The entire system is set-up to operate through the Artificial entity ONLY. First you must do a release with rescission of surety-ship signatures.
You are not operating as a human being! You are operating as the surety indenture to the Debtor Artificial Entity owned by the State of birth or naturalization.
As long as you remain the surety indenture for the Artificial debtor owned by the State of Your birth the police will treat you as surety only. You are mixing the Sovereign citizen and redemption movement belief system to your detriment. STOP IT!
You need to become the secured beneficiary of the debtor and then file an public nuisance abatement in the court system to get the police to cease and desist. You may not do that as the surety only as the secured beneficiary. Read my website and enter a confidentiality agreement and we may work from there - not until then.
Best regards
Chris Strunk
At your request as I do try to give you good advice. I had posted to your website re your use of the "Retire Judge" funny business, and thankfully had kept a copy that I sent to Eric since he and I are watching the disinformation campaign closely.
Best regards
Chris Strunk
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------Original Message ------
Subject: the retire judge business
From: <
Date: Wed, December 18, 2013 2:10 pm
To: "Eric Phelps" <
Cc: "Christopher Strunk" <
I sent Karen a private message on here legal webpage as follows:
"Dear Karen my favorite client,
The "United States Vessel" registration at the Depository Trust Company (DTC) and the relation to maritime and or admiralty law to the extent that the Debtor trust is used as a financial security on international markets ceases to be such when the in esse person registers his or her beneficial interest in the debtor trust as a transmitting utility to be singled out of the specific co-mingled account with the US Sec of Treasury; and wherein the sole beneficial interest is segregated, calls into question the scribd post that who ever he his, nowhere mentions the actual surety indenture relationship to the artificial debtor trust created to collateralize the US debt post 1933 without money per se, in that after 1935 under the 1935 Gold reserve Act Congress complied with the SCOTUS in the gold clause case Norman vs. Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co. , 294 U.S. 240 (1935).
The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that thew 1934 Gold Reserve Act gold clauses were invalid. However, Congress later reinstated the option to use gold clauses for obligations (new contracts) issued after October 1977 in accordance with31 U.S.C. § 5118 (
The 1933 Proclamations that removed gold as collateral for currency necessitated that the debt be collateralized by voluntary surety indentures for the debtor trust that exists today under the "Martial Process" by POTUS order under the annual declaration of the National Emergency that prevents civil process "on the land" (common law) to be visited for any surety indenture as the actual guarantor of the debt of the US.
The so-called "Retired Judge" (eg if that in fact what he is I do not know, is mischievous and hides the "Martial Process" from cite by sloppily pushing the "Admiralty Law" generalization that is a great dis-service to the deluded unwashed "Patriot" who somehow believes he is "sovereign" and not merely the surety indenture for the debtor trust.
I worked for an attorney who did maritime practice here in New York and that statutory basis for such Admiralty process for matters "on the sea" is not what is provided under municipal code under Martial Process "on the land" for the surety-debtor Gemini twin.
That is the reason I am doing this entire exercise with
We operate here on the land under martial process NOT Admiralty process that applies to matters "on the sea" as per commerce done with registered financial instruments for trade.
That the in esse Sui juris agent of the debtor trust ceases to be the surety (statutory federal tax payer) that becomes the sole secured party creditor in commerce with beneficial interest and agent of the debtor trust still operating in commerce. I thought you understood that was my objective.
Without filing with the Secretary of the Treasury that in effect hires him as the securities intermediary to safeguard the segregated funds singled out of the specific co-mingled government account unfortunately remains co-mingled and unprotected for the sole beneficiary.
Best regards,
Chris "
Best regards
Chris Strunk
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All though there is a lot of helpful detail coming from their research Rod / Joyce are both off the mark as to the 1933 bankruptcy brought about by a collapse of revenue under Hoover and the subsequent declaration of martial rule by FDR to borrow $500 mill for his new deal that required seizing the gold putting it in FT Knox as collateral for the loan, and then when the 1935 SS Act came about as a result of then Senator Wagner pushing his Vatican Catholic Fascist International labor treaty then the full implementation of the artificial debtor trust (under the control of the birth state governors from then on receiving $$$ to take authority of CestuiQue vie trust setup for each debtor trust upon filing in their respective state - the state owns title to each artificial name) and with the in esse living surety-indenture in 1938 was fully implemented by the National Governors Association that finalized the deal in 1938 to collateralize the debt that from then on worked without any use of specie except by the FRBNY that has the stuff on deposit taken from Ft Knox in 1935 to pay the interest on the FRB notes; and then until now with continuance of the national emergency requires that the in esse being without ceasing to be the surety no matter how much Rod Class and Joyce huff and puff each remain their own surety indenture for their own Debtor trust owned by the state of their birth (Rod and Joyce are both slaves!), and with the Debtor Trust / Surety indenture Gemini twin wedded together under control of the respective state of resdience / birth as the financial security co-mingled as a bundle sold for the 65 year expectation of Federal tax cash-flow to the big boys (City of London and Vatican).
I separate the secured beneficiary equity interest out from the co-mingled bundle and set the non-surety up as a Creditor in Commerce for as long as we operate under the present system.
Best regards
Chris Strunk
------Forwarded message ------
Date: Mon, Jan 13, 2014 at 5:17 PM
Subject: RE: Dean Clifford, Freemen guru, arrested on Canada-wide warrant 11-25-2013
To: James Wootton <>
James this happened a Long time ago.
Note that the so-called "sovereign" "freeman" "movement" is controlled by gov agent provocateurs in place.
The surety-indenture / Debtor Trust relationship is not challenged by any "movement" that I know of per se. Anyone walking around with an arrest warrant issued is asking for trouble.
Note the problem: "Members of the Freemen-on-the-Land movement believe statute law is a contract ofwhich people can opt out. According to Clifford’s website, he doesn’t pay income or property taxes, and doesn’t drive with a license, insurance orgovernment plates." That stand on doing commerce is a problem James.
We merely become sole secured party beneficiaries and agent of the Artificial Debtor Trust as a transmitting utility in commerce. One needs the artificial entity to operate period.
Best regards
Chris Strunk
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------Original Message ------
Subject: Dean Clifford, Freemen guru, arrested on Canada-wide warrant
From: James
Date: Mon, January 13, 2014 12:17 pm
To: "" <