Using the logic model terms found below, please complete the logic model template on page two.

Logic Model Terms

Consequences –Using local (or available) data, please identify what the consequences are related to substance use and/or suicide within the target community/population as identified by your needs assessment. Consequence data should not be theoretical but should come from the community and reflect the impact of substance use and/or suicide (i.e. drug-related deaths, suicide deaths, etc.)

Key Intervening Variables/Risk Factors/Protective Factors –Using local (or available) data please identify what are the key contributors to substance use and/or suicide (risk factors/intervening variables) within the target community/population. Intervening Variables are identified by your needs assessment and reflect individual and community factors that influence the occurrence and magnitude of substance use or suicide (Why is this happening here? Why now?). Protective factors that can be increased to help prevent substance use/suicide within the target community/population may also be included. It is generally most helpful to group similar intervening variables impacting substance use and/or suicide.

Behavioral Health Trend(s) -Using local (or available) data, please indicate what are the substance use/suicide issues facing your target community/population. This can include (but is not limited to) substances used, frequency of use, accessibility to substances or lethal means or other behaviors associated with substance use/suicide. Consider: Who is affected? What is the issue? When is this happening? How are substances being consumed, accessed, etc.

Goal –A broad, abstract statement describing desired change within the target community/population. Goals should address a population-level outcome (i.e. Reduce substance abuse). Please see the Mercy Maricopa Priorities in the Purpose section of the RFI for examples.There should be no more than two goals per application.

Objective –A narrow, concrete statement measuring the actual proposed change in behaviors, attitudes, knowledge or other indicated change. Objectives should include a specified time frame to achieve the proposed change, the amount to be changed and the vehicle to measure the change. Objectives should be written with the intent that once achieved, in the long-term the desired change proposed in the goal will also be met; there should be 1-3 objectives per goal. Generally, objectives measure the outcomes (effectiveness) of program implementation.). Please see the Mercy Maricopa Goals in the Guidelines for Program Planning section of the RFI for examples of appropriate objectives. It is recommended that objectives be worded to address the key intervening variables (one per objective) found in your needs assessment.

Strategies – The CSAP approaches described in the Guidelines for Program Planningsection of the application informing the methods that will be used in order to achieve the objectives. Please provide a brief (2-3 sentences) summarizing the key activities and target population(s).

Evaluation -Provides a brief summary of how the strategies will be measured and how the objectives will be met (i.e. pre/post tests, surveys, observation, or other evaluation methods. Please specify the name of the tool proposed for use if available. Please note that Mercy Maricopa will contract with an evaluator to help design and select appropriate evaluation tools for each individual provider as well as the system; therefore, proposed evaluation methods are subject to negotiation.

Short-Term Outcomes – What are the desired community level changes within 1-3 years? Short term outcomes may include changes in knowledge, attitudes, or behaviors related to proposed objectives.

Long-Term Outcomes –What the desired community level changes within 3+ years? Long term outcomes may include changes in community-level indicators, and often align to your proposed goal(s). Examples include decreases in substance use, suicide, etc. Please reference measurement source(s).



Consequences / Key Intervening Variables/Risk Factors/Protective Factors / Behavioral Health Trend(s) / Goal(s) / Objective(s) / Strategy(ies) / Evaluation / Short Term Outcome / Long-Term Outcome