203, B.T. Road, Kolkata-700108
Office Order No. D.O./ 15243 Dated 10 July 2009
The procedure for purchase of all items of stores, both capital and revenue, excluding computer hardware, software, computer consumables and other computer accessories, as circulated earlier vide Office Order No. D.O./7592 dated 16 May, 2002, henceforth stands revised as stated below.
1. The purchase proposal should be made by the Head of the Concerned Unit/Division in prescribed purchase requisition form, Part-1,& Part –II as given in Annexure-1. The purchase requisition form should be carefully filled in with detailed information about proposed purchase such as, detailedspecification of the product including make, brand ,model number if any, justification of the proposed purchase, budgetary provisions etc. as per the instruction given overleaf of the purchase requisition form. Please refer enclosed capital item Code list(Annexure-5) while mentioning item code no. in Part –II of the purchase requisition form.
2. Purchase of all Capital items should have the approval from the Director. The unit involved in purchase of capital items may also place purchase order to the vendor recommended by the Purchase Committee and may process the purchase. Purchase of all revenue items costing more than Rs. 10,000 (Rupees ten thousand ) will require to be processed through Purchase Committee after getting approval fromthe competent authority. However, in case of emergency, the indenting unit may purchase any revenue item costing up to Rs.10,000 (Rupees ten thousand) from Govt. Co-operative/manufacturer/ enlisted vendors without inviting quotation/bids subject to obtaining prior approval from the competent authority. A certificate as given in Annexure-3 has to be produced by the indenting officer while recommending payment for such purchase. Purchase order should be placed with the vendor/supplier strictly as per the format of Purchase Order enclosed as Annexure – 4.
3. After obtaining approval of the Director/Competent authority, duly filled up purchase requisition form (Annexure-1) along with sealed quotation should be sent to the Purchase Committee for recommendation. Normally, three or more sealed quotations should be obtained from the enlisted vendors (vide office order No. CAF/16-4/156A dated 4/9 September 2006). Notice inviting quotations shall require to be issued to prospective suppliers (vide specimen given in Annexure-2A) which should inter alia state detailed specification of the item and the estimated price. In this context, please refer to the office circular dated 02.03.09 issued by the Chairman, Purchase Committee as given in Annexure - 2.
4. When an item is procured from the manufacturer (Indian/Foreign)/ sole distributor, a proprietary item certificate is required to be furnished as per the clause 2 of the Purchase Requisition Form, part-II. In case purchase is made from sole distributor/manufacturer, the necessary proof/certificate of authorization obtained from the manufacturer should be enclosed. The single quotation system may be adopted for articles/ items which are specially certified for their proprietary nature by the indenting unit as per the Format of Certificate prescribed under clause 2 of Purchase Requisition Form, part –II. If payment is required to be made in foreign exchange, full details such as, name and address of the party in whose name Letter of Credit is required to be opened and other terms and conditions including FOB and CIP prices should be mentioned in the quotation.
5. The Purchase Committee may also obtain additional quotations if required. For bulk purchase, quotations will be collected by the Purchase Committee alone.
6. For procurement of goods directly from the suppliers registered under DGS&D rate contract, the prices to be paid for such goods shall not exceed those stipulated in the rate contract. Other salient terms and condition of purchase should be in line with those specified in the rate contract.
7. The purchase order may also be placed by the In-Charge, Central Stores in lieu of the indenting unit wherever applicable.
8. At the time of delivery of items/ goods, the concerned Unit/Division should demand challan, invoice/ bill & money receipt (for payment made at the time of delivery) from the vendor.
9. After the item is supplied, the concerned Unit/Division should record on the face of the invoice /bill the following: the serial number allotted by the Purchase Committee (where applicable), the budget details, accession number, book and page number of accession register and date of accession.
10. For purchase of equipment requiring installation, the installation certificate/commissioning certificate duly signed and certified by the competent authority should be enclosed with the bill.
11. The bill/invoice should then be certified by the Head of Unit/Division and sent to the Chairman, Purchase Committee for sanction of payment.
12. If advance payment is required to be made against proforma bill prior to delivery, the same should be duly endorsed by the concerned Unit/Division and be sent to the Chairman, Purchase Committee along with the purchase order, Purchase Requisition Form, Part-I & II, (as approved by the Purchase Committee) for obtaining recommendation for such advance payment.
13. The procedure of purchase not covered by this order will be followed as per the guidelines given in General Financial Rule (GFR), Govt. of India.
This office order shall be implemented with immediate effect and shall supercede all previous orders on this subject.
(Sankar K Pal)
All Professors In-Charge
Dean of Studies
Head SQC&OR Division.
Chief Librarian,
Chairman ,Purchase Committee
Chief Executive (Admin. & Finance)
All Heads of Division /Sections/Units
Senior Accounts Officers
Internal Audit Cell
Copy to : Director’s Office
C.E.(A&F)’s Office
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