Uniform Policy

Like Our Lady, we live wisely, think deeply and love generously in Christ.


At Our Lady of Good Help we take great pride in our uniform.

Our elite uniform plays a valuable part in contributing to the ethos of the school and setting the appropriate tone.


winter summer

·  white blouse navy blue and white checked summer dress

·  school tie Navy blue cardigan/jumper

·  grey skirt/pinafore Grey shorts/White blouse

·  Navy blue jumper/ cardigan white or blue socks

·  Navy blue socks or blue tights (no patterns) flat black shoes (completely black,

·  flat black shoes (completely black, no coloured trimmings – no ballet pumps)

no coloured trimming - no ballet pumps)


·  white shirt,

·  school tie,

·  Navy blue jumper,

·  grey trousers (grey shorts in summer) & grey socks (no patterns)

·  black shoes (completely black, no coloured trimmings – no trainers style)

Outdoor coats

All children must wear Our Lady of Good Help coats or a suitable plain outdoor coat (no denim or hoodies).


If a child persistently wears trainers or unsuitable shoes (please refer to uniform lists above) the following reminders will be given within a 2 week period:

·  A verbal reminder will be given as below:

·  KS 1 – To Parent/Carer

·  KS2 – To Child

·  A second reminder will be sent via text message to parent.

·  A final reminder will be sent via a letter home.

School will then provide a pair of black pumps for use during the school day.

However, if there is a financial or medical reason for not being able to purchase certain elements of the uniform, then please contact a senior member of staff.

For medical reasons a letter from your GP will be required.


Boys -

Indoor kit Outdoor kit

·  Navy blue shorts Navy blue shorts

·  White t-shirt White t-shirts

·  bare feet tracksuit

black pumps or trainers

Girls –

Indoor kit Outdoor kit

·  Navy blue shorts Navy blue shorts

·  White t-shirt White t-shirt

·  bare feet tracksuit

black pumps or trainers

Note: If your child is unable to tie shoelaces, please ensure that pumps/trainers with Velcro fastenings are sent in for PE



The wearing of jewellery in school is not permitted, for Health & Safety reasons.

Wearing of a simple watch is allowed and small plain gold stud earrings may be worn if ears are pierced but must not be worn when swimming.

School will not be held responsible for any loss of jewellery or injuries sustained while wearing earrings.

Hairstyles must be sensible. Long hair must be tied back. This includes boys with hair at shoulder length.

If a bobble has been lost or not provided, school will give the child a hair accessory.

Hair accessories must be small and simple and if possible complementing the uniform i.e. (navy blue and white). Your child will be asked to remove large, inappropriate hair accessories.

The wearing of make-up and nail varnish is not permitted.


The Governing Body – Our Lady of Good Help School


It is against the uniform code to have top button of shirts unfastened, ties inappropriately worn or shirts hanging out as this detracts from the school’s ethos and tone.

Further Guidance

·  If there is a valid (temporary) reason as to why school shoes are unable to be worn, a note from a parent/carer is required.

·  If a child has mislaid a part of their uniform, for example their tie, a note from a parent/carer is required.


This uniform policy reflects the commitment that all Governors and staff have to ensure high standards in all areas of Our Lady of Good Help school life. Parent/school partnership regarding policy is very important.

Updated September 2017