Attachment 4:Budget

The total Project budget is estimated to be $641,047. The requested grant funding is $506,500. Cost share will be provided by West Basin in the form of in-kind and cash support and the Metropolitan Water District, and equals $134,547.

Table 8. Budget Table
Line Item / Requested Grant Funding / Cost Share / Total
Personnel Services
West Basin Staff (Administration) / $0 / $ 82,047 / $ 82,047
Subtotal / $0 / $82,047 / $82,047
Land/Easement Acquisition / n/a / n/a / n/a
Grantee Expenses / n/a / n/a / n/a
Clothes Washer Device Cost / $ 207,500 / $ 42,500 / $ 250,000
Evolve Showerhead Device Cost / $ 15,000 / $ 15,000
Bathroom Sink Aerators Device Cost / $ 5,000 / $ 5,000
Kitchen Sink Aerator Device Cost / $ 5,000 / $ 5,000
Subtotal / $232,500 / $42,500 / $275,000
Professional and Consultant Services
Vendor Administration / $ 39,000 / $ 39,000
Indoor Surveys / $ 100,000 / $ 100,000
Marketing / $ 20,000 / $ 20,000
Water Savings Study / $ 10,000 / $ 10,000
Clothes Washer Installation Cost / $ 100,000 / $ 100,000
Evolve Showerhead Installation Cost / $ 10,000 / $ 10,000
Sink Aerators Installation Cost / $ 5,000 / $ 5,000
Subtotal / $274,000 / $10,000 / $284,000
Construction/Implementation Costs / n/a / n/a / n/a
Total / $ 506,500 / $ 134,547 / $ 641,047

Budget Narrative

Personnel Services – West Basin Staff Time ($82,047)

Mr. Gus Meza, West Basin’s Senior Water Efficiency Specialist, will manage and coordinate the Project. The Water Resources Analyst and Intern will also assist with implementing the project. The budget for administering and managing the Project is $82,047 for a two year period. This cost includes the salary, fringe benefits, and overhead costs based on an estimated 20% of time devoted to the management and implementation of this Project.

Labor Category / Hourly Rate / Total Hours / Total Personnel Services Cost
Senior Water Efficiency Specialist / $184.19 / 200 / $36,838
Water Resources Analyst / $117.21 / 300 / $35,163
Intern / $50.23 / 200 / $10,046
TOTAL / $82,047

It’s estimated that approximately 55 hours of the Senior Water Efficiency Specialist’s time, or approximately $10,000, will be required to complete the Proposal Monitoring Plan. The remainder will be required for program administration, or $71,047.

Land / Easement Acquisitions ($0)

There are no land or easement acquisition costs associated with this Project.

Grantee Expenses ($0)

There are no grantee expenses associated with this Project.

Equipment ($275,000)

The total cost of the equipment is $275,000. The cost share being provided by West Basin and its partner the (Metropolitan Water District) is $42,500 for the clothes washers($85 per washer) and DWR will provide $232,500. The below table provides a breakdown of the cost per device and number of devices used in the budget calculation.

Device Costs / Installation / Number of Devices / Cost per Device / Total Cost
High-Efficiency Clothes Washer, Energy Star (Water Factor of 3.7 or less) / 500 / $500 / $250,000
Showerheads (Evolve 1.5 gpm) / 500 / $30 / $15,000
Kitchen Faucet Aerator (1.5 gpm) / 500 / $10 / $5,000
Bathroom Faucet Aerator (.5 gpm) / 1,000 / $5 / $5,000
Total Equipment Cost / n/a / n/a / $275,000

Professional and Consultant Services ($284,000)

West Basin has budgeted $39,000 to utilize the SBESCfor this Project. They will outreach to qualifying residents and assist them with registering for a free survey and explain the Project. If a resident needs additional help, the SBESCstaff will assist them with participating. This amount calculated by estimating 2 hrs. per customer x 300 customers x $65 / hr. This time includes attending neighborhood and community meetings, making presentations about the program and assisting customers over the phone.

West Basin has budgeted $100,000 to hire a qualified vendor to conduct up to 500 indoor surveys. The indoor survey will consist of identifying all the water and energy devices and appliances. It also includes installing the water / energy efficient clothes washer, showerhead and sink aerators. This budget was calculated by estimating $200 per survey x 500 indoor surveys = $100,000.

Vendor installation of devices has been budgeted $115,000. This budget was calculated according to the number of devices and cost per device installation listed in the table below.

Device Installation / Number of Devices / Cost per Device Installation / Total Cost
Clothes Washer Installation / 500 / $200 / $100,000
Showerhead Install / 500 / $20 / $10,000
Faucet Installations (both) / 500 / $10 / $5,000
Total Equipment Cost / n/a / n/a / $115,000

West Basin has budgeted $20,000 for the marketing. West Basin will work closely with its vendor to develop an attractive and effective door hanger and flyer for this Project. West Basin will use these tools through its customer targeting strategies. West Basin will also work closely with its water retailers and local cities to provide program invitation letters to qualifying residents. The materials will be in both English / Spanish. This estimate was derived from past experience in developing marketing materials, and is broken out in the below table.

  • Program Brochures = $5,000
  • Post Cards = $5,000

  • Translation Services = $1,000
  • Customer Application Forms =$2,000

  • Bill Stuffers = $2,000
  • Newspaper Ads, Door Hangers, etc. $5,000

West Basin has budgeted $10,000 for the water savings study. West Basin will hire a third party consultant to study the water and energy savings associated with this Project. West Basin will provide the necessary data to the vendorin order to develop a report showing quantifiable savings and other information associated with the Project. This budget was derived from past experience in hiring a consultant to study the project and provide analysis, lessons learned and a final report.

Construction / Implementation Costs ($0)

These costs have been captured in the Professional and Consultant Services Category.