Athlete Agreement
Australian University Games
Dates:29th September – 3rdOctober 2014
I (Name) …......
of (Address)......
...... ………..……. P/code ......
Student ID:...... Sport:......
in consideration of TeamMONASH selecting me for, and partially funding my participation with Team MONASH, MonashUniversity, at the AustralianUniversityGames, agree to abide by the following terms and conditions.
- I am eligible to compete for Monash University in accordance with the eligibility guidelines.
- I understand the nature of the event for which I have been selected and I am competent to compete in the events for which I have been selected.
- I acknowledge that TeamMONASH is the organizing body for Monash University involvement in the event and accordingly agree that this Agreement shall have precedence over any agreement that I may have with, or instructions I may receive from any National Federation (“NF”) any sponsor, any employer, manager, agent, advisor or body with whom I may have contracted to endorse or publicise goods or services.
- To observe and comply with each and every term and condition of this Agreement,applicable policies of MonashUniversity and the constitution Rules and By-laws of Australian University Sport.
- Be subject to, observe and comply with the reasonable management and directions given by TeamMONASH Director or their delegate.
- To conduct myself in a proper manner so as not to bring myself, TeamMONASH or Monash University into public disrepute or censure and to the absolute satisfaction of TeamMONASH.
- Not to make comment, issue, authorise, offer or endorse any public criticism or statement having or designed to have a prejudicial effect on the interests of TeamMONASH the Team, any member of the Team or Monash University.
- To abide by the ‘code of conduct’ specific to my team and developed by my Sport Manager and TeamMONASH staff.
Medical, Alcohol and other drugs
- I agree to comply with the Monash University alcohol and other drugs policy.
- I agree to be involved in random breath testing for drugs and alcohol.
- I agree to comply with the medical code of the IOC as it relates to doping and illegal medical procedures.
- I authorize any medical practitioner, sports scientist or therapist whom I have consulted during the past 12 months proceeding the event to provide details of any illness or injury which I have sustained or any preexisting medical conditionto Team officials if and when they require them.
- I agree to advise TeamMONASH of any illness or injury which I have sustained or any pre-existing medical condition which could affect my performance as a member of the team or my health in general whilst a member of the team.
- I agree to comply with any reasonable directions given to me by any Medical Officer appointed by the team.
- The spokesperson on all matters concerning theteam will be the TeamMONASH Director or their delegate.
- All officials, coaches and players are at liberty to decline to speak to the media on any matter.
- In signing this document, I give TeamMONASH permission to use any media of me (photographic, video, audio etc) for news stories, media coverage, marketing and promotional means.
- I agree that I will wear the clothing distributed to the team for the event.
- I agree that I will wear the approved playing uniform during the competition whilst competing for the University.
- I agree to maintain my team issued clothing and competition gear in good clean condition.
Should I breach any part of this Agreement, TeamMONASH may at their discretion;
- Terminate my membership of the Team and/or
- Require me to leave the event and return home at my own expense and/or
- Exclude me from competitions and/or
- Withhold or recoup any funding, subsidy or payment to which I might otherwise have been entitled as a member of the team and/or
- Deem me ineligible for a University Blue, Half Blue or Sports award and/or
- Follow a process of withholding academic result in accordance with a delegated authority by Monash University.
Release and Indemnity
- For the purposes of this clause,TeamMONASH shall mean and include all TeamMONASH, its users and Executive, officials, coaches, medical practitioners, sport scientists, therapists and members of the Team and any independent contractor from time to time employed by TeamMONASH or any voluntary worker carrying out honorary or unpaid duties.
- I expressly agree that TeamMONASH shall not in any circumstances be under any liability to me for any loss, damage or injury of whatsoever kind arising directly or indirectly from any act, neglect or fault on the part of TeamMONASH and connected with my membership with the team, my participation in the event and disciplinary action taken against or directed at me by TeamMONASH.
- I hereby indemnify and will at all times hereafter well and sufficiently keep indemnified TeamMONASH from and against all actions, suits, causes of actions, proceedings, claims, demands, costs and expenses whatsoever which may be taken or made against TeamMONASH in conjunction with or arising out of my participation in the event.
- I acknowledge and agree that TeamMONASH is, and shall be deemed to be, acting as agent and trustee on behalf of all persons and bodies, corporate and unincorporated who are or might be its members and executives, officials, servants or agents and all such persons shall be deemed to be parties to this agreement.
TeamMONASH Obligations
In consideration of you as a player, coach, manager or other team member entering into this agreement TeamMONASH undertakes to:
- Assist with arrangements regarding registrations, transport and accommodation for the event.
- Provide clothing as detailed.
- Provide necessary administrative, managerial and infrastructure support necessary to ensure the best possible performance of team members.
Proper Law
- This agreement shall be governed by the laws of the state of Victoria and the parties hereto agree to the jurisdiction
- Should any provisions of this agreement or the application thereof be held invalid or unenforceable by a court of contempt jurisdiction then the remainder of this Agreement and the application thereof shall not be affected thereby and continue valid.
“Sport Manager” refers to any person nominated by TeamMONASH to be responsible for the participants representing MonashUniversity in a particular sport.
Dated:this __ __ day of ______2014.
Signed by:
Name: ……………………………………………...….. Signature: ...... ………………….……
In the presence of:
Name: …………………………………………………. Signature: ...... ……………….………