December 10, 2010 PeopleSoft Payroll Tax Update 10-F – Release 9
PeopleSoft Payroll for North AmericaTax Update 10-FTax Update Notes - Release 9
PeopleSoft Payroll’s Tax Update 10-F includes updates to U.S. and Canadian tax tables, COBOL programchanges, and re-delivered SQRs for U.S. and Canadian payroll reporting. These tax update notes include:
- Instructions for updating your system’s tables and a summary of the table changes
- A list of COBOL programchanges
- A summary of the SQRs delivered with this tax update
- An appendix of object changes delivered with this tax update
For Release 9, the tax update package also includes the following documentation files:
Resolution_813289.xls / List of object changes delivered with Tax Update 10-F
UPD813289_CODECHANGES.rtf / PS Print Project Report for Release 9
You must follow the instructions in the UPDxxxxxx_INSTALL.htm document to apply the object changes listed in the Resolution_xxxxxx.xls spreadsheet before applying the COBOL and store statement changes, running the DataMover scripts, or using the SQRs delivered in this tax update. Before applying Tax Update 10-F, you must apply all previous tax updates.
Unless otherwise indicated by a specific posting date, Report IDs referenced in these tax update notes have not been posted to MyOracle Support.
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Updating Your Tables
Tax Update 10-F includes the following files for updating the tables in your PeopleSoft Payroll system.
File / Contentsupd813289_01.dat
/ U.S. tax table updates
/ Canadian taxtable updates
/ Updates to Country Code for 1042 on Country Table-HR
(Report ID 1987827000)
(U.S. only)
/ Tax Form Definitions Table and Tax Form Print Parameters Table entries for Puerto Rico year-end processing
(Report ID 2006144000)
/ Strings table
/ Database stamp
(There is no .dat file associated with this .dms file.)
(Canada only)
/ 2009 Tax Form Definition/Footnote Table entries
(Report ID 2003582000)
(Canada only)
/ 2010 Canadian Year End Slip PDF Templates for XMLP
(Report ID 2003303000)
Both U.S. and Canadian customers should apply the strings, and database stamp updates.
The DataMover script (.dms) files identify the input data file (.dat) as well as the output log message file. The directory where DataMover looks for the input data file and the log file is specified in your Configuration Manager.
Any new-insert DataMover entries in these tax update scripts which have key values matching rows already in your database will not be applied. This condition could occur if you have already added any of the new table entries included in this tax update script on your own, such as a tax change, which was posted to MyOracle Support.
Special Notes – North America
XMLP PDF Bulk File Issue with PT 8.50.10
For customers on the PeopleTools Product Patch 8.50.10 running the XMLP versions of year-end forms or slips, the generated PDF bulk file contained only the last employeein the batch; records for the remainder of the employees were missing from the file.
This issue is resolved in PeopleTools 8.50.11. For more details, please use the following link to refer to the Patch Notes for Report ID 1954857000 (Save XMLP Global Properties page to enable new psxp_pdf_optimized property).
Special Notes – Canadian Year-End Reporting 2010
T4A Slip Redesign
The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) has redesigned the 2010 version of the T4A slip to simplify reporting requirements, to reduce the burden for the filer, and to increase data quality. The slip has been converted from the existing fixed field format design to a generic style similar to the T4 slip, using a 3-character box code format. As a result, footnote codes and explanations are no longer required.
Prior to the first pay period of 2011, modify all earnings codes for Eligible and Non-Eligible Retiring Allowances to ‘Subject to CIT’ only. This will ensure that these earnings are reported on the T4 slip in the subsequent years.
For further information on the T4A slip redesign, please refer to the CRA website at
Note: Starting with the 2010 tax reporting year, employers must obtain the pre-printed single page government supplied forms as the former PeopleSoft designed form flash is no longer in use.
Reporting of Retiring Allowances
Effective with the 2010 taxation year, eligible and non-eligible retiring allowances (including those amounts paid to Status Indians) are to be reported on the T4 slip instead of the T4A slip. This will reduce the burden of filing both a T4 slip and a T4A slip for many filers.
The Tax Form Definition Table for the T4 Slip should be used to map:
- Eligible Retiring Allowances to Box 66
- Non-Eligible Retiring Allowances to Box 67
- Status Indian – Eligible Retiring Allowances to Box 68
- Non-Eligible Status Indian Retiring Allowances to Box 69
Eligible Retiring Allowances (Box 66)
- If earnings are not ‘Subject to CIT’ and are not ‘Subject to T4A’, then these earnings will be reported only in Box 66 of the T4 slip as defined on the Tax Form Definition table.
- If earnings are ‘Subject to CIT’ and ‘Subject to T4A’, then the earnings will be reported in Boxes 14 and 66 of the T4 slip and the taxes in Box 022 of the T4A slip. Since this setup will require a balance adjustment to reduce the amount in Box 14, a workaround will be made available for customers to use instead of the required manual entries.
- If earnings are ‘Subject to CIT’, then the earnings will be reported in Boxes 14 and 66. The same workaround mentioned above will be available.
Non-Eligible Retiring Allowances (Box 67)
- If earnings are ‘Subject to CIT’ and/or ‘Subject to T4A’, then these earnings will be reported in Boxes 14 and 67 of the T4 slip. The year-end load program has been modified to reduce Box 14 by the amount reported in Box 67. The taxes withheld from these payments will be reported in Box 022 of the T4A slip.
Step 1: Updating the Tax Form Definition and Footnote Tables for 2009
NEW PeopleSoft Payroll Users only (processing Year End in PeopleSoft Payroll for the first time in 2010)
If 2010 will be your first year producing year-end slips for Canadian employees using PeopleSoft Payroll, run the DataMover script upd813289_07.dms to add 2009 entries to the Tax Form Definition and Footnote Tables.
Running this script will ensure that your Tax Form Definition and Footnote Tables are current up through 2009 and ready for the 2010 year-end changes described in Step 2 below.
IMPORTANT: Employers who completed year-end processing and produced Canadian year-end slips for tax year 2009 using PeopleSoft Payroll must NOT apply the DataMover script upd813289_07.dms.
Step 2: Updating the Tax Form Definition and Footnote Tables for 2010
ALL PeopleSoft Payroll Users
To update your Tax Form Definition and Footnote Tables for 2010 year-end reporting, use the following instructions.
T4 Reporting
If you have not already added a row earlier in the year to your Tax Form Definition table for 2010 T4 reporting, then add this row now. In Update/Display mode in the Tax Form Definition table, bring up the row in the table for Form T4 Slip that has an effective date of 01/01/2009. Add a new row into the table that duplicates all of your 2009 entries by selecting the Add (+) button in the “Effective Date” group box. Change the effective date for this newly inserted row to 01/01/2010. Review the entries in the 01/01/2010 row and redefine earnings/deductions associated with the existing boxes, if required. Save this new entry.
For 2010, there are five new codes for reporting on theT4 slip. Follow these steps to add the new codes to your Tax Form Definition table:
In Correction mode, bring up the new entry dated 01/01/2010 in your Tax Form Definition table for Form T4 Slip. Select the “Box” group box and Add (+) an entry into the table for the new box. Enter the long and short descriptions as indicated below, and define the appropriate earnings/deductions for the code. Save the changes.
New Box / Long Description / Short Description66 / Eligible Retiring Allowances / Code 66
67 / Non-Elig Retiring Allowances / Code 67
68 / Stat Ind Elig Retiring Allow / Code 68
69 / Stat Ind Non-Elig Ret Allow / Code 69
86 / Security Options Election / Code 86
In Correction mode, bring up the new entry dated 01/01/2010 in your Tax Form Definition table for Form T4 Slip. Select Box 85 and modify the Short Description as indicated below. Redefine the appropriate earnings/deductions for the box if needed. Save the changes.
Existing Box / Old Short Description / New Short Description85 / Pvt Health / Code 85
T4A Reporting
If you have not already added a row earlier in the year to your Tax Form Definition table for 2010 T4A reporting, then add this row now. In Update/Display mode in the Tax Form Definition table, bring up the row in the table for Form T4A Slip that has an effective date of 01/01/2009. Add a new row into the table that duplicates all of your 2009 entries by selecting the Add (+) button in the “Effective Date” group box. Change the effective date for this newly inserted row to 01/01/2010.
Due to the T4A slip redesign, the following table represents the complete set of boxes to be used effective January 1, 2010. This set replaces the entire set of boxes that was used for 2009. Please enter the new 3-character box numbers, change the long and short descriptions as required, and carefully review and redefine the earnings/deductions associated with each box. Save the new 2010 entry when you are satisfied with all of your changes.
Note: Not every box identified below will require earnings or deductions associated with it. Refer to the section titled “Data Sources for Tax Forms” in the “Year-End Processing 2010: Canada” document for information on the mapping of data elements for each tax form box.
For 2009 to 2010 box mapping information refer to the CRA website at
New Box / Long Description / Short Description016 / Pension or Superannuation / Pension
018 / Lump-Sum Payments / Lump-Sum
020 / Self-Employed Commissions / Commission
022 / Income Tax Deducted / Income Tax
024 / Annuities / Annuities
026 / Elig Ret Allow 2009 and Prior / Code 026
027 / Non Elig Ret Allow 2009 and Pr / Code 027
028 / Other Income / Oth Income
030 / Patronage Allocations / Patronage
032 / RPP Contributions-Past Service / RPP-Past
034 / Pension Adjustment / PA
036 / Pension Plan Registration No. / Pensn Plan
040 / RESP Accumulated Income Pymts / RESP Accum
042 / RESP Educational Assist Pymts / RESP Educ
046 / Charitable Donations / Charities
048 / Fees for Services / Srvc Fees
102 / Lump-Sum Non-Resident Services / Lump-Sum
104 / Research Grants / Research
105 / Scholarships, Bursaries, etc. / Bursaries
106 / Death Benefit / Death Ben
107 / WLRP Not Fully Funded by EE / WLRP
108 / Lump-Sum From a RPP / Lump-Sum
109 / Unreg Pension Plan Benefits / Unreg Plan
110 / Lump-Sum Accrued to Dec31, 1971 / Lump-Sum
111 / IAAC Payments / IAAC Pymts
115 / DPSP Annuity/Instalment Pymts / DPSPAnnuit
116 / Medical Travel Assistance / Med Travel
117 / Loan Benefits / Loan Bens
118 / Medical Premium Benefits / Med Prem
119 / Group Term Life Ins Ben Prems / GTLI Prem
122 / RESP Payments Paid to Other / RESP Other
123 / Payments from a Revoked DPSP / RevokeDPSP
124 / Board & Lodging Benefits / Lodging
125 / Disabl Ben Pd Superann/Pen Pln / Disabl Ben
126 / RPP Contributions Pre 1990 / RPP Pre90
127 / Veteran’s Benefit / Veteran
129 / Tax Deferred Coop Share / Coop Share
130 / Apprenticeship Grant / Apprentice
131 / Reg Disability/Savings Plan / Dis Svgs
132 / Wage Earner Protection Program / Wage Prot
133 / Variable Pension Benefits / Var Pens
134 / Tax-Free Savings Acct Taxable / TFSA Txble
135 / Private Health Plan Prems Paid / Prvt Hlth
142 / Stat Indian Elig Ret Allowance / StatIndian
143 / Stat Indian Non Elig Ret Allow / StatIndian
144 / Status Indian Other Income / StatIndian
146 / Status Indian Pension/Superann / StatIndian
148 / Status Indian Lump-Sum Pymts / StatIndian
150 / Labour Adj Benefits Act / Labour Adj
152 / SUBP Qualified Under Tax Act / SUBP
154 / Cash Award or Prize from Payer / Cash Award
156 / Bankruptcy Settlement / Bankruptcy
158 / Lump-Sum Not Elig for Transfer / Lump-Sum
180 / Lump-Sum from a DPSP / Lump-Sum
190 / Lump-Sum From Unregistered Pln / Lump-Sum
For 2010, all footnotes are to be deleted. Navigate to the Tax Form Footnote table entry dated 01/01/2010 for Form T4A Slip. Select the “Box” group box and Delete (-) every footnote entry date 01/01/2010. Save the changes.
RL-1 Reporting
If you have not already added a row earlier in the year to your Tax Form Definition table for 2010 RL-1 reporting, then add this row now. In Update/Display mode in the Tax Form Definition table, bring up the row in the table for Form RL-1 Slip that has an effective date of 01/01/2009. Add a new row into the table that duplicates all of your 2009 entries by selecting the Add (+) button in the “Effective Date” group box. Change the effective date for this newly inserted row to 01/01/2010. Review the entries in the 01/01/2010 row and redefine earnings/deductions associated with the existing boxes, if required. Save this new entry.
At this time, we are unaware of any changes affecting the Tax Form Definition table for the RL-1 slip.
RL-2 Reporting
If you have not already added a row earlier in the year to your Tax Form Definition table for 2010 RL-2 reporting, then add this row now. In Update/Display mode in the Tax Form Definition table, bring up the row in the table for Form RL-2 Slip that has an effective date of 01/01/2009. Add a new row into the table that duplicates all of your 2009 entries by selecting the Add (+) button in the “Effective Date” group box. Change the effective date for this newly inserted row to 01/01/2010. Review the entries in the 01/01/2010 row and redefine earnings/deductions associated with the existing boxes, if required. Save this new entry.