Revised 8/24/2015

Association of College and Research Libraries

Board of Directors Meeting I

ALA Annual Conference

Saturday, June 27, 2015

1:30–5:30 p.m.

Hilton Union Square, Imperial B

Present: Karen A. Williams, Ann Campion Riley, Trevor A. Dawes, Douglas K. Lehman, Cynthia K. Steinhoff (virtual), John P. Culshaw, Julie Ann Garrison, Julia M. Gelfand, Irene M.H. Herold, Marilyn N. Ochoa, Susan Barnes Whyte, Mary Ellen K. Davis (ex-officio)

Not present: Loretta R. Parham, Kim Leeder Reed

Guests: Melissa Bowles-Terry, Karen Brown, Lynn S. Connaway, Carrie Donovan, Deb Gilchrist, Merinda Hensley, Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe, Alexia Hudson-Ward, Lori Ostapowicz-Critz, Claire Stewart, Shan Sutton

Staff: Margot Conahan, Mark Cummings, Kathryn Deiss, David Free, Sharon Mader, Kara Malenfant, Allison Payne, Mary Jane Petrowski

1.0 Call to order (Williams)

Williams called the meeting to order at 1:37 p.m.

2.0 Opening remarks/review of ground rules (Williams)

Williams welcomed attendees and guests. She advised that ACRL Budget & Finance Chair Cynthia Steinhoff is joining remotely, and for speakers to please use microphones. Williams referred the Board to the ground rules, and advised that the Board has switched from Sturgis Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure to Robert’s Rules of Order per the new ALA policy.

3.0 Adoption of the Agenda (Williams)

Williams asked the Board for agenda changes. She advised of the full schedule, and asked for everyone to be mindful of the agenda time limits and the ground rules.

Action: The Board approved the agenda as presented.

4.0 Consent Agenda (Williams)

4.1 Confirmation of virtual vote approving 2015 Spring Board Meeting minutes

Motion: That the ACRL Board of Directors approve the 2015 Spring Board Meeting Minutes.

4.2 Confirmation of virtual vote approving for ACRL the proposed revision of the ACRL Academic Library Trends and Statistics Survey.

Motion: That the ACRL Board of Directors approve ACRL not administering the ARL data collection survey in 2015 and approve using as the ACRL Academic Library Trends and Statistics survey instrument the current IPEDS Academic Libraries (AL) component augmented with key data elements from the 2012 NCES Academic Library Survey.

4.3 Confirmation of virtual vote C&RL Editor

Motion: That the ACRL Board of Directors approve the appointment of Wendi Arant Kaspar as Editor of College & Research Libraries for the term of July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016 as Editor Designate and, the term of July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2019 as Editor.

4.4 Approval of renewing Librarianship in For-Profit Educational Institutions Interest Group

Motion: That the ACRL Board of Directors renew the Librarianship in For-Profit Educational Institutions Interest Group.

4.5 Approval of renewing Image Resources Interest Group

Motion: That the ACRL Board of Directors renew ACRL Image Resources Interest Group for another three-year term.

4.6 Approval of renewing Universal Accessibility Interest Group

Motion: That the ACRL Board of Directors renew the Universal Accessibility Interest Group (UAIG) for an additional three (3) years.

4.7 Approval of dissolution of AASL/ACRL Interdivisional Committee on Information Literacy

Motion: That the ACRL Board of Directors Action dissolve the ACRL/AASL Interdivisional Committee on Information Literacy.

4.8 Approval of creating an Idaho ACRL Chapter

Motion: That the ACRL Board of Directors approve the creation of the Idaho ACRL Chapter.

4.9 Approval of renewing Residency Interest Group

Motion: That the ACRL Board of Directors approve the petition to renew RIG for another three-year term.

4.10 Approval of renewing Virtual World Interest Group

Motion: That the ACRL Board of Directors approve the renewal of the Virtual Worlds Interest Group.

4.11 Approval of revised name and charge for Information Literacy Standards Committee (ILSC)

Motion: That the ACRL Board of Directors approve revision of the name and charge of the Information Literacy Standards Committee.

Action: The Board approved the consent agenda as presented.

5.0 Intersections of Scholarly Communication and Information Literacy Task Force (Ogburn)

Williams welcomed Merinda Hensley, Student Learning and Information Literacy Committee Vice-Chair, to the Board meeting. Henlsey presented on behalf of Joyce L. Ogburn, Intersections of Scholarly Communication and Information Literacy (ISCIL) Task Force Chair. Hensley thanked the Board for the opportunity to discuss the task force with the Board, and referred the Board to documents 14.0 and 14.1.

Hensley advised that an informal group has been created with leadership from ISCIL, the Research and Scholarly Environment Committee (ReSEC), and the Student Learning and Information Literacy Committee (SLILC) to help carry out the task force’s charge, “To promote the use of the Intersections white paper to the ACRL membership by monitoring and responding to reactions to the white paper and use of the white paper, as well as proposing and delivering sustainable professional development opportunities building on the ideas and recommendations in the white paper.”

The task force has had many successful presentations, including three well attended ACRL e-Learning webcasts: Creating Strategic Collaborations – Starting the Conversations, Making the Connections, Taking Advantage of Opportunities (December 10, 2014); Designing Job Descriptions for New Roles: Integrating Scholarly Communication and Information Literacy into Library Liaison Job Descriptions; and Is Copyright the Third Rail in Information Literacy, or a Common Denominator? (February 18, 2015). Hensley presented with Joyce Ogburn, Stephanie Davis-Kahl, and Mary Ellen Davis at the CNI Spring 2014 Membership Meeting on “Enriching How We Create, Teach and Learn: The Intersections of Scholarly Communication and Information Literacy.” Ogburn and members of the task force held an ACRL 2015 conference program, “Enriching Teaching and Learning at the Intersections of Scholarly Communication and Information Literacy.” Hensley advised that a complete list of professional development opportunities will be included in the final report.

The task force is pleased with the large amount of interest they’ve received, and have enjoyed collaborating with ReSEC and SLILC. Hensley stated that she and ISCIL member Mel DeSart are looking forward to serving as members of ReSEC.

Henley stated that the task force would like direction on how to best communicate with members, and if the Board advises another webcast. She also requested for an extension on the final report, which is due at Annual Conference 2015.

The Board advised that the task force should communicate with members via C&RL News, ACRLog, and other official channels. The Board advised that they would like the final report to be submitted by September 1, 2015, so they can review the report in advance of their upcoming Strategic Planning and Orientation Session in late September. Hensley agreed that the new deadline will work for the task force.

Hensley asked the Board if there is potential for the task force to engage members with its work at Midwinter 2016.

The Board stated that there may be potential for a forum at Midwinter 2016 to present content and gather feedback. If the task force is interested in extending its timeline, a virtual vote could be submitted prior to Midwinter.

Williams thanked Hensley for the work of the task force and for her discussion with the Board.

6.0 Intersections Initiative (Donovan, Hensley, Stewart, Sutton, Ogburn)

Hensley next reported on the proposal to design professional development opportunities from the Intersections of Scholarly Communication & Information Literacy Task Force (ISCIL), the Research and Scholarly Environment Committee (ReSEC), and Student Learning and Information Literacy Committee (SLILC). The group would like to create a new professional development opportunity, as there has been large amount of interest in the white paper Intersections of Scholarly Communication and Information Literacy: Creating Strategic Collaborations for a Changing Academic Environment.

The proposed professional development opportunity would bring together scholarly communication and instruction librarians to address pedagogy, copyright issues, intellectual property rights, and engagement around educational resources.

Shan Sutton, ReSEC Vice-Chair, stated that the group would like to include in-person and virtual professional development opportunities, and details would be set by curriculum designers. Per the timeline, the group would like to select two curriculum designers, and have the in-person workshop implemented by Annual Conference 2016.

The Board asked for clarification on the type of library the professional development would target. Sutton advised that the group would like the designers to include different types of libraries if possible.

The proposed budget of $10,000 is funded by both goal-area committee contributing $5,000 of their allotted budgets. The Board inquired about the budget beyond the first year, and Sutton advised the committees could consider using their allocations in the future if needed.

The Board advised that the proposed professional development opportunity could use the same copyright model as the ACRL Scholarly Communication Road Shows and Information Literacy Immersion Programs, which allows curriculum designers to own copyright of their work, with the agreement to license curriculum materials to ACRL for delivery and an agreement to not independently offer the curriculum outside of ACRL.

Motion: That the ACRL Board of Directors discuss the attached proposal and approve the creation of a new ACRL professional development opportunity about the intersections of scholarly communication & information literacy, with the agreement that curriculum developers would license curriculum materials to ACRL for delivery and to not independently offer the curriculum outside of ACRL.

Action: The Board approved the motion to create a new professional development opportunity, with the agreement that curriculum developers would license curriculum materials to ACRL for delivery and to not independently offer the curriculum outside of ACRL.

7.0 Goal-area Committee Updates (Williams)

7.1 Research and Scholarly Environment Committee

Williams welcomed Claire Stewart, Research and Scholarly Environment Committee (ReSEC) Chair, and Shaun Sutton, ReSEC Vice-Chair, to the Board meeting. Stewart thanked the Board for the opportunity to discuss the committee’s progress on advancing the Plan for Excellence. The committee is looking forward to their meeting tomorrow at the Annual Conference. Stewart advised that the committee may create a proposal to rework the Scholarly Communication Toolkit pending the outcome of their meeting.

Stewart stated that one of ReSEC’s challenges has been covering a large number of projects by a small committee. She asked the Board if ReSEC should continue to oversee data management projects. The Board advised that they will discuss this, and follow-up with ReSEC after conference. The Board stated that if needed new members could be appointed to help with the workload.

Stewart thanked the Board and staff, and that she is excited to see the work of the incoming committee.

Williams thanked Stewart and Sutton, and reminded Sutton that incoming goal-area committee leaders will be invited to join the Board at their upcoming Strategic Planning and Orientation Session in the fall.

8.0 Officers’ Reports

8.1 President’s Report (Williams) #1.1

8.2 Vice-President’s Report (Riley) #1.2

8.3 Past-President’s Report (Dawes) #1.3

8.4 Councilor’s Report (Lehman) #1.4

8.5 Executive Director’s Plan for Excellence Activities Report (Davis) #1.5, #1.6

Williams, Riley, Dawes and Lehman referred the Board to their reports, and asked for questions or comments.

Lehman advised that the ALA Council will be considering four resolutions at their upcoming meeting on Sunday. Prior to their Board meeting, the Board supported virtually the “Sustainability Roundtable & Resolution on the Importance of Sustainable Libraries.” Lehman will express the Board’s support of the resolution at Council.

Other resolutions council will also consider include a Resolution Denouncing the Systemic Racism that Motivated the South Carolina Shootings, Resolution on Libraries and Schools Affected by the Conflict in Gaza and Israel in 2014, and Resolution Against Mass Surveillance of the American People.

Dawes, co-chair of the ALA Task Force on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion, updated the Board on the task force’s activities. The task force met Saturday morning at conference. During their meeting, the task force agreed to support in principle the banning of gun violence in libraries and public places. The task force also discussed the Resolution Denouncing the Systemic Racism that Motivated the South Carolina Shootings.

Davis referred the Board to her reports, documents 1.5 and 1.6, and added that in accordance with ACRL policy the Presidents had approved ACRL support of the joint Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition (SPARC) and Confederation of Open Access Repositories (COAR) “Statement against Elsevier’s sharing policy” on open access.

13.0 Choice New Initiatives (Cummings)

Cummings updated the Board on the new Choice initiatives that the Board approved at the Midwinter Meeting 2015. The tablet edition of Choice is now available, which will be offered to subscribers as a one-year trial. Next year, Choice will be working on the revision of Choice Reviews Online and the implementation of a database review service. Cummings also reported that Choice and ACRL staff attended a mid-April branding meeting in Chicago.

Choice is currently implementing ways to expand their services to community colleges. Choice has identified that over a third of its current content is applicable to community colleges, and has worked to highlight this content for subscribers.

Cummings reported that the Choice OER Review Service Task Force has been established, and is working on a proposal for the Board.

The Board thanked Cummings for his discussion and work on the new initiatives. The Board looks forward to learning more about the progress of Choice during future meetings.

14.0 Plans for ACRL Board SPOS (Riley)

Riley began the Strategic Planning and Orientation Session (SPOS) planning discussion by confirming that the Board and goal-area committee chairs will be reviewing the ACRL Plan for Excellence, which was effective July 2011. Riley looks forward to using the Plan for Excellence feedback from Leadership Council, and advised the Paul Meyer will be returning to facilitate the discussion at SPOS.

Davis added that ACRL also will have the full report from the membership survey to share during SPOS.

The Board expressed overall support for discussing the revision of the Plan for Excellence and the membership survey at SPOS.

9.0 Goal-Area Committee Updates: Value of Academic Libraries Committee (Williams)

Williams welcomed Value of Academic Libraries Committee (VAL) chair, Lynn Silipigni Connaway. Connaway stated that the committee is looking into research agendas, a correlation study, and working with the Assessment in Action program.

VAL will be giving the Update on Value of Academic Libraries Initiative forum on Sunday at Annual Conference. Speakers will include Jennifer Fabbi, Carole Huston, who will present on “Information Literacy as a Core Competency: WASC Senior College and University Commission (SCUC) Accreditation Case Study.”