Dear Parents:

At Navarro, science students practice the use of the scientific method of problem solving in labs and by doing an individual project. The project allows students to extend beyond the classroom and experience the true “research” aspect of experimentation. They are encouraged to delve into the use of computer databases, scientific literature, and facilities available for their use. All Honors Biology students will be required to do a project. All 8th grade honors science students will be required to participate. It is recommended that 7th and 8th grade students wanting to take Honors Biology in high school also participate in junior level science fair. Students in other high school classes may choose to do a project for extra credit. If a student would like to use their science fair project toward the distinguished achievement program for graduation, then the student must see the counselor for additional information.

The work on the project should be the student’s achievement, but there are many ways in which you can add your support. Students may need a mentor who will help them to identify a problem to research, provide safety information, and give advice on the construction of an apparatus. Please be of assistance to your child and be a good listener.

The project will be due in six units. One unit should not be started until the previous ones have been approved / graded by the science teacher. The grade for each unit will be equivalent to a test grade. The units are discussed and due dates listed on the attached paper. Students will receive information papers for each unit, which show the form to be used and point value for each part.

Students will enter the Navarro Science Fair (displaying a backboard and being interviewed by judges) and/or the Navarro Junior Academy (giving a prepared talk about their project before judges). Winning students will compete at Alamo Regional events in San Antonio during March.

You are invited to call me for any questions or comments you may have. Your interest, support, and suggestions for an enjoyable learning experience for your child will be appreciated.


Rissa L. Springs

Jason Magin

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I realize that each unit will count as a test grade. The first five units will be turned in and graded before the Christmas break. The sixth unit is due after New Years. Any unit may be handed in early, but after the due date, the highest grade that can be made is a 70. Turning in Unit I late may result in loss of topic choice for a project and a topic will be assigned.


Student SignatureParent Signature



The project will be due in sixsteps (units). One step should not be started until the previous ones have been approved by the teacher. The grade for each unit will be equivalent to a test grade.

Unit I consists of Forms 1A and 1B (Approval Form).

Unit I is due on or before Friday, August 25.

Unit II consists ofthe Research Plan Attachment.

Unit II is due on or before Friday, September 8.

Unit IIIconsists of the introduction (background research). Itwill also include corrections to:the procedures that will be followed in the research (The Research Plan Attachment). Any other forms that may be required are due with this unit.

Unit III is due on or before Friday, September 22.

Unit IVwill include the collected data and conclusions (experiment must be conducted during this time). Units I -III will be resubmitted at this time with the necessary changes / corrections.

Unit IV is due on or before Friday,November3.

Unit V will include an abstract (brief summary of the project) and a final presentation of the completed research paper (in a notebook or folder).

Unit V is due onFriday, November 17.

Unit VI will be the backboard presentation. Backboard should include a title, statement of problem, hypothesis, introduction, procedure, data, discussion and conclusion. (DONOT PUT THE ABSTRACT OR THE BIBLIOGRAPHY ON THE BACKBOARD!) Backboards will be set up in the library after school on this day.

Unit VI is due on Wednesday, January 10, 2018.

Navarro Jr.-Sr. Science Fair / Junior Academy –Thursday, January 11, 2018.

Students have the option of deciding if they want their project to be judged in the science fair or Junior Academy of Science. Judging will take place on the morning of Jan. 10.

Alamo Regional Jr. Academy of Science –TBA.

Alamo Regional Science Fair –TBA.


UNIT I (DUE Aug 25)


  1. Fill out and have signedforms (1A), and (1B) Approval Form. NOTE: Projected start date: Sept 22, 2017/ Projected end date: Nov. 17, 2017
  1. These forms will be completed online through the scienteer website the first week of school. Electronic parent signatures will be required!

1. Title used here must be used throughout the project!

2. Go to and click on “Rules” to read the requirements, and “do’s and don’ts“ for science projects. 100 points


UNIT II (DUE Sept. 8)


  1. Research Plan Attachment: see attached information and sample! (Please type this on a separate page.) DO NOT USE FIRST PERSON OR ANY PRONOUNS! 50 points
  1. State your problem and/or question. Be sure to use correct punctuation.
  2. State your hypothesis as an “If…then…” statement.
  3. Give the numbered steps to be followed in your procedure. These should be in command form and in future tense.
  1. Bibliography ***Be aware that this may / may not change.*** 30 points
  1. Quantity – 5 sources minimum-must be sited in correct MLA format!
  2. Variety – Only 1 encyclopedia / dictionary may be used. Other sources include books, magazines, journals, interviews, the internet. DO NOT use all internet sources! Use at least one book! Ask the librarian for help!!

Format: Use the citation machine or easybib on line for the correct format (these are both on the library’s web page).

If you use an internet site, you must include the website address.


  1. Research plan will have to be entered in scienteer as part of the online forms process. 20 points


UNIT III (Due Sept 22)


  1. Introduction( Background research)

A. Background research (type on a separate page)

Summarize readings from the sources you listed in your bibliography and any additional sources you may have found. This is mandatory! You must research your topic in the library! Try to include the following:

  1. Explain your topic
  2. Scientific terminology
  3. Summary of work done by others on the topic
  4. Information about any aspect of your project
  5. Research previously done on your topic
  1. Your problem and hypothesis should be stated toward the end of the introduction. This should help your paper “flow” smoothly into the next section.

You must properly cite your sources within the text of the introduction using parenthetical citations. Mrs. Springs will provide additional class-time information on this procedure. (Citation machine / easybib will set your parenthetical citations so you only need to copy/paste them at the end of the appropriate sentence.)


80 points

  1. Make all corrections needed to Unit I and Unit II.20 points

Any additional forms must be completed on scienteer with this unit!

  1. You will need additional forms if:
  2. You are using mechanical or electrical devices or tools
  3. You are working with bacteria, fungi, or animal tissues
  4. You are working with vertebrate animals
  5. You are working with chemicals

UNIT IV (Due Nov. 3)


NOTE: You cannot begin experimentation until all forms are turned in and signatures/dates are completed.


Immediately after the Introduction, add the numbered procedure steps to your paper. These should be the same steps that were listed in the Research Plan.

10 points

II. Conduct your experiment and record ALL observations 35 points

Data collected while experimenting.

  1. Charts, data, tables
  2. Graphs

III. Discussion30 points

Talk about ALL parts of your experiment. Tie in your background research with your data. Explain any charts, tables, and/or graphs. Include future studies or uses in real-life situations if applicable.

The results and conclusions should flow smoothly and logically from your data. Be thorough. Compare your results with theoretical values, published data, commonly held beliefs and/or expected results. Include a discussion of possible errors. How did the data vary between repeated observations of events? How were your results affected by uncontrolled events? What would you do differently if you repeated this project? What other experiments should be conducted?

IV. Conclusion15 points

Briefly summarize your results. DO NOT BE WORDY! Be specific, do not generalize. Never introduce anything in the conclusion that has not already been discussed. (Do not include any new information!)

V. Resubmit Units I-IIIwith any additional corrections.10 points


UNIT V (Due Nov. 17)


Abstract: (This will need to be added to scienteer!)

After finishing research and experimentation, you need to write an abstract. The abstract needs to be a maximum of 250 words on one page.

An abstract should include the

a) purpose of the experiment,

b) procedures used,

c) data, and conclusions.

It also may include any possible research applications. Only minimal reference to previous work may be included.

The abstract must focus on work done in the current year and should not include

a)acknowledgments, or b) work or procedures done by the mentor.

See below for an example of an appropriately written abstract. See page 23 of the International Rules for the proper formatting of an Official Intel ISEF Abstract and Certification. Please Note: The Official abstract form is only for those participating in ISEF and may not be required for many Affiliated or local fairs.

Sample Abstract

Effects of Marine Engine Exhaust Water on Algae Mary E. Jones Hometown High School, Hometown, PA, United States This project in its present form is the result of bioassay experimentation on the effects of two-cycle marine engine exhaust water on certain green algae. The initial idea was to determine the toxicity of outboard engine lubricant. Some success with lubricants eventually led to the formulation of “synthetic” exhaust water which, in turn, led to the use of actual two-cycle engine exhaust water as the test substance. Toxicity was determined by means of the standard bottle or “batch” bioassay technique. Scenedesmusquadricaudaand Ankistrodesmussp. were used as the test organisms. Toxicity was measured in terms of a decrease in the maximum standing crop. The effective concentration - 50% (EC50) for Scenedesmusquadricaudawas found to be 3.75% exhaust water; for Ankistrodesmussp. 3.1% exhaust water using the bottle technique. Anomalies in growth curves raised the suspicion that evaporation was affecting the results; therefore, a flow-through system was improvised utilizing the characteristics of a device called a Biomonitor. Use of a Biomonitor lessened the influence of evaporation, and the EC 50 was found to be 1.4% exhaust water using Ankistrodesmus sp. as the test organism. Mixed populations of various algae gave an EC 50 of 1.28% exhaust water. The contributions of this project are twofold. First, the toxicity of two-cycle marine engine exhaust was found to be considerably greater than reported in the literature (1.4% vs. 4.2%). Secondly, the benefits of a flow-through bioassay technique utilizing the Biomonitor was demonstrated.


UNIT VI (Due January 10, 2018)



I. Purpose10 points

II. Procedure10 points

III. Data / Results – Use charts / graphs on transparencies10 points

IV. Conclusion10 points

  1. Application – What is the benefit of the research or how could it be extended?

10 points

VI. Presentation (Eye contact, voice, stance, gestures)20 points


Title Page

Abstract (on separate page before introduction)

Introduction (research, statement of problem and hypothesis)




Bibliography (MLA format)

Acknowledgements (not required)

NOTE: #5 on Form 1A must be completed. Make sure your actual start/end dates are AFTER any signature dates!


UNIT VI (Due January 10, 2018)


I.Title5 points

  1. Problem and Hypothesis10 points

III. Introduction (Background research must include parenthetical citations) 10 points

IV. Procedure (numbered steps)5 points

V. Data / Results (charts / graphs / photos)10 points


VI. Conclusion10 points

VII. Neatness and Display15 points

VIII. Spelling and Grammar15 points

WRITTEN PAPER (should be in a notebook or folder): 20 points


Abstract (on separate page before introduction)

Introduction (research, statement of problem and hypothesis)




Bibliography (MLA format)

Acknowledgements (not required)

NOTE: Photographs on the board must be cited!! Include a citation at the bottom left of your board telling who took the photos (ex: Photos courtesy of Maria Wilson.)

Unit VI Grade Sheet – Backboard






10_____Problem and Hypothesis

10_____Introduction (background research)


10_____Data / Results



5_____Logical Display

10_____Easy to Understand

15_____Spelling / Grammar

10_____Completed / Corrected Paper (in notebook or folder)

_____Total Points earned (Your grade)