Town Hall, Fore Street, Seaton EX12 2LD

Tel: 01297 21388


Chairman: Cllr Ms G Sedgwick

Minutes of the Planning meeting of Seaton Town Council held on Monday 13th January, 2013, at 7pm in the Enterprise Suite, Town Hall, Seaton.

Present – Cllr. Meakin (chairman); Cllr. Sedgwick; Cllr. Christmas; Cllr. Sanham; Cllr. Palacio; Cllr.Williams; Cllr. Woodman; Cllr. Beer; Cllr. Bruce; Cllr. Burrows.

3 members of the public, Dave Sullivan from Lyme Bay Leisure.

557) Public Discussion – to allow any questions or reports by members of the public or other members of the Town Council, on any matters relating to the agenda of this meeting. The period of time designated for public participation shall not exceed 15 minutes; (standing order 1e). Per participant, 3 minutes (standing order 1f)

Dave Sullivan chairman of Lyme Bay Leisure – Seaton Heights. Update as of today, the application has been refused by East Devon District Council regarding the issue around bats and a further bat survey. This delays the start of the first phase due in April. The new bat surveys requested could put the whole development plan back a year.

John Seward – regarding Seaton Heights. Please help this development to go ahead.

Stephen Davis – reference Court Lane.

558) Apologies for absence -

559) Declarations of Interest: In accordance with the Code of Conduct, members are invited to declare any personal or disclosable pecuniary interests, including the nature and extent of such interests they may have, in items to be considered at this meeting. Cllr. Burrows, East Devon District Council.

560) Minutes – To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 16th December 2013 these having previously been circulated to all councillors prior to this meeting, as a true record.

The minutes of the meeting of the 16th December 2013 after amendments, were signed as a true record.

561) Planning Applications

a)  13/2711/TRE Proposed T1 Ash-reduce 2 limbs overhanging adjacent properties. 20% crown reduction. T2 Oak-Crown reduction to reduce overhanging and height. T3 Oak-Crown reduction to reduce height: 1 Stowford Heights, Seaton Down Close, Seaton.

Supported: provided the work is undertaken by a qualified tree surgeon. All in favour by show of hands.

b)  13/2237/MFUL AMENDED – landscaping plan and information, amended design to type E unit: Seaton Heights, Harepath Hill, Seaton.

Supported – all in favour.

c)  13/2305/FUL Proposed retention of uPVC windows and doors to basement flat and rear entrance door to main building:

Objection. Proposed by Cllr. Meakin; seconded by Cllr. Christmas. All in favour by show of hands. This is a listed building. Previous applications to replace existing windows and doors with uPVC in this terrace have been refused. Council object to this proposal.

d)  13/2689/FUL Proposed construction of a dwelling (2 bedroom bungalow), demolition of existing garage: 25 Court Lane, Seaton.

OBJECTIONS - Members unanimously recommended refusal of this application on the following grounds:-
o Overdevelopment
o Loss of light and privacy to neighbouring properties
o Likely to increase flooding to properties due to impact on unmade road of additional traffic
o Access from this site onto Court Lane is onto two blind corners and dangerous, and is unsuitable for additional traffic
o Plans very misleading
o No change from the previous plans.

562) Seaton Heights Planning Application

Cllr. Bruce proposes that Seaton Town Council write to East Devon District Council and the Ward Councillors to confirm that the planning application be agreed for this existing brownfield site, based on the bat surveys that have already been carried out.

This falls within the 6 month rule so no formal decisions can be made.

For information

563) 13/0020/TPO land between Old Beer Road and Beer Road, Seaton – tree preservation order made on this land. Noted

564) 13/0007/TPO land to the west of 97 Beer Road, Seaton – a decision has been made not to confirm this order. Noted

565) Decisions None received.

Meeting closed at 7.41pm.

Signed……………………………… Date………………………………
