Board Meeting on 26 January 2017


Participants:Niclas Kvernrød, Anders Østergaard, Kelly Pacheco, Michelle Roberg-Sondergaard, Flemming Dahl,Kenneth Nielsen, Cree Schmidt, Chris Hanna, Henny Bak (Minute taker)

Guest: Klaus Tvede-Jensen

Regrets:Gulshanoy Tolipova, Susan Ambæk, Svend Hylleberg, Jørgen Johansen

  1. Attendance and approval of agenda and minutes
    Minutes from the Extraordinary Board Meeting postponed until next meeting.
  2. Reporting from the Head of School, Chris Hanna
    News about staff and faculty including kindergarten
    The Early Years PYP1-3 program at Bushøjvænget has undergone an upgrading, in part to
    meet requirements of the Danish educational authorities. As of 1 February, the daily
    operation hours will be 08:30-14:00. All ASA positions have been enhanced to meet
    Teaching Assistant requirements. The teacher-pupil ratio ranges from 5:1 to 10:1
    depending on age of students. Cross-aged groupings during parts of the afternoon is
    now a part of the program. Further student admissions will be made so that the program
    is operating at maximum enrollment.
    Status of no. of children by current month
    The January 2017 AAGE Enrollment Update was distributed to the Board in chart form.
    Status of vacancies
    There are waiting lists for may grade levels and additional students are registering for
    admission into the current school year as well as for the 2017-2018 school year
    2017/2018 Calendar
    The administration presented a school calendar proposal for the 2017-2018 school year which
    was accepted and approved by the Board. The first school day for students will be Monday 14
    August 2017.
    Field Trips
    The administration informed the Board that field trips for the classes PYP7-MYP5 would be
    taking place. The financing had been worked out successfully and now the further
    details were being put in place.
    Workshop Results
    The results of the faculty workshop held on 20 January have advanced the goals of the
    school. The IT company Ivaldi provided training to staff on the use of One Drive, Share
    Point and Smart Board use. Following a presentation by Kathryn Templeman to the faculty,
    it was decidedto open up ManageBac as a means of the communication to the PYP parents,
    thus establishing ManageBac as the preferred vehicle of communication for the entire school.
    Assessment Report/Update
    A written report was distributed to the Board which provided a summary of the internal
    assessments, the external assessments and the reporting practices for both the IB PYP and
    MYP programmes.
  3. Preparation of General Assembly 2017 by Anders
    A chairperson for the General Assembly needs to be found.
    Chris Hanna and Anders Østergaard will prepare the agenda for the General Assembly 2017.
  4. Briefing regarding the rental of Bushøjvænget by Flemming
    Flemming informed Board members about different options for a new contract. Discussion of the possibility of a new contract should be with a notice of 3 years – the least expensive offer, or a more expensive offer can be selected for which the school only has a 6 month notice period.
    The choice was for the 6 month notice period. With this option, the school can move very fast from Bushøjvænget when the possibility of moving to Dalgas Avenue materializes.
  5. Building block 2017 #3. Simplified Fee structure by Susan, Svend and Niclas (pre-read)
    The Board wishes to simplify the Fee Structure without changing too much in the current tuition amounts.
    At next meeting Susan and the administration will make some simulations so we can see the effect of a Simplified Fee Structure.
  6. Approval of Budget 2017. Presentation by Klaus Tvede-Jensen
    The annual projection result for 2017 was presented. The ending balance is less deficit than
    anticipated. The budget for calendar year 2017 was accepted.
  7. Status of Business Plan Objectives 2017
    Walk through of status of each objective and review next step for each objective
    Niclas Kvernrod reviewed each of the Key Achievements planned for 2017 with the Board
    members. He reconfirmed AAGE’s commitment to all eight (8) goals, highlighting the
    maintaining of the IB authorizations (Goal No. 5) and the establishment of an IT and
    intranet backbone (Goal No. 7). The Board asked the Head of School to secure more than
    one cost proposal or quote before deciding what company should be selected to supply and
    install the needed hardware upgrades.
  8. Any other business
    There was no further business.
    The meeting was closed at 21.40