The Association of Image Consultants International (AICI), which may hereafter be referred to as the Association or AICI, is the name of the international association of which this Chapter is affiliated. The Association is a 501(c)6 non-profit association. The Board of Directors of the Association allows, at its discretion, Chapters to form and dissolve as established in Article VI, Section 2, and Article X of the Association Bylaws. It is the desire and intention of the Chapter named in Article I to conduct its affairs and programs in conformity and harmony with the AICICode of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct, strategic plans, policies, procedures and bylaws of the Association.
Sec. 1Name. The name and title by which this Chapter shall be known in law shall be the AICI Chapter, hereinafter referred to as the Chapter.
Sec. 2Identification. Members shall identify their membership and certification as prescribed by the Association Bylaws and AICICode of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct. Non-certified members may, on the line directly below their name, identify themselves as “Associate Member of AICI.” Certified members may identify themselves as “Name, AICI FLC,” or “Name, AICI CIP,” or “Name, AICI CIM” depending on the level of certification achieved. Chapter Board members may, on a line below their name, identify themselves by their position and Chapter affiliation, “Position, Chapter Name.” Such identification must be used in all verbal, written, printed and audio-visual mediums.
Sec. 3Logo. The logo of the Chapter shall be one and the same as the logo of AICI, except that it shall indicate, “ Chapter” on the line directly underneath the AICI logo in all printed, written, and audio-visual media. AICI shall provide Chapter with the logo, AICI tagline and policy on proper use of both.
Sec. 1 The purpose of the Chapter shall coincide with Article II Section 1 and Section 2 of the Association bylaws.
Sec. 1 The Association of Image Consultants International is a professional organization of those individuals engaged in the field of image consulting or a related field.An image consultant is a professional who advises individuals, groups, and/or corporations on appearance, behavior, and communication.
Sec. 2 The purposes of this Association are to:
A. Seek recognition, acknowledgment and respect for our industry and its members.
B. Establish and maintain professional standards for members as defined in the Code of Ethics of AICI.
C. Promote the highest quality service clients.
D. Encourage the sharing of ideas and information among members.
E. Sponsor continuing education and training for members at conventions, conferences, meetings, workshops and seminars.
F. Develop strong liaisons with other organizations and professionals in related fields.
G. Establish and support chapters internationally.
H. Assist community colleges and similar institutions in establishing accredited image programs.
I. Promote public understanding of the role of the image consultant.
Sec. 1 Membership. All members of the AICI Chapter must be members of the Association. Members may selectthe Chapter with which they wish to affiliate. Those not selecting a chapter will be assigned a chapter based on geographic proximity. Members may attend programs and activities of any chapter. A member moving from one geographic area to another may not transfer their Chapter affiliation until such time that the member must renew Association membership dues.
Sec. 2Responsibilities. Applicants for membership shall agree to uphold the purposes and objectives of AICI, comply with AICI Bylaws and the Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct, and use the specified logo when identifying themselves as Association memberswithin the AICI Policies and Procedures Manuals. Violations are subject to disciplineby the AICI Ethics Committee.
Sec. 3Categories. Membership categories shall coincide with Article III Section 2 in the Association Bylaws. Responsibilities of each membership category shall coincide with AICI Policies and Procedures. Membership categories are determined by the Association’s Board of Directors. The Chapter may not add new categories or eliminate existing ones. The Association’s Board of Directors shall, for each category, determine voting privileges; eligibility for membership in each category; application and acceptance procedures; payment schedules; procedures for notifying delinquent members; establishing the date after which members will be let go of membership for nonpayment; policies regarding transferability and reinstatement of membership; and required international dues for each membership category.
Sec. 4Voting and Privileges. Privileges of each membership category shall coincide with AICI Policies and Procedures Manual, policy 305. Membership privileges are determined by the Association’s Board of Directors. The Chapter may not add new privileges or eliminate existing ones.
Sec. 5Certification. Certification requirements and regulations shall coincide with Article III Section 3 in the Association Bylaws.
Sec. 1Officers.The Executive Committee of the Chapter shall be at a minimum: President, President Elect and/or Immediate Past President, Secretary and Treasurer orSecretary/Treasurer as a combined position. All Officers shall be members of the Chapter Board of Directors. All Officers shall serve without compensation. Officers shall perform the duties as prescribed by these bylaws. Each Officer shall be a member in good standing. Each Officer shall take office July 1. All Officer terms must be the same (all Officers must jointly agree to serve in their terms for the same time frame).
Sec. 2Duties. The duties and powers of the Chapter Officers shall be as follows:
A.President. [ year term.Please insert the term: 2014 – 2015 or 2014 - 2016] (Minimum one (1) year term.The President of the Chapter shall perform all the duties commonly incident to and vested in the office of the President of the Chapter Board of Directors including, but not limited to, chairing all meetings of the Chapter Board of Directors, preparation of the agenda for regular and special meetings, appointing Chapter Committee chairs, serving as an ex-officio member on all standing and ad hoc committees, representing Chapter in official capacity at any Association meeting, approving and/or co-signing disbursements with the Chapter Treasurer (To ensure accountability of chapter funds, the Chapter President must approve and/or co-sign all disbursements.), co-sign disbursements of over $500 with Chapter Treasurer,ensuring current Chapter contact information is filed with Association, uphold the AICIChapter Accord, have general knowledge of and responsibility for supervision of the business of the Chapter, and attend all Chapter Board and Chapter meetings. The Chapter President shall not serve as Chapter President and as Chapter Treasurer or Chapter Secretary/Treasurer simultaneously. The Chapter President shall perform other duties delegated by Chapter Board of Directors and Association Board of Directors.
B.President Elect. [ year term.[Please insert the term: 2014 – 2015 or 2014 - 2016] (Minimum one (1) year term.)The President Elect of the Chapter shall perform all duties commonly incident to and vested in the office of the President Elect of the Chapter Board of Directors including, but not limited to, serving as Chapter President during the absence or disability of the Chapter President, serve as the Program Committee and/or Membership Committee chair if needed, and attend all Chapter Board and Chapter meetings. The Chapter President Elect shall carry the duties of the Chapter Immediate Past President if the position of Chapter Immediate Past President is not filled. The Chapter President Elect shall perform other duties delegated by Chapter President, Chapter Board of Directors, and Association Board of Directors.
C.Secretary. [ year term.Please insert the term: 2014 – 2015 or 2014 - 2016.] (Minimum one (1) year term.)
The Secretary of the Chapter shall perform all duties commonly incident to and vested in the office of Secretary of the Chapter Board of Directors including, but not limited to, certify and keep the original or a copy of these Bylaws as amended, record proceedings of Chapter business and all Chapter meetings, distribute current copies of the Chapter’s Bylaws, policies and procedures and meeting minutes to Chapter Board, Association, and chapter members as requested, process and file general correspondence, maintain file of reports of special committees and attend all Chapter Board and Chapter meetings. The Secretary shall file all required annual reports excluding the financial report to the Association each year as required by the AICI Chapter Accord process and by the deadline established in the AICI Chapter Accord. The Chapter Secretary shall perform other duties delegated by Chapter President, Chapter Board of Directors, and Association Board of Directors. This position may be combined with the Chapter Treasurer position.
- Treasurer [ year term.Please insert the term2014 – 2015 or 2014 - 2016.] (Minimum one (1) year term.)The Treasurer of the Chapter shall perform all duties commonly incident to and vested in the office of Treasurer of the Chapter Board of Directors including, but not limited to, ensure the fiscal integrity of the Chapter, receive, maintain, and distribute adequate records of the Chapter’s funds, monitor Chapter expenditures, oversee preparation of the annual budget, [Choose an option to insert here. If a VP Membership is elected, write: “assist VP Membership with collecting meeting fees,” If a VP Membership is not elected, write: “collect meeting fees”], co-sign disbursements of over $500 with Chapter President or use the Chapter Reimbursement Template on expenses under $500, provide financial report to Chapter Board of Directors prior to each meeting, provide annual written report to the Chapter membership at year-end, file financial report as requested to Association in July and January of each fiscal year, and attend all Chapter Board and Chapter meetings. The Chapter Treasurer or Chapter Secretary/Treasurer shall not serve as Chapter President simultaneously. The Chapter Treasurer shall perform other duties delegated by Chapter President, Chapter Board of Directors, and Association Board of Directors. This position may be combined with the Chapter Secretary position.
U.S. Chapter Treasurers Only: Apply for a Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) from Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and file a Form 990 or Form 990 E-Z annual tax return as stated in Article X Section 3 of the Chapter Bylaws.
All Chapter Treasurers shall maintain knowledge of and comply with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations of any government, governmental agency, regulatory organization, licensing agency, or professional association governing the members’ professional activities.
- Immediate Past President [ year term. Please insert the term: 2012 – 2013 or 2012 - 2014] (Minimum one (1) year term.)
The Immediate Past President of the Chapter shall perform all duties commonly incident to and vested in the office of Immediate Past President of the Chapter Board of Directors including, but not limited to, provide continuity and offer historical perspective from past leadership, serve as chair of the Chapter Nominating Committee and appoint committee members, (if the Chapter will have an Awards Committee add: “serve as chair of the Chapter Awards Committee”), and attend all Chapter Board and Chapter meetings. The Chapter Immediate Past President shall carry the duties of the Chapter President Elect if the position of Chapter President Elect is not filled. The Chapter Immediate Past President shall perform other duties delegated by Chapter President, Chapter Board of Directors, and Association Board of Directors.
Sec. 3Resignation. Any Chapter Officer may resign at any time by providing written notice to the Chapter President or Chapter Board of Directors and must provide a copy of the resignation to the Association. Such resignation shall take effect at the time specified therein or, if no time is specified, upon receipt by the Chapter President or the Chapter Board of Directors.
Sec. 4Dismissal. Officers have the obligation to assist with and attend meetings of the Executive Committee, Board of Directors, and membership. Officers may attend meetings in person or by phone. Officers may not miss more than two (2) meetings of the Executive Committee, Board of Directors or membership within the fiscal year unless approved by the Chapter President. Officers are obligated to fulfill duties and responsibilities as outlined in these bylaws and in the AICI Operations Manual. Officers not adhering to these obligations will receive a written warning from the Chapter President. If the Chapter President is not fulfilling his/her obligations, he/she will receive a written warning from the Chapter President Elect or Immediate Past President. Officers that do not adhere to the written warning will receive a written notification that he/she is no longer an Officer of the Chapter. Any Officer may be removed for violation of the Bylaws, Code of Ethics or non-performance of the duties of office.
Sec. 5Vacancies. In the case of the resignation or dismissal of an Officer, or if an Officer is unable to complete the term, any vacancy of office during the fiscal year shall be filled by appointment for the unexpired term by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.
Sec. 1Composition. The governing body shall be called the Chapter Board of Directors and shall consist of the elected Officers listed in Article IV Section 1 of these bylaws: President, President Elect and/or Immediate Past President, Secretary and Treasurer or Secretary/Treasurer. Optional positions include [choose from following positions: VP Membership, VP Programs (also known as VP Meeting & Events), VP Education, VP Communications and VP Marketing/PR. If this Chapter has any additional optional positions, they should be listed here.]. Duties and responsibilities of additional positions listed above coincide with the ChapterOperations Manual. All Directors shall serve without compensation. Directors shall not have any other obligations to the Chapter than giving their time and effort. There are no financial obligations to serve on the Chapter Board of Directors. Directors shall perform the duties as prescribed by these Bylaws. Each Director shall be a member in good standing. Each Director shall take office July 1.
Sec. 2 Authority and Responsibility. The Chapter Board of Directors shall set annual goals, maintain communication with members, determine priorities, set policies for theChapter, and direct the affairs of theChapter according to its purposes and Bylaws.
Sec. 3Resignation. Resignation shall follow as prescribed in Article IV Section 3 in the Chapter Bylaws.
Sec. 4Dismissal. Dismissal shall follow as prescribed in Article IV Section 4 in the Chapter Bylaws.
Sec. 5Vacancies. Vacancies shall follow as prescribed in Article IV Section 5 in the Chapter Bylaws. In the event of the vacancy of an optional position, the Chapter President shall be responsible for ensuring that each duty is fulfilled either through appointment or absorbing these duties.
Sec. 1Board of Directors Meetings. Regular meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held at least quarterly on such dates and at such times and places as the Chapter Board of Directors shall determine. Notice of regular meetings shall be in writing and sent via federal mail or electronic media, including email, to all board members on record at least fifteen (15) days prior to the meeting. Meeting agenda and minutes must be submitted to AICI Association Headquarters annually at the end of each fiscal year as prescribed in the Chapter Accord.
Sec. 2Special Meetings. Special meetings may be called by the Chapter Board of Directors or by the Association Board of Directors. Notice of special meetings shall be given to members at least fifteen (15) days prior to the meeting and shall be given as provided in Article VI Section 1 of the Chapter Bylaws.
Sec 3Quorum. A majority vote of the voting Chapter Board of Directors constitute a quorum.
Sec. 1Nominations. The Nomination Committee will present its slate of nominees to the Chapter membership at least thirty days (30) prior to the election.
Sec 2Elections. Elections of Chapter Officers and Chapter Board of Directors must be held by June 1.
Sec 3Voting. The election shall be by ballot. Members may vote by mail or in person. No less than one candidate per office shall be listed on the ballot. A blank line shall also be provided on the ballot under each office for the members to write-in candidates of their choice. Nominees shall be elected by a majority vote of the voting Associate Members. Student members and Affiliate members are not allowed to vote.
Sec. 4Term(s). The term(s) of office shall coincide with the fiscal year. Reporting of the new Chapter Officers and Board of Directors to AICI shall be by July 20.
Sec 5Resignation. Resignation shall follow as prescribed in ArticleIV Section 3.
Sec 6Vacancies. Vacancies shall follow as prescribed in Article IV Section 5 in the Chapter Bylaws.
Sec. 1Responsibilities. Standing committees (a committee that performs a specific function each year) may be appointed by the Chapter President and ad hoc committees (a committee that performs a specific function or purpose for a specified time and may or may not perform the function each year) may be appointed by the Chapter President and Chapter Board of Directors as required. Committees must implement the work of the Chapter, shall not proceed without the approval of the Chapter Board of Directors, shall operate within a budget determined in advance and may not exceed that amount without prior authorization from the Chapter Board of Directors. Committee assignments and budget allocations shall be in writing, and written reports that include funds expended must be submitted to the Treasurer for approval. The Chapter President is an ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee. Standing committee chairpersons shall be appointed by the President and ratified by the Board of Directors to serve one year terms.
Sec. 2Standing Committees. (Executive Committee and Nominating Committee are required standing committees. If Chapter has additional standing committees, they should be outlined after Article VIII Section 2 (C) of the Chapter Bylaws, and reviewed by the Association. Chapter Bylaw amendments coincide with Article XIII of the Chapter Bylaws. A standing committee is a committee that performs a specific function each year.)