Assumptions for budget
From 1st Aug 2017 for 5 years.
Income assumptions.
Post Office remains and pays £20 a week
Shop has gone.
Solar panel feed in remains at £600 pa
You apply for RHI which brings in £1500 pa
Tennis and MUGA income are uncertain and have been taken out,
The BIG Lottery grant is £126051 to be spread over a number of years to be agreed with BIG (we have assumed over 4). Current grant available is £146051 (confirmed 3rd March with Sarah Daly) but I have assumed that you draw down £20k in the year to end July 2017.
No other grants have been applied for.
Charges for rooms are as your charge sheet as below.
We have assumed that you review charges at the end of year 2 and increase by 5%
Room charges· Hall is Free for Trust - £10.00 per hour local use £28 per hour others
· Multi room is Free for Trust - £7.50 per hour local. £15 per hour others. Conversion to Gym on pay as you go or membership basis being considered.
· Meeting Room is Free for Trust - £7.50 per hour local, £15 per hour others
· Kitchen is included in the cost of hiring the hall (or £5 local £20 others if separate)
· there are reductions for block bookings of 10+ or 20+
other charges
· weddings and all day events £300
· lunch club £15
· evening parties £50
· children's parties £20
· elections £350
In terms of usage, the assumptions are:
Weddings and other all day events: 1 event in year 1, 2 in year 2, 3 per year subsequentlyHall. Parties (adults and children): 2 of each in year 1, 3 of each in year 2, 4 of each in year 3 and beyond
Hall. Lunch club : 50 weeks per year at £15
Hall. Other block bookings and elections (includes election days, bowls, school PE, women's rural). We have estimated income based on 2016 usage and your feedback.
Hall. Other occasional bookings. 1 hour per week for 44 weeks in year 1, rising to 2 hours per week over 44 weeks in year 2 and 3 hrs year 3 and beyond. We have assumed that the Hall occasional bookings are all community
Meeting room. 1 hour per week, 44 weeks per year in year 1 rising to 2 hours per week over 44 weeks in year 2 and 3 hrs year 3 and beyond. We have assumed for the meeting room that the split is roughly 50:50 between community and other and have taken an average cost of £10 for each hour for ease of calculation.
Multipurpose Room. We have assumed that the multipurpose room is converted to gym, on a pay as you go basis at. £2.50 ph. We have assumed usage by 5 people a week for 50 weeks per year in year 1, rising to 10 people per week in year 2 and 15 in year 3 and beyond
Kitchen. We have assumed that this is only hired with Hall and so brings in no direct income.
Ticketed and other events run by the centre.
We have assumed that the tickets pay for the act / entertainment and so each event breaks even. Money is raised from catering, bar and raffles. Levels are estimated based on our discussions. We haven’t increased these year on year.
Expenditure assumptions
Only one post. 20hrs per week. Paid Living wage. Pension @6%. All else done voluntarily.
Assume living wage rises by 2.5% annually
Assumed utilities inflation 3% and general inflation at 2%
Operational costs.
Utilities are based on our discussion and estimated based on known usage.
Day to day maintenance minimal in year 1 but gradually increases
Other costs are best estimates based on current costs. (Accountancy and legal slightly reduced)
We have left the ‘set aside’ sum for major maintenance at £5k at present.
On this basis, you make a surplus each year for the first 4 years. But this is entirely down to the BIG lottery grant. When this goes in year 5 the deficit sits at around £25k for that year, and will continue at that level.
This gives you time to work with partners to look at areas such as:
· Other grants. The windfarm, council etc
· Whether you can persuade partners to deliver services from the centre (and pay to do so)
· Whether you can find a way to charge for the MUGA and / or build a tennis court
· Whether some sort of retail is still possible
· Whether you can pick up some grants to run classes or other activities and take a fee for room rental / contribution to utilities
· Building up further lets / ticketed events / direct fundraising activities