January 4, 2018

at The Brook House Restaurant

9:15 -_General Meeting

1. Welcome - Additional Agenda Items - Jack Milner/Scott Barker

2. Attendance - Dennis Fries

3. Approval of Minutes–December 15, 2017League and Liaison report meeting

4. Treasurer’s Report - Jim Sheehan/DF (Note: Until further notice, forward all financial material to DF)

a. Reminder that I now have the league checkbook – send all bills to me.

b. 2018-2019Dues(same as last two years: $6,300.00) plus skiing and other a la carte items
c. other…

5. Official’s Coordinator Report–Pete Shambo

a. Review of any fall assigning issues

b. 2018 Friday night football scheduling – TH

6. Executive Committee Report- Jack Milner/ Scott Barker

8:00am- Executive Committee

  1. Long Range Planning Chairperson report – Mike Giruzzi
  1. Liaison reps. loose ends:

1) Modified fall start dates – MM
2) 3 officials in boys soccer – MG/MM
3) Increase in cross-country awards – MG/KH
4) Cross country adjustment in heat index protocol - KH
5) Program assistance protocol – MG (Below)
6) Baseball game ending procedure proposal for next NYSPHSAA meeting - KH

B. 2017-2018 update: Tentative 2018-2019Frosh, Mod A & B declarations – MG (Especially football)

C. 2018 Football issues: Batavia’s scheduling; alignment, scheduling and program assistance updates and

discussion – TH/MGAlso: HF-L - Football

1)review this year's Mod B Football scheduling -

D.Fall scheduling meeting; January 18 (8:30) @ BH (AllFall Scheduling & Draw)

E. Possible Batavia request for Boys soccer program assistance for 2018-2019 –– if so, looking for

input from theboys soccer liaison

II. President’s report, agenda and Correspondence - Jack Milner/Scott Barker

A. Administrative liaisons’ reports: LM/BB/DR/RT
1. Superintendent’s report – Dr. Lesli Myers
2. H.S. Principal’s report – Brian Bartalo (absent)/Dave Richardson

3. Middle School Principal’s report –Rob Thomas
4. President’s report – Jack Milner
5. Section V Executive Director’s report – Kathy Hoyt

B. Modified sports – M. Bromley

1) Study session - Tues., Jan. 9th –Cancelled

2) other…

C. FYI - Use of noise makers at indoor Athletic contests - DF (Current guideline on books: No noise

makers at any indoor events) That includes: horns, drums, plastic milk shakers, bang sticks, etc.

Especially when used with the intent to annoy and/or incite. (FYI) This includes Sectionals.

D. 2018-2019 MCPSAC Meeting and Starting Dates Draft – Approval to February

E. FYI: MC Exceptional Senior Boys Basketball, at Athena on Thurs., March 8, 2018;Girls at 6; Boys at 8;

Ronald McDonald Basketball at RH on ______; 1 – girls; 3 – boys.

F. Spring Side Line Passes – Are we all set?– DF

G. Unified Update – DF

YAC committee meeting at Gates: Jan. 26th – 9:00; next organizing is: TBD

H. MCPSAC Spring Special Olympics track meet: West @ Arcadia on TBD; East @ Thomas? on TBD

I. NYSPHSAA report; if any – PS, FK, KH

7. Girls Sports Report - Kim Henshaw

a. Cheerleading update – MC Winter Tournament is: @ Pitts Mendon – Thursday, February 8, 2018 – SB
Greater Rochester Tourney is: Saturday, ______at BCA.- ?
Winter Sectionals is: Saturday, ______at TBA.- ?

b. Liaisons reports:
c. Other:

8. Boys Sports Report- Brian Donohue

a. Wrestling update (B. Crocetti):
b. Liaisons reports:
c. Other:
9. Other Reports
a. Section V –S. Barker/S. Penepent (Next Council Meeting - 1/17/18) at the Burgundy (9am-10am)

Discussion issues –

b. Council of Administrators NYSAHPER – Ron Whitcomb/Mike Bromley
c. NYSAAA – Patrick Irving; Chapter 5 – Josh Lacy
1. Chapter 5 workshop (MM) - (Monday, February 12, 2018 @ Bristol Mt.) - (Everyone needs to register)

2. NYSAAA Annual Conference – (Tues.-Fri.), March 13-16, 2018 in Saratoga.
3. 14th Annual Section 1 Summer Institute – June 24 – 27, 2018at Cape Cod, MA:

10. Committee Reports

a. Awards –M. Giruzzi

b. Sportsmanship – Patrick Irving,Annual Section V mini conference @ SUNY Geneseo – Weds., 4/5/17 (9-1)
c. ‘RSchool’ update – GT/FK

d. Non-Public/Charter School Classification committee report– M. Bromley

11. Round Table:
a. Spring, 1st Aid & CPR/AED. Are we all set?

b. Send letters of information to DF for teams traveling out of state over spring break.
c. Send reject letter to girls lacrosse assigner ASAP – DF
d. FYI – (From Dec. 2007)NYSPHSAA “only eligible participants may participate (practice)

with and/or against your team members” – Affirmed by Ed Stores, December 2012.
e. other…

12. Secretaries Luncheon – Rush Henrietta- April 25, 2018at Oak Hill CCor somewhere else?

14. Secretaries Workshop – Friday, June 1, 2018 (Chairpersons –Gr. Olympia/Hilton)

Upcoming Dates:

a) Weds., Jan. 17th - Section V Council meeting at the Burgundy Basin Inn. – 10am
c) Thurs., Jan. 18th- leagueschedulingmeeting

d) Fri., Jan. 26th – Unified Basketball “YAC” Summit at Gates-Chili (9:30-1:30)

e) Thurs., Feb. 1st– Next league meeting

e) Mon., Feb. 12th – Chapter 5 meeting at Bristol Mt..

Adjourned: ______

df/December26, 2017


“V. Program Assistance (from ‘Pink’ pages)”

1. Schools wishing to be granted program assistance must submit their written request (and recommendations if any) to the executive director of the league, a minimum of thirty (30) days prior to the date established to submit the proposed schedule in that sport. To qualify for program assistance, a school must show that over time it has, and will continue to, play at a level above or below the majority of schools within its division.

2. The executive director will forward the request to the long range planning chairperson where the executive committee will examine the status of the program in question and recommend to the league membership a course of action utilizing the following guidelines:

  1. Move program to another division, and, based on the merit of the request, a determination will be made on whether the team will be eligible for the league championship.

In b, c, and d, below, teams will not be eligible for a league/division championship

Schools seeking this type of assistance may request that their deserving student-athletes be considered for

all league/division honors. If all-league/division honors are granted, they will not count against the

approved number of awards within any division of regularly scheduled teams.

As long as every team in a division plays all others at least once all games within that division will count

toward the divisional title.

  1. Match program up with teams in each division that it will be competitive with and open up all remaining blocks for non-league contests.

c. Withdraw program entirely from league schedule so they can schedule non-league.

d. Any combination of moves that will not jeopardize the alignment and scheduling philosophy.

3. Program assistance is for 2 years at a time and must be requested in the realignment cycle.





EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE:8:00 - 9:15 a.m.

WednesdayAugust 8 (If needed)@ Brookhouse

TuesdayAugust 21 & HOF@ Burgundy Basin (Mandatory HdbkMting)
ThursdayAugust 23 @ Brookhouse(Scheduling clean-up)

ThursdaySeptember 6@ Brookhouse

ThursdayOctober 11@ Brookhouse

ThursdayNovember 8@ Brookhouse

ThursdayDecember 6@ Brookhouse
Thursday or FridayDecember 20 or 21 (8:30) @ BH (Fall liaison & proposed alignment changes)
ThursdayJanuary 3 @ Brookhouse (possible FB discussion)

ThursdayJanuary 17 (8:30)** @ BH(AllFall Scheduling & Draw)
ThursdayFebruary 7@ Brookhouse

Thursday March 7 @ BH(Winter liaison & Proposed alignment changes)
TuesdayMarch19 (8:30) @ BH (All Winter Scheduling and draw)

Thursday April 11@ Brookhouse

ThursdayMay 2@ Brookhouse
TuesdayMay21 (8:30) @ BH (Spring liaison/chair reports and alignment changes)
Thursday June 6@ Brookhouse

MondayJune17 (8:30) @ BH (All Spring Scheduling and draw)

COACHES MEETINGS:7:30 p.m. (6:45 -Chair's meeting, except Fall at 5:30 and Mod. 6:45)

All seasons chairperson meeting: August 15th (Weds.)@ Victor (6:15)

FallAugust 15 (Weds.)@ Victor (7:00)(Unless its electronic)

Fall ModifiedSeptember 4th (Tues.)@ Brighton (Unless its electronic)

WinterNovember 6 (Tues.)@ Olympia (Unless its electronic)

Winter (Modified ‘B’ Sports)

(All Modified ‘B’ Sports) (Weds.) Nov. 7 or (Mon.)11/26 @ Olympia (or all electronic - ?)
SpringMarch 5th (Tues.)@ Brighton(All electronic- ?)

(Note: Boys and girls Lacrosse will meet separately at Victor - TBA)

MODIFIED STUDY SESSIONS: Tuesdays, 9:00 am; Nov. 6th ; Jan. 8th; May 6th@ Brookhouse

**Officially declare Modified teams for 2019-2020.

MC Cheer Tournament: ______2019 (Tentative)


MCPSAC, INC. - STARTING DATES: 2018-2019 page 2

FALL: 2018

Football August 13 (Mon.)

All other Varsity & JV Sports (VB’s asking for the 24th)August 13 (Mon.)

Freshman and Mod. ‘A’ FootballAugust 20 (Mon.)
Modified ‘B’ Football August 22 (Weds.)

Mod. ‘A’ Cheer & Girls Mod.‘A’ Tennis & Mod. ‘A’ SoccerAugust 31 (Fri.)

**All other 7th & 8thAugust 31st(Fri.)
**Note: Mod. ‘B’ sports may be built off September 3rd

Motion: (4/2016) M. Murray moved, S. Penepent seconded to allow all modified to
start on Sept. 1st and that the schedules may be built off Sept. 1st as well – carried.


WrestlingNov. 5 (Mon.)
(weight certification is Sat., 11/__/17 & Mon., 11/__/17)

HockeyNov. 5 (Mon.)
All Varsity/JV sportsNov. 5 (Mon.)

Frosh Basketball and all Modified A Nov. 12 (Mon.)

All Mod. B (including boys pure swimming)Nov. 12 (Mon.)
Schedules first contest based on Nov. 21st start date

Modified Combined - Boys & Girls SwimmingDecember 3 (Mon.)

JV/Varsity Boys and Girls LacrosseMarch 4 (Mon.)
All other Varsity/Junior Varsity Sports March 4 (Mon.)
All non-JV/Var. lax schedules to be built off March 11th

All Modified on 3/18 w/schedules built off the 4/1

(Last possible date for “Senior Select” games: Fall: Nov. 16th; Winter: April 5th; Spring: June 21st) - Tentative

TESTING DATES 2018-2019(Tentative)

ACT (3:00 pm starts)
September 8
October 27
December 8
February 9
April 13
June 8 / SAT (3:00 pm starts)
October 6
November 3
December 1
January 19
March 9
May 4
June 1 / PSAT (3:00 pm starts)
October11, 14& 18
May 6-17; Make ups:5/22-24
Holiday break begins: 12/21
Feb. break: 2/18-2/24
Spring break: 4/1-4/7 / REGENTS
January 22-25, 2019
June 26 (Rating day), 2019
Rosh Hashanah: (Sun.) 9/9 (@ Sundown) through sundown on (Tues.) 9/11
Yom Kippur:(Fri.) 9/18 Sundown-9/19Sundown
Wrestling weight test: Nov. ___

OTHER Hockey - 2018-2019 (Tentative)

NYSPHSAA Hndbk/Sprtsmnshp update [Tues., Aug. 21st@ BBI 8am] 10/23 - Sec. 5 HS Hoc RegMting @ Pitts. MS

First Aid - Fall @ Irondequoit Aug. ______; (CPR) Aug. __ 11/01 - Completed (Frozen) schedules to S. M.

**Daylight Saving Time Ends – November 4, 2018 11/06 - Coaches meeting; at Oly HS@7:30 pm

NYS Phys. Ed. Dir. COA Conf. – 11/14&15, 2018 @ Turning Stone 11/15-Rink supervisors’ meeting – Pasta Bella’s

NYS AHPERD Conference - Nov. 11/15-17, 2018 @ Turning Stone (Pres., Treasurer, Sites Coord.), and all Rink

NIAAA Conference - Dec. 14-18, 2018 in San Antonio, TX Supervisors. (not school supervisors).

NYSAAA Conference - Saratoga Springs March 12-15, 201911/05 - Practice may begin

Secretary/Athletic Director Luncheon - April 24, 201912/01 – Rosters are frozen

Secretaries Workshop – Fri. May 31, 2019TBA – other Coaches Mting @ Vic HS – 7:30

Special Olympics at TBD – 5/?? – Sched & post season mting @ Pitts.



(2018-2019 – Draft) August 21 – HNDBK WRKSHP @ TBA–8am

Sept. 19 - @ Eddie O’Brien September __ - E.C. Meeting @ W.Cliff

Nov. 28- @ Burgundy Basin October 4 - Workshop @ Section V Office - Newark

Jan. 16 - @ Burgundy Basin February 11 - Winter Meeting @ Bristol

Mar. 6 - @ Eddie O’Brien April __ – E.C. Meeting @ Woodcliff

May 15 - @ Eddie O’Brien May 6 - Spring-Awards @ Woodcliff
df- First proposal: January 4, 2018