerate the take-up of renewable energy technologies and supporting relevant green economic activities in the region.

More reading at the ESPON Website:

New Reports

(1) Seas: ESaTDOR - European Seas and Territorial Development, Opportunities and Risks

Final Report at the ESPON Website:

(2) Territorial scales: SCALES - Breakdown and capitalisation of ESPON results on different scales

Draft Final Report at the ESPON Website:

(3) Green economy: GREECO - Territorial Potential for a Greener Economy

Interim Report at the ESPON Website:

(4) Mapping Tool: RIMAP - ESPON Online Mapping Tool

Interim Report at the ESPON Website. The Lead Institution, AIDICO, produced a video to show the first beta version of the Online Mapping Tool.

(5) Database: ESPON Database 2013 Phase II (2011-2014), Multi Dimensional Database Design and Development (M4D)

First Interim Report at the ESPON Website:

Use of ESPON

Finnish publication ESPON tekee tulosta [ESPON shows results]

ESPON research has been discussed in “ESPON in Finland” reports since 2004. These reports provide a forum for scientists, researches, policy makers and practitioners to discuss issues related to ESPON research. The publication “ESPON tekee tulosta” presents and analyses ESPON results from the Finnish perspective and in relation to research on similar topics in Finland. The authors selected the following themes: demographic and migratory flows (DEMIFER), accessibility (TRACC), secondary cities (SGPTD), airports as drivers of regional development (ADES), rural potential (PURR, SEMIGRA), and attractiveness of regions (ATTREG).

Further information

Link to the report “ESPON tekee tulosta” (in Finnish language)

Contact: and , ECP Finland

“ESPON in Finland” activities are co-ordinated by the University of Eastern Finland/Karelian Institute (ECP from Finland) in co-operation with and with the support of the Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of Employment and the Economy.

Call for papers on EU cohesion policy

The European Commission’s Regional and Urban Policy DG and the Regional Studies Association call for the submission of abstracts by early career researchers on themes related to EU cohesion policy. Six shortlisted candidates will be invited to present their research via a poster on 8 October 2013 in Brussels during the 11th European Week of Regions and Cities-OPEN DAYS.

How to apply: send a 1,000 word (max) abstract and a current CV both in English to by 31 May 2013.

More details:

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More information

The ESPON 2013 Programme is part-financed by the European Regional Development Fund, the EU Member States and the Partner States Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland.

It shall support policy development in relation to the aim of territorial cohesion and a harmonious development of the European territory. ESPON shall support Cohesion Policy development with European wide, comparable information, evidence, analyses and scenarios on framework conditions for the development of regions, cities and larger territories. In doing so, it shall facilitate the mobilisation of territorial capital and development opportunities, contributing to improving European competitiveness, to the widening and deepening of European territorial cooperation and to a sustainable and balanced development.

The Managing Authority responsible for the ESPON 2013 Programme is the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Infrastructures, Department for Spatial Planning and Development of Luxembourg. More information: Follow ESPON on Twitter, Linkedin, RSS feed

ESPON Coordination Unit
4, rue Erasme LU-1468 Luxembourg
Phone: +352 42 59 91 4700 Fax: +352 42 59 91 4701